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Questions Tagged mvc

Switcher for two kind of calendars

I'd like to have one navigator for two kind of calendars. One (day/week/month) shows paid events and second (day/week/month) shows not paid events. I have this code: <script type="text/javascript"> v...

Dynamically change DataTextField by buttons in Calendar

Hey. Is there any way to dynamically change the DataTextField source by clicking button? For example I'd like to have two buttons: 1. Person Count 2. Event "Owner" and dynamically change the DataText...

How to check external drag item leave the scheduler?

Hi, I need some help about the event to check external drag item move out the scheduler area. How to check it? Thank you.

Scheduler for MVC 5 demo

Answered: The download package includes binaries for MVC3, MVC4 and MVC5. The demo that is included is configured to run with MVC4. You can switch the demo to work with MVC5 (updating the references and

TimeRange moving down and down

Answered: Ah you're right, have no idea who changed it, but on 100% it is fine, sorry for problem.


Answered: EventMoveJavaScript supports the following variables: e (DayPilot.Event object) newStart (DayPilot.Date object) newEnd (DayPilot.Date object) ctrl (boolean) shift (boolean) The Scheduler and Calendar...

Scheduler navigation with JQuery Datepicker.

Hi, I have some issue with navigation with JQuery Datepicker. I have already test on local computer it's OK (has 7 days). But when I publish the project to azure the scheduler has 8 day. Not sure thi...

'CalendarController.Dpm.OnInit(InitArgs)': no suitable method found to override

Answered: It looks like you are missing the following import: using DayPilot.Web.Mvc.Events.Month; You can also add the full namespace to the header: protected override void OnInit(DayPilot.Web.Mvc.Event...

How to swap the calendar btween days left and right

Answered: Unfortunately, using the swipe gesture to change the calendar view is not supported at the moment.

DataItem not available if ResourceCollection is filled manually

Answered: This change is now implemented in the latest DayPilot Pro for ASP.NET MVC build (8.3.5851). You can download it in the sandbox: Any object passed using Resource.DataI...

Schedule doesn't update when use navigation

Answered: Sorry I'm got it. must be change the "Scale = TimeScale.Manual" to "Scale = TimeScale.Day"

Prevent dragStart from removing list item

Answered: Oh, found another answer that seems to have answered this. The first parameter needs to be null, not that last parameter as indicated in the above link. onmousedown='return DayPilotCalendar.dragStart...

How to change cell color on current row

Answered: You can modify the cells on the fly using the cells API, e.g. dp.rows.find("A").cells.all().html("A"); You can also add/remove CSS classes using .addClass() and removeClass(). See also: https://a...

How do I disable TimeRangeSelection for a particular date (Ex sunday)

How do I disable TimeRangeSelection for a particular date (Ex sunday) Can i select particular time slots rather than all time slots? Is there any way I can call the daypiloyt modal window from a MVC ...

External Drag and Drop Event

How to check if user drop event out of scheduler for cancel. Because I want to remove css class form resource. Thank you so much.

Show "event" only as changed background color

Answered: If you want to set a color of the grid cells you can use OnBeforeEventRender event handler: Generating a special type of event with a custom col...

How do you delete an event?

Answered: The Lite edition doesn't support the built-in "delete" icon like the Pro version: The best way would probably be to add a "Delete" button to the moda...

Asp Net MVC5

Answered: It's a propery of the Task class. You can set the value like this: Tasks = new TaskCollection(); Task task = new Task("Task 1", "1", DateTime.Today, DateTime.Today.AddDays(5)); task.Complete = ...

Change row color when event drag

Answered: You can highlight the original row using onEventMoving event handler. In the ASP.NET MVC you can set this event handler using EventMovingJavaScript property:

DayPilot Scheduler is slow in IE (only in IE)

Hi, Hope you could help me. We are using Scheduler v8 (Pro) and got an issue that it's really slow in IE (10, 11, Edge). Everything is fine in Chrome and Firefox, though. I've tried to disable nearly...

DayPilot Pro for ASP.NET Core

Answered: DayPilot Pro for ASP.NET Core is in the works, please stay tuned!

MVC Popup Window - Stop closing when clicking out of window

Answered: With the latest version of DayPilot.Modal (2.6) you can use the following code: modal.onClose = function(args) { if (args.backgroundClick) { args.preventDefault(); } }; See also: http...

DayPilot Calender not synchronization with different timezones.

in my application using Day Pilot calendar for client bookings and maintaining provide dairy appointments, when appointment created saving selected data and time from Day pilot calendar, when loading...

Any solution to this error?

Answered: You'll need to switch to the latest DayPilot Pro version - it doesn't use the AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers attribute anymore.

Most of the code in Controller shows error

Answered: The attached sample project includes a working application - you can check the source code of the controll in TutorialCS/App_Code/Controller/SchedulerController.cs. It's now also added to the tutoria...

Adjusting the Scheduler Grid height according to screen size

Answered: It's possible to set the height to 100% of the parent element using HeightSpec = Parent100Pct option: Just set the parent element position using CSS...

Display partials or some part of (current) document

Answered: It's possible to display custom HTML using .showHtml() method. You can get the inner HTML of a certain element using innerHTML: var html = document.getElementById("someContentDiv").innerHTML; new ...

Export functions don't work with images as resources

Hi, im using the MVC Scheduler with resources as images in the first column. If i try to export any view from the scheduler, the images are not showed in the JPEG, PNG or somethings else. (see upload...

Push updated data to other connected clients

Answered: In ASP.NET MVC, the best way is to use SignalR to notify the client about the changes. You could possibly also send the actual changes using SignalR but it seems to be easier to just send a "refresh ...

DayPilotScheduler- Same Event Heights?

Answered: You can control the event overlap using EventStackingLineHeight property: You can use a value from 0 to 100 (percent). 100 is the defaul...
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