Active Questions
Show total hours in Timesheet
Answered: You might be able to display it in the upper-left corner (that's the only free space):
Remove argument in the onScroll event for dynamic loading doesn't do anything.
When using the dynamic loading feature I am loading events by their associated resource. I want to add and remove events depending on what resource is visible. When attempting to remove, I was passin...
How to add button in daypilot scheduler
Answered: Please see the following tutorial - it shows how to add a button to the row header using active areas:
Hide bubble on outside click of calendar (Angular 6)
I'm showing bubble on click of event and I set hideAfter property to '0'. It works pretty well, but the bubble popover do not hide if I click outside of daypilot calendar. Any help is appreciated.
Using cellDuration with business hours
Answered: The cells defined using cellDuration (or other scale types as well) will always start at 00:00 and the start won't be affected by the businessBeginsHour property. In fact, businessBeginsHour works be...
Preventing move after answering cancel in the modal dialog
Answered: My colleague found a way:
if (data.masterbook > 0) {
args.async = true;
// Moving booking series should be handled differently
const { Modal } =...
DayPilotScheduler and BeforeEventRender
Answered: This is correct, just make sure that BeforeEventRenderEventArgs is imported from the correct namespace (DayPilot.Web.Ui.Events.Scheduler). You can also specify it explicitly:
protected void DayPilo...
Linked events assigned on one resource overlapping
Answered: Hi Vane, Unfortunately there is no built-in way to do this using a simple switch. There are couple of options that may help, depending on your scenario: 1. You can define custom sort order for overla...
Scheduler Event - Before the current date
Answered: Yes, you can mark the cells in the past as disabled:
Regarding the "Demo" text
Answered: Yes, this is a trial version. The trial period is 60 days. If you want to use it after the trial period you need to purchase a license:
How to display event's text while moving the event?
Answered: You can set the inner HTML of the target position indicator using onEventMoving event handler - just set args.html as needed:
How can I make item not draggable
Answered: Never mind, solved it with the following:
for (let i = 0; i < this.bookings.length; i++) {
const drag = document.getElementById(`clipboardBooking${i}`);
if (drag) ...
Add a new panel to be able to drop events to
Answered: Yes, it's been in the queue for some time already. Before it's implemented, the following approach might work: Instead of dragging the whole event, you can insert a custom element into the event that...
Week Calendar. How to have events of arbitrary length
Answered: In the Lite (open-source) version this is not supported but in the Pro version you can set the behavior using useEventBoxes property. Please see more here:
Can anybody explain me how to show bubble in daypilot calendar Angular 6+
Answered: Please see the answer here:
DayPilot.Modal.alert Theme is not working
Answered: Have you tried the attached project? It seems to work fine. You may want to check that the CSS import works correctly and that you are using the latest DayPilot.Modal version from https://code.daypil...
EventClickHandling with JavaScript
Answered: I solved the Problem. The script was saved in the cache, so I just had to delete it. Now it works fine.
Add popover on click of event on schedule calendar (JS / Angular 2+)
Answered: Please see the following tutorial that explains how to display a bubble with custom content (defined as static HTML, dynamic HTML loaded from the server, and as an Angular component): https://code.da...
How to export excel from Scheduler
Answered: Unfortunately, export to Excel is not supported at the moment.
Event Links show bubbleHTML on hoverOver on arrow part
Answered: Unfortunately, the bubble for event links is not implemented at the moment.