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how to use suport

Answered: You can ask your question here in the forum: Or you can contact support directly:

Android tap on event triggering time range selected in month Daypilot.Month view

IOS works fine however taping on an existing event in the Daypilot Month view using an android devices is also causing the onTimeRangeSelected to be fired shortly afterwards.

box.html in Gantt Task not displayed of a GroupTask

Setting the box.html is not displayed. See following in documentation box.html (if not specified, complete percentage is used for tasks, empty string for groups and milestone) Setting box.htmlLeft ha...

Error with attribut "cellgroupby" And "scale"

Answered: It looks like you are using the Lite (open-source) version that doesn't support these features. See also the "Availability" table at the bottom of the documentation pages:

Somebody please prevent this error

Answered: 1. If you want to use this event handler to customize the Navigator cells you need to add the method to the code behind: protected void DayPilotNavigator1_OnBeforeCellRender(object sender, Befo...

Enable saturday and sunday on ShowNonBusiness=false

Answered: The latest build (8.3.3548) introduces BusinessWeekends property which you can use to set the behavior (the default value is false): <DayPilot:DayPilotScheduler ... BusinessWeekends="true" ...

Prevent drag event

Answered: > Is there a javascript function (or postback event) that I can use for this feature? EventMoving event ( is a good way to implement it....

Prevent dragStart from removing list item

Answered: Oh, found another answer that seems to have answered this. The first parameter needs to be null, not that last parameter as indicated in the above link. onmousedown='return DayPilotCalendar.dragStart...

How to change cell color on current row

Answered: You can modify the cells on the fly using the cells API, e.g. dp.rows.find("A").cells.all().html("A"); You can also add/remove CSS classes using .addClass() and removeClass(). See also: https://a...

problem with overlaps in Server.

Answered: The Scheduler supports client-side overlap detection ( This helps with real-time UI feedback but it's also necessary to implement server-side va...

Row Filter

Answered: Since build 2535 you can call dp.rows.filter("filter"); before .init() to apply the filter. You can get the latest build in the sandbox: Let me know if it ...

How do I disable TimeRangeSelection for a particular date (Ex sunday)

How do I disable TimeRangeSelection for a particular date (Ex sunday) Can i select particular time slots rather than all time slots? Is there any way I can call the daypiloyt modal window from a MVC ...

RowHeaderColumn change after EventResize

Answered: By default, events are not stored anywhere so you need to reload them (use DataSource and DataBind just like in Page_Load): Public Sub dpCalendar_EventResize(sender As Object, e As DayPilot.Web.Ui....

New Version Release For Paid Versions

Answered: Richard, You can download it in the customer area:

External Drag and Drop Event

How to check if user drop event out of scheduler for cancel. Because I want to remove css class form resource. Thank you so much.

Updating Navigator's SelectMode from codebehind

Answered: At this moment the SelectMode has to be changed on the client side: nav.selectMode = "month"; nav.update(); Another option is to place the DayPilotNavigator control inside an UpdatePanel.

Show "event" only as changed background color

Answered: If you want to set a color of the grid cells you can use OnBeforeEventRender event handler: Generating a special type of event with a custom col...

How do you delete an event?

Answered: The Lite edition doesn't support the built-in "delete" icon like the Pro version: The best way would probably be to add a "Delete" button to the moda...

Asp Net MVC5

Answered: It's a propery of the Task class. You can set the value like this: Tasks = new TaskCollection(); Task task = new Task("Task 1", "1", DateTime.Today, DateTime.Today.AddDays(5)); task.Complete = ...

Using multiple values in DataTextField

Answered: If you need to display data from multiple fields you can use BeforeEvenRender event handler to customize the event HTML:

Change row color when event drag

Answered: You can highlight the original row using onEventMoving event handler. In the ASP.NET MVC you can set this event handler using EventMovingJavaScript property:

DayPilot Scheduler is slow in IE (only in IE)

Hi, Hope you could help me. We are using Scheduler v8 (Pro) and got an issue that it's really slow in IE (10, 11, Edge). Everything is fine in Chrome and Firefox, though. I've tried to disable nearly...

Multiple grouping per row (Sheduler)

Hello, we would like to buy your pro edition, but we would need another feature for the Scheduler, Is there a way to group multiple events inside a group? I found the "Concurrent Event Groups" (https...

add one more TextField

Answered: If you want to customize the event text using multiple fields of the data source you can use BeforeEventRender event handler:

start hour in calendar display

Answered: You can using DayBeginsHour and DayEndsHour properties to control the start and end hour:

DayPilot.Scheduler.onIncludeTimeCell doesn't render custom scale correctly

Answered: The onIncludeTimeCell event handler acts as a filter - it's applied after the timeline is generated. You can also generate the timeline manually using scale: "Manual" mode. This will give you better ...

DayPilot Pro for ASP.NET Core

Answered: DayPilot Pro for ASP.NET Core is in the works, please stay tuned!

Pro License concerned

Answered: The "DEMO" label indicates that you are using the trial version of DayPilot Pro. If you want to use the Pro version you'll need to buy a license. The trial period is limited to 60 days.

timeRangeSelectingStartEnd - end day minus 1

Dear All! When I select, let's say, Nov. 10.-15 these 5 days are highlighted. But the bubbles (or however you call it - I can format them via timeRangeSelectingStartEndFormat) shows on the right of m...

HTML5 Tennis Court Reservation for webforms

I am looking court booking and came across day-pilot Tennis court booking code sample Could you please tell me if you sam...
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