Questions Tagged
How to clear time range selection in OnTimeRangeSelected with TimeRangeSelectedHandlingType.Callback
Answered: Normally the time range selection gets cleared if you call Update() on the server side. If you don't do that for some reason you need to switch to JavaScript event handling and clear it manually:
Drop events outside Scheduler
Answered: Unfortunately the Scheduler doesn't support that at the moment. There are two options: 1. You can implement the queue using a special instance of the Scheduler (i.e. one resource, set the row header ...
Task moveDisabled
Answered: In the Gantt chart, each task is displayed in a separate row - which can be moved as well (in the tree hierarchy). That's why the properties are separate for the row (data.row) and the box in the gri...
Element is not a known element
Answered: There are two requirements for the IntelliSense to work: 1. The DayPilot.dll must be referenced and reachable. 2. The "DayPilot" prefix must be registered - either in the page header or in web.config...
Left Click Context Menu
Answered: You can open a context menu using javascript like this:;
In the ASP.NET WebForms version, set EventClickHandling="JavaScript" and EventClickJavaScript="". This assumes yo...
Multiple Lines in Calendar Event Item
Answered: Yes, just modify the e.Html property in OnBeforeEventRender as needed. See also:
How to remove red line between 2 shadow of Day Pilot Calender
Answered: This is a current time indicator. You can turn it off using ShowCurrentTime property:
Answered: Sorry for the delay! This turned out to be a bug of the .update() method. It should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (8.1.1981): Let me know if there i...
How to set color of milestone and group bar in gantt
Answered: Shapes of these elements are created using CSS so you can't control the color using a simple property in BeforeTaskRender - they can only be modified using CSS. You can use BeforeTaskRender to add a ...
Change of UI format for the creation and maintenance of recurring events
Answered: Yes, you can modify the event appearance and behavior using BeforeEventRender event handler: The recurring events will have e.Recurrent property...
"DayPilot for javascript" headerLevels How to Set
Hi. I have been using daypilot-1895. When you set the following value to the property layout was collapsed. $dp.headerLevels = 2; $dp.headerHeight = 16; $dp.allDayEventHeight = 10; $dp.headerHeightAu...
IE10 problem with the new property "modal.loadingHtml"
Answered: It should be fixed now in v2.4:
Managing displaying meetings categories
Answered: You can customize the events using BeforeEventRender event handler: You can use it to set custom event color, HTML, CSS and other properties depe...
autoRefresh setup for AngularJS
Answered: Your configuration is fine - there was a problem in DayPilot. In Angular, the Scheduler initialization mechanism is slightly different and the autorefresh didn't start automatically. It's fixed now i...
I am using the JavaScript version of the Calendar (187-lite). dp.viewType = "week"; dp.eventDeleteHandling = "Update"; dp.dayBeginsHour = 7; dp.businessBeginsHour = 7; dp.businessEndsHour = 22; dp.da...
Hide resources name column in scheduler?
Answered: You can use rowHeaderColumns:
dp.rowHeaderColumns = [];
See also
Multiple lines/rows in
Answered: For overriding the event HTML, use the .html property. In order to add a line break, use "<br/>": = [
start: "2015-12-01",
end: "2015-12-05",
text: "Event 1",
deleteDisabled for Scheduler not working
Hello, I found in the Javascript DayPilot events documentation that there is a property deleteDisabled. I set it to true and it's not working and I'm still able to delete the event. I have already us...
Change the color of the events
hi! am using the DayPilot on external drag and drop, and my question is: as change the events color, Through a context menu option if the opcion is 1 the color be green, if opcion is 2 this be red i ...
Showing a 'loading..' animation or text in modal window
Answered: See the new version 2.3 of DayPilot.Modal: It lets you specify the HTML that will be displayed in the modal window before the target URL loads.
One Event with multiple resources
Answered: You need to create a special entry for each of the event x resource combination. You can use "joint events" feature to link them together so they will be moved and resized together: http://javascript...
How to block (and show) a complete day
Answered: Unfortunately it is not possible to draw a single rectangle over multiple cells at the moment. Another option might be to use onBeforeCellRender to use a different color for forbidden cells + use onE...
Set a future date in scheduler
Answered: Solved it by using this.dp.StartDate = new DayPilot.Date(selectedDate)
Image/PDF Export for ASP.NET MVC
Answered: The next MVC version (8.2) will include client-side PNG export support. You can create the PDF on the client side using jsPDF ( It will let you insert the exported PNG ...
Is it possible to add calendar and Time inside an edit event popup
Answered: DayPilot includes a DatePicker control which you can link to a Label or TextBox control.
After upgrading DLL version from (5.8.1956.0) to (8.1.3460.1), Events are not working
Answered: In the latest version, "start" and "end" variables hold a DayPilot.Date object. You can get the the value as a string in ISO 8601 format by calling .toString():
var LunchDate = start.toString();
how to resolve when a range time display too many events ?
Answered: I assume you mean the Calendar control: You can play with the event arrangement mode settigs to see if it helps with the visibility of a lot of overlapping events: h...
Disable parent resources from showing child events
Answered: The parent resources don't display events that belong to the child resources. However, a resource will display events that belong to another resource if: the resource ID is the same the resource ID i...
DayPilot Scheduler is not working on deployment
I downloaded demo copy of the Daypilot Scheduler But it's not working on deployed things.
DayPilot Scheduler Inline Event Editing is it possible tab key to next cell focus ?
I am fetching a problem with DayPilot Scheduler.In DayPilot Scheduler Inline Event Editing I want to go next cell by pressing tab key.