Questions Tagged
How to show the short date m/d in the week and month view
Answered: You can define the date format using TimeHeaders: And you can also customize the time header HTML using BeforeTimeHeaderRender: http://doc.daypilot...
How to highlight entire selected month of Navigator
Answered: You can set the mode using SelectMode property:
DayPilot:DayPilotScheduler bug?
Answered: You need to modify the event handler as follows:
protected void DayPilotScheduler1_BeforeResHeaderRender(object sender, BeforeResHeaderRenderEventArgs e)
DataItemWrapper task = e.DataItem;
Text Margin for Time
Answered: This property (EventTextLeftIndent) is only used when CssOnly is set to false. The position of the time text is fixed and can't be changed. The solution would be to switch to CssOnly = true and add t...
Scheduler - Highlight Resource Start/End Dates
Answered: Can you please try to update to the latest DayPilot Pro version? In 7.9 SP5 and prior releases there was a bug that ignored custom cell properties in all but the first row. See also here - see "[Sche...
IE 8 + 11 Problem: No Events
Answered: It looks like the problem is the timeline. As far as I can see the time header doesn't include any cells. You can check whether this is a display-only issue by checking dps.itline array in the consol...
Different Colours for events in Scheduler
Answered: Something like this works in c#: protected override void OnBeforeEventRender(BeforeEventRenderArgs e) { if (Boolean.Parse(e.Tag["CheckedIn"])) e.BackgroundColor = "#9FF59F"; if (Boolean.Parse(e.Tag["...
Right clicking context menu on mobile devices
Answered: Please take a look at this tutorial, it shows how to configure the touch behavior (you need to set it on the Calendar control, not the menu control):
2013 Demo gets an error
Answered: It's fixed in the latest release (7.9 SP3): The medium trust level setting is now removed from web.config: <trust level="Medium"/>
Current time in Scheduler
Answered: I solved this with Seperators ( dp.separators = [{color: "Green", width: 2, location: new DayPilot.Date()}]; dp.update(); setInterval(function () {
Resource Header Click
Answered: After further tests, I found that there is no problem with the Resource Header Click if I use Google Chrome instead of IE8 as the browser. So, it seems that ResourceHeaderClick event is not supported...
How to change border end of each day?
Hi, We are using DayPilot in once of our Web applications. What we need is in the scheduler view change the right or left border of each cell at the end or start of the day. So that users can clearly...
Javascript Scheduler Rows Auto Height
Answered: Unfortunately, it's not possible to stretch the row height automatically because it's based on the event box height and the number of overlapping events. However, it's possible to use heightSpec = "M...
Last cell has no right border.
Answered: It's now fixed in the latest sandbox build (7.9.1384): An official SP release will be available early next week.
Error in chrome with DayPilot (Input string was not in a correct format. Screen Shot Attached.)
Answered: This error may happen if the Chrome zoom is not set to 100%. Chrome has started to report the scroll position as a decimal number in one of its recent releases. It's fixed now in the latest DayPilot ...
Display Hours as header or (Hours and Days)
Hi, I currently have a scheduler for a sight, but I'm having a hard time as to how can I show Time per day(24hours) as well as days in a week both in X axis. >daypilotplanner.aspx This is my current ...
End Date Incorrect - Too Long When Selecting, Too Short When Rendering
Answered: Since v7.9 ( there is an option to treat the end date as date only: At this mo...
How can i clear the content of daypilot scheduler version 7.9
Answered: This issue seems to be related to the timeline only. You can see this exception if the timeline is empty, i.e. when Days is set to 0 or if you hide all columns (
Prevent moving between resources
Answered: You should set .moveVDisabled property of the event to true: You can do it directly in event data object or using onBeforeEventRender event handl...
Message-Bar not disappearing completely
Answered: Daniel, I confirm the bug. It's fixed now in build 7.9.1312: It can be tested in the JS console:
dp.message("one"); setTimeout(function() {dp.message("two");...
post value send
Answered: You can pass a custom object as the third parameter but it will be sent in the body serialized to a JSON string:
DayPilot.request(url, successCallback, postObject);
If you need to send custom pos...
CommandCallBack on Mac/iPad
Answered: Adding the following config part under <system.web> element will solve the problem. <browserCaps> <filter> <case match="AppleWebKit/600"> EcmaScriptVersion=1.5 supportsCallback=true </case> </filter>...
Daypilot calendar recurring events support "every x monday of the month" ?
Answered: Unfortunately such rules are not supported by RecurrenceRule class at the moment. The only solution is to pass the occurrences expanded in the datasource.
How to see the whole Event text, for an event with a short duration
Answered: Are you using the Calendar or the Scheduler? There are several options: 1. Increase CellWidth (Scheduler)/CellHeight (Calendar). In the Scheduler, you can also increase EventHeight. 2. Add a Bubble t...
Answered: The HeightSpec = BusinessHoursNoScroll is not available in the MVC Lite version at the moment. Most likely, it will be added in the next release.
scalehours in 30 minutes
Answered: In the Scheduler, you can use the following to get 30-minute time slots:
dp.scale = "CellDuration";
dp.cellDuration = 30;
See also: http://doc.daypilot.o...
Ability to add images on the events
Answered: You can customize the event HTML using onBeforeEventRender event: Scheduler Calendar Month...
When Adding Event, Resource Is Null
Answered: I assume you create the columns manually in view #1 (ViewType="Resources"). You probably specify the resource for each of these columns. That's why it's available in TimeRangeSelected. In view #2 the...
Keep scroll bars always visible
Answered: The solution would be to let the scheduler fill the window/viewport so you can always reach the horizontal scrollbar at the bottom (without using the browser vertical scrollbar). Use heightSpec="Pare...
How to delete Resource from scheduler
I have tried to delete a resource by having a menu item on Resource menu and using callback to update the database and rebinding the data. I am also using update() method inside SchedulerBeforeResRen...