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Resize column widths on the fly

Answered: I've created a simple demo that uses your approach (<input type="range">): Implementation: <div class="note">Cell Width: <input type=...

Content menu show on empty cell

How can we show context menu on empty cell click

Refresh Daypilot not working correctly

Answered: I believe removing AutoPostBack="true" will fix your problem. If you have both AutoPostBack="true" and OnCheckedChanged="CBAct_CheckedChanged" set the following happens on the checkbox change: 1. The...

MemoryStream error when exporting to PNG several items

Answered: It looks like it is not the number of resources or the timeline length that is causing the problem. It is the absolute image size. I did a few tests. I've added the image export button to the followi...

How to show Navigator in Horizontal Orientation

Hello, I am using Javascript to create Navigator. In this file I want to display 12 months Navigator in a page with 4 months in 3 rows. Can anyone please let me know how can I do it in lite version o...

Monthly Calendar Monthname title with Navigator

Answered: The problem is that you are manually calling onTimeRangeSelected without any parameter. Take a look at the source of this page: This is the be...

Background Color for a Particular Event.

Answered: You would be better off switching to the JavaScript version of DayPilot Lite. As this is a pure client-side solution (without the server bindings) it takes just one place to change the behavior. The ...

Problems with Exporting as png file - Please help.

Answered: The problem should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (8.1.3468): The exception will not appear anymore. The behavior is as follows: 1. If the auto cell width m...

How to modify source code to set event color in lite version

Answered: Guidance on how to modify the Lite source code to add specific features is beyond the scope of the support that we provide for the open-source version. If you want to save time inspecting and modifyi...

Gantt not rendering when deployed to IIS

Answered: There is no limitation built into the demo that would prevent deploying it on IIS. The rendered code (ASP.NET WebForms) should have three parts: 1. The empty div with id set to the ID of the control....

DayPilot Month Calendar

Answered: If you are using the DayPilot modal dialog: 1. You need to secure the "edit" page itself - this is required because DayPilot settings can be circumvented (they are client-side only). 2. Depending on ...

Navigator in Day Pilot Lite Version

Answered: Sorry - it is but it doesn't have any server-side part. The JavaScript source can be found in Demo/Scripts/DayPilot/src folder.

DayPilot Month Calendar

Answered: If the modal gets hidden by another part of the page (that uses position:relative or position:absolute) you can increase the z-index value using .zIndex property of the DayPilot.Modal object. See als...

Event Filtering on Calendar

We have been using DayPilot for quite a while now and have been offering our clients the ability to filter events based on the location and other criteria for that event. That works great except when...

Action on event click before mouse released

Answered: If the problem is that "nothing happens" i.e. the user gets no visual feedback you can use a different approach: Instead of definining moveDisabled:true on the event set a special custom property wit...

Gantt Control, Tasks same row

Answered: The Gantt control is designed to display one task per row. 1. There is an option to display different task "versions" for the same row. However, they are read-only and they will stacked vertically in...

Re-enabling selected event

Answered: You need to call after modifying the event properties. Something like this should work: dp.contextMenu = new DayPilot.Menu({items: [ {text: "Enable moving", onclick: function(...

JavaScript Scheduler Control

Answered: No, at this moment it's only available in the ASP.NET WebForms version.

Problem clearing events in Angular

Answered: A few notes: 1. When performing the operations on the events you can either modify the model or use the direct methods. The difference is that the direct methods call $apply to notify Angular about t...

Cell background set in BeforeCellRender but not show for whole scheduler

Answered: Are you using the latest DayPilot version? Something like this can happen: 1) if the Scheduler height is detected incorrectly (this may happen if the parent element is hidden during the Scheduler ini...

Day Pilot Navigator cannot move to next month when scheduler in next month

Answered: I confirm the bug. It should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (8.1.3461): Let me know if there is any problem.

DayPilot Lite Not able to modify source code

Answered: You are using an incorrect daypilot-all.min.js file. The daypilot-all.min.js client-side library you are using (1478) is taken from the Pro version (not open-source). You must use the client-side lib...

Source code for day pilot lite version

Answered: It's included in the download package (.zip) in the Source folder:

Delete icon in Monthly Calendar

Answered: I can see the delete icon on this demo page (IE, FF, Chrome, Edge): Do see the problem in the demo as well? A few things to check: 1. The ...

Sync 2 DPs

Answered: Please see the following demo: // scrollbar synchronization $(document).ready(function() { $(dp.nav.scr...

Expended End Date

Answered: If this solution doesn't work for you (it spans the event box till the dotted end): you can use two separate events (one with the actual d...

List of options for JavaScript Day Pilot

Answered: The information on which features are supported can be found in the docs: See also the feature matrix: The API docs describes t...

Looking for an event that fires after rendering ALL events

Hello, Is there an event that is similar to "onAfterEventRender", but fires when it finished rendering all events, not just a single one? Or is there a way to use the existing "onAfterEventRender" an...

Switch from Demo (no .DLL) to DayPilot Pro

Answered: In case of the JavaScript version the only file you will replace is the client-side library (daypilot-all.min.js). You can use the following link to buy DayPilot Pro for JavaScript: http://javascript...

i m doing the calender using daypilot dll

Answered: Both DayPilot Lite and DayPilot Pro for ASP.NET MVC downloads include binaries for MVC3, MVC4 and MVC5 (see the Binary folder in the .zip package). It looks like you are trying to use the MVC 4 binar...
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