Questions Tagged
How to change colour for different days for the column events?
Answered: In the current release (4.1), you will have to use e.InnerHTML in BeforeEventRender event handler to insert a div with a custom background color specified. The next release will fix apply the color s...
How to change the column text header name?
Answered: There is no built-in mechanism for customizing the column header in the Lite version. You will have to modify the source code.
var modal = new DayPilot.Modal(); JavaScript runtime error: Object doesn't support this action
Answered: Please check that the modal.js script is included properly. You can download it here: Also, make sure that it is initialized using the new keyword:
adding additional attributes to a resource ?
Hi! I want to add f.a. "resourcetype" to a resource. And then, i want to read this attribute when the user drop an event, f.a. in the method "onEventMove". Is this possible? THANKS!!! Daniel
Problem with starting on the first day of the week
Answered: I added the day of the week to the method and it worked: dp.scrollTo(new DayPilot.Date().firstDayOfWeek(1));
External Drag and Drop
Hello, when I set below setting DayPilotScheduler1.ViewType = DayPilot.Web.Ui.Enums.Scheduler.ViewTypeEnum.Days and Drag even over daypilot scheduler giving "TypeError: this.rows[e.part.dayIndex] is ...
Having issue for daypilot calendar to display database values based on the date and time from database
Answered: The START_DATE and END_DATE fields are correct but why do you store time separately in START_TIME and END_TIME? The type of START_DATE is "datetime" and it will allow you to store both date and time ...
Changing start date of event
Answered: Changes of the key properties (id, start, end, resource, text) doesn't have an immediate effect because it would cause problems if you modified events that are already visible in the calendar/schedul...
Show html bubble on event click in Scheduler
Answered: Using DayPilot Pro 7.7.787 and later (see the sandbox at you can do this:
dp.onEventClicked = function(args) {
new DayPilot.Bubble().showHtml("...
Strange behavior of DayPilot.Locale datePattern
Answered: Please try version 7.7.759 from the sandbox: "ddd" pattern string is not implemented in prior versions.
Deleting event
Answered: Yes, there is no built-in onEventDelete event. You can call and then notify the server:;
$.post("delete", { e: }, function() {
asyncpostbacktrigger with daypilot navigator
Answered: The navigator fires two events: 1. TimeRangeSelected when you click a date 2. VisibleRangeChanged when you click "next" or "previous" links at the top You need to set TimeRangeSelectedHandling to "Po...
Display custom string in time headers
Answered: You can customize the header HTML using onBeforeTimeHeaderRender event handler:
dp.onBeforeTimeHeaderRender = function(args) {
if (args.header.level === 1) {
args.header.html = args.header....
Daypilot lite 4.1 is free
Answered: Yes, you can download it here:
How to change the code to display varchar and date type data instead of two datetime type for the daypilot calendar?
Answered: If you want to customize the text that is displayed in the event box you should use the BeforeEventRender event.
protected void DayPilotCalendar1_BeforeEventRender(object sender, BeforeEventRenderE...
Day Pilot Event Bubble Bug When using Odbc datatables
hi i am using an sql table for my event data with additional data tags and populating an event Bubble on hover with Protected Sub EventBubble1_RenderEventBubble(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Day...
How can I get the Scheduler to show that my event is longer than displayed in the current view?
Answered: This is not yet supported but I'm adding it to the wishlist.
Change Navigator Week When Event Clicked in Month
Answered: You can change the navigator date using .select(date) method: You can call it from the EventClickJavaScript handler:
@Html.DayPilotMonth("dpm", ne...
day pilot displaying all three calendar?????
when ever i m clicking on toolbar command event is not firing and when page is open all three calendar that is daycalendar,weekcalendar and monthcalendar are visible????? y is it so ny help???
Text/Description for a seperator
Hey Dan! Can you add a Text to a seperator to descripe it? You could add a bubble for a short time when you do a mouseover over the seperator. Or show the text on the upper of the seperator. thanks d...
item duplicates
Answered: Please make sure that your resources have unique IDs and that the correct resource ID is specified for the event (see DataResourceField property). The event will be displayed in all rows where the re...
All Day Event with Calendar Week View and WeekStart with Monday
Answered: This issue is fixed now in 7.7. SP2 release: You can download the new version here:
Problem with localization
Answered: Alex, You need to register it using DayPilot.Locale.register() method:
The .register() method must be invoked on DayPilot.Locale object directly (not on an ins...
Event is displayed twice (Dynamic Loading)
Answered: This bug is fixed now in build 7.7.781. Please see the sandbox:
timeHeader Bubble in the scheduler?
Hi, i want to use a Bubble onmouseover on the timeHeader, f.a. on the day. howto? thanks
Ability to extract only the necessary modules to include in a web app
Hi, We are considering using DayPilot Pro for Javascript in our web application. The only concern we have is that it is too big (478 kB minified) and there are modules that we don't need such as Gant...
Fix the upper Resource?
Answered: This would be a nice feature but it's not quite easy to implement it... I'm adding it to the wishlist.
Zooming in JS-Version?
Answered: The zooming implementation in the ASP.NET demo ( is quite simple: It overrides the default time header cell text using BeforeTimeHeaderRender event...
Is it possible to get information of selected timerange while selecting?
Answered: This feature is in the works. I will be available in 1-2 weeks.
Capture global mousedown/up event
I need to capture any mousedown and mouseup event fired on the scheduler. I've tried just adding an eventlistener to the entire dps container like this: $("#dps")[0].addEventListener("mousedown", fun...