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Scheduler timerange: why from 0 to 0 clock?

Answered: DayPilot works with exact time points: The day begins at 00:00 and ends at 24:00 (i.e. 00:00 the following day). If you want to display the end date the way you describe you need to subtract one day ...

What property should I add or remove ?

What property should I modify ? Please see the attachment file

Scheduler: clickable altough its disabled

Hi! When i click on a event which is "clickDisabled = true;", daypilot handle it like it is "dragged". The Event is "marked" and the mousecurser moved to the "cross". In that case you cant move the e...

Scheduler: optical subdivision

HEy Dan! My scheduler got about 50 REsources. Some of them are grouped by something. So there are f.a. 5 resources i want to edge. But not only the names of the res., also the whole row. It would be ...

DayPilot Client Script Version ?

Just yesterday, I'm using DayPilot MVC 7.75664.0 and client script version 800. Today, I delete the old script and reference newest version 7.8.5684.1 and add client script version 921, but when I ru...

'DayPilot.Web.Ui.DayPilotNavigator' is not defined

Answered: It looks like you might be using the Lite (open-source) version of DayPilot ( with a sample code created for DayPilot Pro. DayPilot Lite for ASP.NET WebForms do...

Label Demo

Answered: You will receive a full version of the DLL that doesn't show the demo label.

want to edit all day events

Answered: Eunice, Inline editing of all-day events is now available in the latest sandbox build (7.8.3154): It will be available in the next official release. In addition to th...

Modal.close is not working in google chrome

Answered: Please upgrade to the latest version (2.1): It uses a different mechanism of passing the result back to the client and it is compatibly with Google Chrom...

Setting up Start and End Date for Daypilot Scheduler

Answered: I'm not sure if that's what you are looking for but you can set the number of days visible using .Days property: this.DayPilotScheduler1.Days = 365;

offset end date

Answered: The dates are interpreted as exact time points, i.e. when the start date is set to 01.01.2014 it means 2014-01-01T00:00:00, the end date 03.01.2014 means 2014-01-03T00:00:00. The difference between t...

Error when loading the calendar with 'Allday' event.

Answered: Do you see the error on this page? In IE11 it seems to work fine. What's the IE version you are using?

Change 'today' in DayPilotNavigator?

Answered: It looks like the only way is to clear the style for _todaybox in the CSS (to hide the default today indicator) and add a custom class using BeforeCellRender for today. protected void DayPilotNavig...

Resources will not align with cells

Answered: Ok solved and me being thick, the default css added by MVC 4.0 set's margins for tr in a css file that was overiding this

Styling Indicator and Row Selecting ?

Answered: The new theme elements that were introduced in 7.8 are defined like this (in the built-in theme, i.e. "scheduler_default"). You can copy these styles to your theme. The other themes in the package an...

Dynamically setting DayBeginsHour in C# code-behind

Answered: Jeff, There was a problem with passing the updated DayBeginsHour/DayEndsHour to the client side during CallBacks. It's fixed now in build 7.8.3155. See the sandbox:

Display DayCalendar without Navigator or Tabs

Client asked for a report that showed the dayCalendar (week) with events but no Navigator or Tabs (for Day/Week/Month). I created a view with the dayCalendar, but it would only show the current day r...

Clash between DayPilot Pro and WebService in MVC

When I added a webService to the project that implemented a connection to a ReportViewer, a build returned the error that it could no longer find the reference DayPilot Pro. For anyone who encounters...

Allow "Selectable" as a field on Cells in BeforeCellRender

Hi Dan, Please reference this old question: You had suggested an elegant potential solution, of having each Cell having a prop...

Scheduler multiuser- able?

Answered: Solving record locking is far from simple in web applications. See the following SO question for a brief outline of the problem:

Is it possible to select multiple cells on DayPilotCalender

I was just wondering if it was possible that when you was on the Day Pilot Month pro for a user to select multiple days on the month view and then to right click on the selected days and click 'Book ...

How to set every Sunday and Bank Holidays as different colour.

I have been trying to figure out how to can specify days and set there background colour. I have been trying different things like: (Just to set Sunday as a different colour, this didn't set the back...

How to disable drag over cells in time range selected?

Answered: Make the following changes to get it to work: timeRangeSelectedHandling set to Disable change onTimeRangeSelected to onTimeRangeDoubleClick this will disable the drag select and only keep let you ins...

Show Event Count

Answered: 1. Server side: You can count the number of items in your DataSource. It should match the number of visible events provided that you limit the SELECT properly (using StartDate and EndDate). Note that...

Resource tree not expanding after update

Answered: It was definitely something with my style sheet. I will try to apply my styles one by one and see if I can get it to look the same without breaking the expand/collapse. Thank you for your help.

Event Resize: Stepless ?

Answered: You can turn of the "snap to grid" behavior using .snapToGrid property. See also:

how to make AutoGenerateEditButton a button instead of a link

Answered: Please take a look at this: Another option is to avoid the DetailsView and create the form manuall...

Scheduler Event text is not showing as I scrolling right - make text always visible

Answered: DayPilot Pro v7.7 introduced "Floating Events" feature that does what you need - the it makes the text of long events visible (in the current viewport). Please take a look at 7.7 release notes for mo...

change color of the Insert/Update/Cancel links at the bottom of the popup

Answered: Please see my comment here:

exportra a excel un daypilot

quisera saber si es posible exportar un daypilotcalendar a excel desde asp.net2010
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