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Questions Tagged bug

Click Event/Active Areas not working properly with touch screens

Answered: On touch devices, the active areas with visibility: "Hover" won't be displayed as there is no hover event. In some edge cases, the mobile browsers will fire mousemove event which is used to detect th...

rowsfrozen last row disappear

Answered: This issue should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2020.3.4603): Let me know if the problem persists.

Version 2020.3.4594 daypilot-core.d.ts loadingText is a number

Answered: Hi Ruud, Thanks for reporting the issue - it's fixed now in the latest sandbox build and it will be included in the next release:

Edit appointment screen not showing all fields

Answered: It looks like there is a problem with SQL on line 51 (appointment_edit.php) which works in SQLite but not in MySQL: foreach ($db->query('SELECT * FROM [doctor] ORDER BY [doctor_name]') as $item) { ...

form modal doesn't open

Answered: This seems to work fine: var form = [ {name: "Move From", id: "fromDate", dateFormat: "MMMM d, yyyy"}, {name: "Move To", id: "toDate", dateFormat: "MMMM d, yyyy"} ]; DayPilot.Modal.form(f...

exportAs printing method throws an error

Answered: I do not see any error with the latest release so I recommend giving it a try. Please let me know if the problem persists.

Angular 9 upgrade : can not install module with my API key

Answered: Can you please contact and include your order number?

Infinite scrolling only works after browser refresh(F5) with version 2020.2.4516

Answered: Version 4516 with the following config it seems to work fine: config: DayPilot.SchedulerConfig = { infiniteScrollingEnabled: true, infiniteScrollingMargin: 20, infiniteScrollingSte...

unexpected scroll on init | incorrect onScroll behavior |infinity scroll loop

Answered: You must not assign the events attribute in onScroll. This causes the change detection mechanism to refresh the Scheduler and fire another onScroll event. See also a related question (it's for Angula...

eventEndSpec and onBeforeCellRender

Answered: This issue is fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2020.2.4519):

Problem when launch daypilot

Answered: Can you please contact Please include your order number.

Time header active areas don't work

Answered: This issue should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2020.2.3744):

Time range context menu is opened when time range is selected and clicking on event

Answered: Can you please give it a try using the latest DayPilot Pro version (2020.2.4470)?

Problem with an org.daypilot.json.JSONException:

Answered: It looks like you are reading the input stream before passing it to process(). In that case, it's necessary to reset the position in the stream to 0. Something like this might also happen if you try ...

Not having startDate and days filled in in the config doesn't cause the gantt to show every task

Answered: The parent tasks can either use fixed start/end values or values calculated from the children (which is the default mode). You can switch the mode using "taskGroupMode" property: https://api.daypilot...

Arrow issue

Answered: This is by design. In the Scheduler, the left edge uses "w-resize" cursor and the right edge uses "e-resize" cursor. If you don't like the appearance you can replace the built-in resize margins by ac...

DayPilot Calendar. Delete event icon is not show even on demo site.

Answered: This problem should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2020.2.3741):

Angular Scheduler: resources and events rows get desynchronized with scrollIntoView

Answered: Unfortunately, it's not possible to scroll the page using the row header this way. If you really have to do it, you'll need to use an element from the main grid (e.g. a cell). This will keep both pan...

Angular Scheduler: no window vertical scroll on resource header when heightSpec=Auto

Answered: This issue should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2020.1.4311): Please let me know if it doesn't work as expected.

Angular Scheduler: Slow Scrolling on Resource Headers with Firefox

Answered: This issue should be fixed in version 2020.1.4249: Please let me know if the problem persists.

DayPilot Scheduler Event Moving Shadow Issue

Answered: For the record: The problem was a combination of snapToGrid: true and useEventBoxes:"Never", cellDuration: 1440 and events that start at 12:00 (noon). The events snap to the grid with this config - t...

Scheduler erroring when trying to reload it

Answered: Please take a look at this question: If you are storing event data in the ViewState (StoreEventsI...

Scheduler Zoom in IE11

Answered: Hi Jeff, This should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2020.1.4281): See also: Please let me know if the prob...

Grid lines not shown at first load

Answered: Can you please give it a try using the latest DayPilot Pro version? The vertical and horizontal grid lines are rendered at the same time as the grid cells and it's very unlikely they wouldn't get ren...

Crosshair=header : highlight don't disapear anymore when moving in columns header

Answered: This issue is now fixed and the fix will be included in the next ASP.NET version release which will be available in about 14 days.

Disabled Cells don't work in Chrome

Answered: This issue should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2020.1.4295):

Vue.js: divShadow is undefined

Answered: > I installed the newest version und the error is gone, but we have instead a new one: "f.divHover is undefined" Like with divShadow we didn't change anything. The Scheduler object is initialized and...

crosshair and shifted timelines

Answered: Hi Simon, This should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2020.1.4271): Let me know if the problem persists.

DayPilot in lit-element (Web Components)

Answered: Yes, that fixes it. When is the next release planed? After having worked with many different companies offering similar services I have to say: extraordinary work! Thanks a lot!

Overwriting an event backColor seems to remove capability to change selected color

Answered: You can do this by adding the following CSS: .scheduler_default_selected { background-color: black; } .scheduler_default_selected .scheduler_default_event_inner { opacity: 0.7; } It als...
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