Questions Tagged
Javascript Date To Daypilot Date Conversion
Answered: The constructor has a second parameter which lets you specify whether to use the GMT base or local representation of Date object. This call will use the local representation:
var local = new DayPil...
can we change the color of gantt chart progress-bar?
can we change the color of gantt chart progress-bar? I uploaded one image file for the help on gantt-chart Please revert back asap thanks
How to change the time range showing in left hand side of the DayPilot Event Calender
Answered: @Html.DayPilotCalendar("days_resources", new DayPilotCalendarConfig { BusinessBeginsHour = 9, BusinessEndsHour= 17, } you need to add bussiness begins and ends hour in your helper html tag
Scheduling on Weekdays only.
Answered: You can hide weekends using ShowNonBusiness="true": You can also hide selected time columns using IncludeCell event handler: https://doc....
Change order of Resources (like drag and drop)
Answered: Yes, it is available. Please take a look at the following demo:
DayPilotMont - GetEventMap Error
Answered: Thanks for reporting the issue. It's now fixed in the latest sandbox build (8.4.3620):
Mouse click on the cell not exactly
Answered: i found the reason why, because parent tag has a style with value: "margin-top: 50", change to: "padding-top:50" and it worked perfect ^_^
Scheduler MVC - Hiding rows without events
Answered: The isEmpty() method of DayPilot.Row is available since client core version 2759. It's now available in the sandbox version of DayPilot Pro for ASP.NET MVC: The late...
Resource bubble is not supported yet
Answered: This should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (8.4.5883): Thanks for reporting the issue.
Javascript breaks when hover scroll bar
Hello, I am using DayPilot.Web.MVC version 8.3.5880.1 and daypilot-all.min.js version 2937. When I hover the scheduler scroll bar, on the bottom of the scheduler, I get this error message: "Unhandled...
DayPilot Scheduler (JavaScript) with SQL Server backend
Hi everyone, Is it possible to use the Scheduler (JavaScript) with a SQL Server database? I see in the tutorials that MySQL & SQLite can be used with PHP backend. I'd like to implement the DPS using ...
Menu: menu is not defined
Answered: 1. The "contextMenu" property specifies a context menu for events. It's activated when you right-click an event (the default eventRightClickHandling value is set to "ContextMenu"). You can also map i...
loadEvents(); wanted to call every 10 sec
Answered: Thanks for the update. There is also a built-in AutoRefresh feature that is a bit smarter (it doesn't fire if a drag and drop operation is in progress):
Highlighting Today
Answered: Yes, you were correct I was using Version 7.9.5741.1, now that I changed to 8.3.5862.1 is working properly. Thanks.
Disabled Rows
Answered: The best way would be to use TimeRangeSelectingJavaScript to provide a custom event handler that forbids the selection for the given rows. Something like this:
@Html.DayPilotScheduler("dps", new Da...
onTimeRangeSelected: giving 3 value start/end/resource
Answered: The original data object is accessible as "data" property of the row object. You can get the row object (DayPilot.Row class) using .rows.find():
var row = dp.rows.find(args.resource);
var rm_cat =...
Add or remove doctors
Answered: Management of doctors is not implemented in this tutorial. The doctor data is stored in the database, in a table called "doctor":
how to create simple modal, can i have snippet please
Answered: You can display custom HTML using DayPilot.Modal.showHtml():
var modal = new DayPilot.Modal();
// ...
Answered: This tutorial required DayPilot Pro (the commercial version). It looks like you are using DayPilot Lite (the open-source version) which doesn't support all the features (e.g. SetScrollX() method).
How to show Active Areas in Angular4
Answered: You might be defining onBeforeEventRender handler too late in the component lifecycle (after it is rendered). Try adding it to the config object (see also the Angular 4 Calendar tutorial at https://c...
Export Calendar Month with different event colors
Answered: The event colors should be already fixed in the latest sandbox version (since build 2936): The TypeScript definitions [missing exportAs()] will be updated sho...
Changing HeaderDateFormat in Calendar has no affect on output
I have been experimenting with the DayPilot lite version 1.5.434.0, and I have been unable to change the way the dates are rendered. I would like to have the day name displayed, but currently it only...
One Event with multiple resources but same EventId
Answered: You need to supply one item in the datasource for each of the rows. Typically, you'll be storing the resources assignment (event-resource link) as a separate DB record anyway. I recommend using the a...
How do I specify Landscape for Print?
Answered: I did a couple of tests but unfortunately the only browser that lets you specify orientation when printing is Chrome. The only reliable way is to create a PDF file and insert the exported image. See ...
Event Resize in vertical and horizontal direction in Scheduler
how can i resize event in both direction horizontal and vertical ? it is just allow me to resize event in vertical direction but not in horizontal direction . can you please help me ?
Drag&Drop of events which cross the border of visible period
Hi! Here is an issue with events which cross the border of the beginning of the visible period. Every event is bound to the start date. But in this case the start date isn't even displayed. So we can...
How to highlight area on Scheduler when clicked on an event
Hi everybody, There is few time I have started to use Daypilot for JS. But now I have a problem that not seems to be in "Demo" section. My goal is to highlight some area when an Event is selected. Fo...
Month problem
What if our project has many tasks throughout a couple of months. How can I show the diff tasks on the same chart although they're on different months?
Scroll down a specific Event on filter
Hi, How can i scroll down to a specific event when i apply filter? . when i apply filter event filtered but i have to scroll down to find specific event . is there any way to go on specific event dir...
How to highlight the busy days in angular2
Answered: <daypilot navigator [config]="navigatorConfig" [events]="events" [(date)]="calendarConfig.startDate"></daypilot-navigator> here [events]="events" is list of events which is used in calendar so same c...