Questions Tagged
Ctrl+Shift Keys
Answered: Workaround done. Problem fixed. Handling the onEventRightClick Event. if (args.originalEvent.ctrlKey==true) { args.preventDefault(); }
Does HourHalfBorderColor still works in new Calendar version ?
Answered: This property is obsolete now when CssOnly="false" mode is not supported anymore. However, you can achieve this effect using CSS. The border is defined using a cell class. The default style ("calenda...
Time in event title
Answered: The current version doesn't add the time automatically but you can enable it using ShowEventStartEnd property:
Disable Room booking for Past Dates
How can i Disable New reservation pop up opening for Past Dates?
Display partials or some part of (current) document
Answered: It's possible to display custom HTML using .showHtml() method. You can get the inner HTML of a certain element using innerHTML:
var html = document.getElementById("someContentDiv").innerHTML;
new ...
Cannot read property 'exp' of undefined
Answered: As far as I can tell there is no "exp" property in DayPilot. It looks like it's related to watching changes of an object that you reference using "config" or "events" attributes. The slowdown is also...
How-To: Remove debugging (Scheduler)
Answered: This was a temporary issue of the sandbox build. The latest sandbox build doesn't print it anymore (8.2.2396):
Printing / Exporting scheduler with HTML in the events
Answered: At this moment the export doesn't support HTML. There are onBefore*Export events that let you supply alternative text:
How-To: Create an event when... (Scheduler)
Answered: It's possible to add an extra margin to the bottom (or top) of the row:
dp.rowMarginBottom = 5;
All cards hiding when collapse one swimlane
Answered: This bug is fixed in the sandbox build already: The fix will also be included in the next official release.
Scheduler event diseapear after resize/move
Answered: Older versions of DayPilot stored event data in ViewState by default. Newer versions use StoreEventsInViewState property to control the behavior. By default it is set to "false". You can enable the o...
How to Expand/Collapse all nodes on resource tree in a single click?
Answered: Yes, you can use rows.expandAll() method:
See also:
How-To: Alter Duration Over Date Range (Scheduler)
Answered: It's possible to highlight the busy hours inside an event using custom active areas. Example that highlights 9am - 5pm (on workdays) inside an event:
dp.onBeforeEventRender = function(args) {
How-To: Alter Working Hours (Scheduler)
Answered: Yes, you can do it using businessBeginsHour and businessEndsHour properties. See also:
Search for value
Answered: There is an API to find events using the event id:
var id = "123";
var e =;
Then you will be able to focus it using scrolling methods:
Event Tooltip does not display using Lite version 5.0.308
Browser is Firefox and IE Documentation says it is supposed to work using the Lite version. Is there another property that needs to be set?
daypilot calendar day is not matching date
Answered: Hi Haider, Can you please give it a try with the latest DayPilot Pro version (8.2 SP1)?
Export functions don't work with images as resources
Hi, im using the MVC Scheduler with resources as images in the first column. If i try to export any view from the scheduler, the images are not showed in the JPEG, PNG or somethings else. (see upload...
Angular 2 Troubleshooting
Answered: Ok well my fault so here was the issue: I add that line I mentioned to the angular-cli.json Which is what I have done for every other 3rd party control in this project. I took that line out to stay i...
Event overlap true. Set maximum events per day
Hi! I would like to have multiple events in one day. I set eventoverlap to true. (hotel reservation system) But I would like to set limit per day. Is there anything like this? I think, I saw it somew...
Push updated data to other connected clients
Answered: In ASP.NET MVC, the best way is to use SignalR to notify the client about the changes. You could possibly also send the actual changes using SignalR but it seems to be easier to just send a "refresh ...
After import csv, cant see events in calendar
Hi I am using hotel reservation system. After importing values into table reservations -> LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'test.csv' INTO TABLE temp CHARACTER SET utf16le FIELDS TERMINATED BY ';\0' LINES TERM...
Kanban: onBeforeCellRender in AngularJS
Answered: This happens because event handlers specified using on-* attributes automatically wrap the code in an $appy() block - to make the behavior consistent with the standard AngularJS behavior. This isn't ...
Kanban: Active Column in AngularJS
Answered: There was a bug - the Kanban control made some direct changes to the column.areas array during an update which triggered another update... It should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (8.2.2375...
A custom modal popup form closes periodically - how can this be overcome with other DayPilot controls?
Answered: Dave, It looks like the LinkButton might reload the page. Adding the OnClientClick event handler doesn't prevent the default action (PostBack). Can you try adding "return false;" to the event handler...
DayPilotScheduler- Same Event Heights?
Answered: You can control the event overlap using EventStackingLineHeight property: You can use a value from 0 to 100 (percent). 100 is the defaul...
Unable to hide non business hours
Answered: In the Calendar control this functionality is not controlled by "showNonBusiness" but using heightSpec property. In fact, there are two options: 1. Use heightSpec: "BusinessHoursNoScroll" https://doc...
Month name
Answered: In the ASP.NET version, it uses the current locale to format the dates. In the demo, the locale is set to "en-us" in web.config:
<compilation ...
Daypilot Modal window issue
Hello there I am using Daypilot Modal extender to show the popup screen when I click an event. I use bootstrap validation to validate my controls in my pop up window, so when I click submit button I ...
show days/month on top when scrolling down
Answered: Yes, this is possible - see the HeightSpec options (especially HeightSpec = "Fixed", "Parent100Pct" and "Max" values):