Questions Tagged
CheckboxList inside UpdatePanel and DP 8.1 SP1 or higher
Answered: Hi Dan, yup, disabling the client init event fixed the checkbox list! When will the next service pack be released so I can use the newest build? The sandbox is only available as trial right? Thanks o...
Calling Javascript Functions from Code File(.aspx.cs)
Answered: If you want to execute custom JavaScript after the server-side CallBack you can use AfterRenderJavaScript. This property specifies the JavaScript that will be executed after every update (i.e. during...
Popup don't go away after Create
Answered: You can find a working example of the "new event" modal dialog in the following tutorial: The calendar is configured to display the modal d...
Display Modal Box on Event Resize
How to display Modal Box when we resizing the event? When I applying Javascript to EventResizeHandling and calling a function OnEventResize, then its showing errors. And I want to show the updated va...
Modal Box on Event Resize
Answered: You can do it like this:
EventResizeJavaScript="new DayPilot.Modal({onClosed:function(args){ if (a...
Null Reference Exception on scheduler CallBack
Answered: Which version of DayPilot do you use? One of the recent sandbox builds had a bug which had symptoms like this. It is fixed in the latest release (8.1.5819): Le...
Response.Redirect in Context Menu in .NET 4.5
Answered: There are two options: 1. Use JavaScript to redirect it on the client side:
<DayPilot:MenuItem Text="Open" Action="JavaScript" JavaScript="document.location.href='Detail.aspx?id=' +" ></DayP...
Backend ActionResult 'Events' not running?
Answered: If you open developer tools in Chrome (Ctrl-Shift-I) and reload the page you will see all AJAX requests in the Network tab. You should be able to check: 1. If the request has been made 2. What is the...
Change Calendar Data based on Dropdown
Answered: In ASP.NET MVC you can request a server-side refresh using Command event handler. 1. Store the filter (the selected user) in the clientState property and invoke the Command event handler:
var selec...
Event Move / Resize Refresh Slow
Answered: You can switch to "Notify" event handling to make it faster. If you use EventResizeHandling = CallBack the sequence is as follows: 1. The user finishes resizing. 2. The calendar/scheduler sends a req...
Example of storing recurring events as separate records.. please
Answered: Recurrence can get very, very complex. Don't expect any easy solution here. Just a lot of work. You can follow these steps: 1. store the original event with the rule in a special DB field 2. generate...
Create event in Scheduler (javascript)
Answered: Take a look at this tutorial: It shows how to use the modal dialog to add events to the Scheduler.
How do I delete the event from the database?
Answered: You need to call the server using an AJAX call, like this:
<div id="dp"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var dp = new DayPilot.Calendar("dp");
dp.eventDeleteHandling = "Update";
DaypilotMonth event color change
Answered: You can set custom event background color using BeforeEventRender event handler:
Differences between same data in IE8 and IE11/Firefox Nightly ?
Answered: I know that it's not what you want to hear but Microsoft stopped supporting IE 8 in January and so did we. I don't recall any similar problem but you can try using the latest DayPilot Pro version (8....
Recurring events ..
Answered: Dave, You can store the recurring events as separate records, no problem. In fact, this is the only solution that scales. The built-in recurrence support lets you start with recurring event relativel...
Does recurring events support "every third monday of the month"?
Answered: Unfortunately, this rule is not supported using the built-in recurrence mechanism at this moment.
Cannot implicitly convert type 'string' to 'DayPilot.Web.Mvc.Events.Gantt.RowClickHandlingType'
Answered: There is now a new guide on row selecting available in the documentation: The latest sandbox build (8.1.5816) fixes a few related issues (such as the miss...
Display Popup with custom text in "header" of DayPilot Control
Answered: You can assign just one default bubble for each of the object types (BubbleEvent, BubbleCell, BubbleResource). You can also invoke the bubble manually using JavaScript like this: DayPilotBubble contr...
0x800a1391 - JavaScript runtime error: 'DayPilot' is undefined
Answered: The tutorial text was missing the client-side script reference:
<script src="@Url.Content("~/Scripts/DayPilot/daypilot-all.min.js")" type="text/javascript"></script>
In the sample project (http:/...
TimeHeader fontSize
Answered: Since build 8.1.3485 you can apply custom CSS class to individual time header cells (e.g. depending on the time header level) using BeforeTimeHeaderRender event. You can download the latest build in ...
jscript runtime error: '' is null or not an object error
Answered: This means the client-side object has lost the reference to the DOM placeholder. This happens if you try to use a control that has been disposed by calling .dispose() on the client side. Let me know ...
Gantt: Property task.DataItem null after RowSelect
Answered: The DataItem works only when you call .DataBind() on the Gantt control during a request. This reloads the tasks from the data source and saves the source object as e.DataItem. If you don't call DataB...
New row is creating automatically
If I am creating a new appointment, then the day daypilot scheduler is creating a new row automatically as shown in the attached image. But it is not occuring in every time. Is it a bug? How to fix i...
angular ctrlAs
Answered: The latest sandbox version (8.2.2038) now fully supports controllerAs syntax:
<div ng-app="main" ng-controller="SchedulerCtrl as ctrl" >
Context menu and icon
Answered: Yes, you can specify the icon using "Image" attribute of <MenuItem> tag:
<daypilot:daypilotmenu id="DayPilotMenu1" runat="server" CssClassPrefix="menu_default" ShowMenuTitle="true">
Scheduler never returns from Callback when after third event is selected.
Answered: This usually means there is a JavaScript error that prevents the callback from completing. 1. You should be able to the details of the error it in the JavaScript console. 2. Sometimes, the client-sid...
My webpage gets laggy after a few hours when using Daypilot(trial) scheduler
Answered: Most likely it is an increasing memory consumption that is slowing the page down. A few hints: 1. Make sure that you have DayPilot Pro version 8.1.1969 or later (
Events in a same cell
Answered: You can do this using UseEventBoxes=Never option: Just note that this is not DayPilot Lite, but DayPilot Pro. I'm removing the "lite" tag.