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Switcher for two kind of calendars

I'd like to have one navigator for two kind of calendars. One (day/week/month) shows paid events and second (day/week/month) shows not paid events. I have this code: <script type="text/javascript"> v...

Duratin bar in the DaypilotMonth

Answered: Please see the answer here:

Dynamically change DataTextField by buttons in Calendar

Hey. Is there any way to dynamically change the DataTextField source by clicking button? For example I'd like to have two buttons: 1. Person Count 2. Event "Owner" and dynamically change the DataText...

How to check external drag item leave the scheduler?

Hi, I need some help about the event to check external drag item move out the scheduler area. How to check it? Thank you.

Week Numbers - Using Financial year

Hi, I would like my week numbers on the navigator to start from the 1st April, the financial year and not the 1st January Is this possible?

Copying a week

Hi, I am using the DayPilot Calendar for employee shift scheduling. I would like to create a "Master Rota" which would just be one week with fixed shifts on it. When they then create their main weekl...

Scheduler for MVC 5 demo

Answered: The download package includes binaries for MVC3, MVC4 and MVC5. The demo that is included is configured to run with MVC4. You can switch the demo to work with MVC5 (updating the references and

How should the DPS be configured to display events up to 15 minutes in a cell?

Answered: I assume you want to prevent the Scheduler from aligning the events with the grid cells - in that case take a look at UseEventBoxes property: ...

TimeRange moving down and down

Answered: Ah you're right, have no idea who changed it, but on 100% it is fine, sorry for problem.


Answered: EventMoveJavaScript supports the following variables: e (DayPilot.Event object) newStart (DayPilot.Date object) newEnd (DayPilot.Date object) ctrl (boolean) shift (boolean) The Scheduler and Calendar...

Day/Week Event Calendar All Day Events with Exchange Web Services

Answered: You can use IsAllDayEvent property: DataAllDayField = "IsAllDayEvent" See also:

angular2-scheduler-spring-frontend npm start

Answered: Unfortunately I can't see the attachment. However, you may need to install Angular CLI globally first: npm install -g angular-cli The tutorial is built using Angular CLI version 1.0.0-beta.19-3. ...

Restrict resizing or moving event which goes to previous day

Answered: Update: "dp" is the DayPilot.Scheduler object. This is a complete Scheduler component example: import {Component, ViewChild} from '@angular/core'; import {DayPilot} from "daypilot-pro-angular"; ...

Scheduler navigation with JQuery Datepicker.

Hi, I have some issue with navigation with JQuery Datepicker. I have already test on local computer it's OK (has 7 days). But when I publish the project to azure the scheduler has 8 day. Not sure thi...

Call function in blade view laravel

Hello, there i using this js with laravel, how to call the function (e.g. loadResource-load event) in blade view? and how to call data from database? Thanks

reloading events on scheduler from server after initialization

I'm using a demo version of the scheduler pro for angularjs and am pulling in angulerjs v 1.3.8. I'm having difficulty re-loading the scheduler with events after the control has been initialized. Eve...

Displaying total hours when adding or editing shifts in daypilot scheduler control

Answered: The following tutorial (for AngularJS 1.x) shows how to display total time occupied by events in each row: You can use the ...

'CalendarController.Dpm.OnInit(InitArgs)': no suitable method found to override

Answered: It looks like you are missing the following import: using DayPilot.Web.Mvc.Events.Month; You can also add the full namespace to the header: protected override void OnInit(DayPilot.Web.Mvc.Event...

How to block (and show) a complete day

Answered: If I understand it correctly you are asking for something slightly different than the original question: Konrad would ...

How to swap the calendar btween days left and right

Answered: Unfortunately, using the swipe gesture to change the calendar view is not supported at the moment.

DataItem not available if ResourceCollection is filled manually

Answered: This change is now implemented in the latest DayPilot Pro for ASP.NET MVC build (8.3.5851). You can download it in the sandbox: Any object passed using Resource.DataI...

Schedule doesn't update when use navigation

Answered: Sorry I'm got it. must be change the "Scale = TimeScale.Manual" to "Scale = TimeScale.Day"

How to get Date from Navigator using JavaScript and copy to textbox

Answered: 1. You can get the current selection using the following properties: * nav.selectionDay - the exact day that was clicked * nav.selectionStart - start of the selection * nav.selectionEnd - end of the ...

Scheduler Half-Hour Border Color

Answered: The easiest way would probably be to insert custom separators at the specified time points:

Combining events with the same name

Due to the recordset I am dealing with, I always have records with the same event next to each other. I can't explain it very well, but I do have an image of what I have and what I am trying to achie...

Get current cell in Context Menu

Answered: There is an internal JavaScript API that you can use (assuming ClientObjectName="dp"): Current mouse cursor position as date/time (DayPilot.Date object): var date = dp.getDate(dp.coords.x, true); ...

Event Text Color on Export

Answered: On the client side, you should be able to change the font color using args.fontColor: dp.onBeforeEventRender = function(args) { args.fontColor = "red"; }; See also:

When setting timezone to australia/sydney event in day calendar shows 30 mins late

i use moment js to arrange time my calendar config: $scope.calendarConfig = { startDate: moment().utcOffset(11).format('YYYY-MM-DD') } in my database there is different field for time and date so i u...

Custom weekend days

Answered: The onBeforeCellRender applies the properties (business/non-business) to grid cells. The business status can be set for each cell separately and it's possible that cells in the same column will not h...

JavaScript Source from Pro Purchase

Answered: The JavaScript files in in the ASP.NET WebForms are not licensed for standalone usage - they can only be used within the DLL as embedded resources. If you prefer using the JavaScript version you can ...
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