Questions Tagged
Element is not a known element
Answered: There are two requirements for the IntelliSense to work: 1. The DayPilot.dll must be referenced and reachable. 2. The "DayPilot" prefix must be registered - either in the page header or in web.config...
Left Click Context Menu
Answered: You can open a context menu using javascript like this:;
In the ASP.NET WebForms version, set EventClickHandling="JavaScript" and EventClickJavaScript="". This assumes yo...
Multiple Lines in Calendar Event Item
Answered: Yes, just modify the e.Html property in OnBeforeEventRender as needed. See also:
How to remove red line between 2 shadow of Day Pilot Calender
Answered: This is a current time indicator. You can turn it off using ShowCurrentTime property:
Answered: Sorry for the delay! This turned out to be a bug of the .update() method. It should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (8.1.1981): Let me know if there i...
How to set color of milestone and group bar in gantt
Answered: Shapes of these elements are created using CSS so you can't control the color using a simple property in BeforeTaskRender - they can only be modified using CSS. You can use BeforeTaskRender to add a ...
Change of UI format for the creation and maintenance of recurring events
Answered: Yes, you can modify the event appearance and behavior using BeforeEventRender event handler: The recurring events will have e.Recurrent property...
"DayPilot for javascript" headerLevels How to Set
Hi. I have been using daypilot-1895. When you set the following value to the property layout was collapsed. $dp.headerLevels = 2; $dp.headerHeight = 16; $dp.allDayEventHeight = 10; $dp.headerHeightAu...
IE10 problem with the new property "modal.loadingHtml"
Answered: It should be fixed now in v2.4:
Managing displaying meetings categories
Answered: You can customize the events using BeforeEventRender event handler: You can use it to set custom event color, HTML, CSS and other properties depe...
autoRefresh setup for AngularJS
Answered: Your configuration is fine - there was a problem in DayPilot. In Angular, the Scheduler initialization mechanism is slightly different and the autorefresh didn't start automatically. It's fixed now i...
I am using the JavaScript version of the Calendar (187-lite). dp.viewType = "week"; dp.eventDeleteHandling = "Update"; dp.dayBeginsHour = 7; dp.businessBeginsHour = 7; dp.businessEndsHour = 22; dp.da...
Hide resources name column in scheduler?
Answered: You can use rowHeaderColumns:
dp.rowHeaderColumns = [];
See also
Multiple lines/rows in
Answered: For overriding the event HTML, use the .html property. In order to add a line break, use "<br/>": = [
start: "2015-12-01",
end: "2015-12-05",
text: "Event 1",
deleteDisabled for Scheduler not working
Hello, I found in the Javascript DayPilot events documentation that there is a property deleteDisabled. I set it to true and it's not working and I'm still able to delete the event. I have already us...
Change the color of the events
hi! am using the DayPilot on external drag and drop, and my question is: as change the events color, Through a context menu option if the opcion is 1 the color be green, if opcion is 2 this be red i ...
Showing a 'loading..' animation or text in modal window
Answered: See the new version 2.3 of DayPilot.Modal: It lets you specify the HTML that will be displayed in the modal window before the target URL loads.
One Event with multiple resources
Answered: You need to create a special entry for each of the event x resource combination. You can use "joint events" feature to link them together so they will be moved and resized together: http://javascript...
How to block (and show) a complete day
Answered: Unfortunately it is not possible to draw a single rectangle over multiple cells at the moment. Another option might be to use onBeforeCellRender to use a different color for forbidden cells + use onE...
Set a future date in scheduler
Answered: Solved it by using this.dp.StartDate = new DayPilot.Date(selectedDate)
Image/PDF Export for ASP.NET MVC
Answered: The next MVC version (8.2) will include client-side PNG export support. You can create the PDF on the client side using jsPDF ( It will let you insert the exported PNG ...
Is it possible to add calendar and Time inside an edit event popup
Answered: DayPilot includes a DatePicker control which you can link to a Label or TextBox control.
After upgrading DLL version from (5.8.1956.0) to (8.1.3460.1), Events are not working
Answered: In the latest version, "start" and "end" variables hold a DayPilot.Date object. You can get the the value as a string in ISO 8601 format by calling .toString():
var LunchDate = start.toString();
how to resolve when a range time display too many events ?
Answered: I assume you mean the Calendar control: You can play with the event arrangement mode settigs to see if it helps with the visibility of a lot of overlapping events: h...
Disable parent resources from showing child events
Answered: The parent resources don't display events that belong to the child resources. However, a resource will display events that belong to another resource if: the resource ID is the same the resource ID i...
DayPilot Scheduler is not working on deployment
I downloaded demo copy of the Daypilot Scheduler But it's not working on deployed things.
DayPilot Scheduler Inline Event Editing is it possible tab key to next cell focus ?
I am fetching a problem with DayPilot Scheduler.In DayPilot Scheduler Inline Event Editing I want to go next cell by pressing tab key.
Bubbles with dates on scheduler have static locale.
Answered: This is a bug, indeed - it should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (8.1.1931): These indicators are disabled by default - you can enable them using .ti...
Problem to load events from list of self defined objects instead of EF6 object
Answered: It might be necessary to define the object items as properties rather than simple fields:
public class DayPilotEvent
public string SysId { get; set; }
public DateTime AssignedDate { get;...