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Changing message duration depending on the message "type"

Answered: Yes, this is possible. You can specify the delay using the "options" parameter of the message() method: dp.message("Welcome!", {delay: 5000}); See also:

Problems between Infinite Scrolling and Switcher over Scheduler Calendar

Answered: The Switcher is only necessary if you want to manage different components, e.g. DayPilot.Calendar for the week view and DayPilot.Month for the Month view. If you are using two different configuration...

Input string is not in the correct format error on Samsung Galaxy Note device

We have a web application that uses DayPilot to display a 1, 3 or 7 day view with the hours along the side. In this view there will be calls that the user can click on to take them to another page. T...

Idea needed - what control to use to display lots of events?

Answered: The monthly calendar includes a special "cell stacking mode" that lets you set a fixed day cell height and stack all events inside. A vertical scrollbar will be added if necessary: https://doc.daypil...

Is a "clear" required when calling again makeDraggable of items?

Answered: The makeDraggable() method adds special event handlers (mousedown, touchstart) to the target DOM element but it doesn't link it to the Scheduler component. It's not necessary to clean the elements ex...

Can I drag and drop from DayPilotMonth to Navigator?

Answered: Unfortunately, dragging events to the Navigator component is not supported.

how can i get the calendar to show an specific date?

Answered: i solved this in an easier way than i expected. I just discovered i can use thymeleaf in the javascript so i send the model of an event to the view and i get it done like this. <script th:inline="jav...

Disable Link Creation per event

Is there a way to disable link creation per event? I would like something like the way move, resize, etc... can be disabled now on js side. ie: = true. The best would be if ev...

Row Sort Event/Property for scheduler

Answered: Since build 2020.1.4264, it's possible to read the current sort criteria using DayPilot.Scheduler.rows.sortParam property (read-only):

Scheduler Scrollbar position

Answered: The scrollbar used by the Scheduler is the native browser scrollbar which is always displayed at the bottom. In order to make the scrollbar visible, make sure that you are using heightSpec="Parent100...

adding columns

Answered: If you mean the row header columns you can change them using "rowHeaderColumns" property. In React, you can use rowHeaderColumns attribute of the <DayPilotScheduler> tag. See also: https://doc.daypil...

Export to PDF Week row problem

Answered: I have found the solution. It is to set DayPilotScheduler.CellWidthSpec = Enums.Scheduler.CellWidthSpec.Fixed Then all levels in timeheader is showed correct.

Multiple Events in single Cell in one Line for Scheduler

Answered: Please take a look at this option: Let me know if this is not what you are looking for.

Multirange selecting in react disapears when you set the state of the component

In react when you change a component state it will refresh the render. Normally you pass the state to the childcomponents but I can't find the correct method to do so for multi time range selecting. ...

Scheduler drag and scroll

Answered: On the desktop, this is not supported. You need to use the scrollbar or custom scrolling controls (implemented using scrollTo() - On touch devi...

Vertical scroll

Answered: Yes, please see the options here:

Set Text in Resource 2nd Columns

How we can set description/text on resource's second column on a button click. I understand on onBeforeResHeaderRender event, I can set description on second column but need to set dynamically. Below...

Scheduler Timeheader Date text 90 degree rotation

Answered: You can rotate the text using CSS:

Angular show() not working

Answered: In order to access the component using "this" you need to use the arrow function notation: reSizeScheduler = () => {; } See also: https://www.typescriptlan...

ivy - SchedulerModule angular 8

Answered: Hi Chris, Ivy + AOT is now supported in Angular 8 and Angular 9 (since build 2020.1.4238). Please let me know if there is any problem.

Vue.js: export and download scheduler as svg

Answered: If you follow this tutorial: you will be able to access the DayPilot.Scheduler object as "this.scheduler". ...

Why daypilot lines are not aligned?

Answered: This is most likely caused by CSS interference. I recommend turning off all global CSS to verify that. The most common problems include global "padding", "border" or "box-sizing" styles. If the probl...

Upload file on creating new event

Answered: You can see that the form submission is intercepted and sent using a special $.post() request: $("#f").submit(function () { var f = $("#f"); $.post(f.attr("action"), f.serialize(), functi...

Scheduler durationbarvisible false not auto adjust event height

Answered: The durationBarVisible property doesn't affect the event height - you can test it by running dp.update({durationBarVisible:false}); in the browser console at

Does this app have a feature to view a calendar showing all days of a month?

Answered: There is a monthly calendar component ( but it's not available in the open-source Java version (DayPilot Lite for Java). However, it's included in the JavaScript open-...

Scheduler Bubble not showing after event add

Answered: If you add the event on the client side using events.add() the server-side BeforeEventRender won't be fired. That might be required for the bubble HTML to be set. You need to add the event using a ca...

Send the list of all the created events to the controller.

Answered: Submitting changes using a form is not a supported scenario. However, you can use the built-in queue to submit all changes at once using a CallBack. When creating, updating or deleting the event usin...

performance index

Answered: You should take a look at the hints provided by the audit tool. The audit breakdown has much higher value than the index itself. You will see what affects the performance of your page and can evaluat...

how can align the even box position from top, right, left and bottom?

Answered: It looks like you are using global CSS that interferes with the calendar CSS. Try disabling it temporarily and then enable it section by section to see what affects the positioning. It will be someth...

Scheduler endDate property

Answered: You can calculate the number of days between two days like this: var days = new DayPilot.Duration("2020-01-01", "2020-01-05").days(); See also: ht...
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