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Initialize daypilot in a separate window (window popup,

Maybe there are more than one problem but i'm stuck at pretty much the first row. I am trying to allow my users to make the scheduler/calendar "fullscreen" by snapping it out of the main window into ...

Move/Drag multiple events

hi Dan, besides selecting multiple events, would be also cool if the user is able to move or drag n drop multiple events in scheduler e.g. by pressing ctrl key? And all of event or callback argument ...

Align cells with offset

Hello, I am developing a booking system where it is useful to see when during the day the booking begins. Most bookings are for the night, so if the booking looks to be during one day it is misleadin...

Scheduler Event Move with ctrl key : NullReferenceException

Answered: You need to change EventMoveHandling="CallBack" to EventMoveHandling="JavaScript". It's now added to the documentation:

Calendar control; showing only busniess hours, but with scrollbar to scroll through the hours and not scorlling the entire page

Answered: You can control the hour range using DayBeginsHour and DayEndsHour properties. See also: You should be able to combine it with HeightSpec as nee...

Snap to Grid

Answered: I have created a simple tutorial that demonstrates how to do this: It is based on the current sandbox version of DayPilot (...

Sub tasks for Gantt

Answered: The Gantt API will be extended in the near future. At this moment you need to use viewType="Resources" and fill the Resources collection as necessary.

Some handler or method to run after cell rendering on scroll

Answered: There is a new cell-accessing API in the works which you can use. It is available in the latest MVC sandbox build (7.5.5597): You can use the following API:...

Real background color length

Answered: If you want to display background objects that do not match the cell dimension it might be better to use a special kind of events for that. You can apply custom CSS in BeforeEventRender to make them ...

Row Header Auto Width

Answered: There is a bug indeed. It works like this: 1. rowHeaderHeight sets the minimal width to be used. 2. rowHeaderWidthAutoFit checks the content and if it doesn't fit there the width is increased. It sho...

Is it possible that the daypilot emitted javascript executes after page load?

Answered: You can initialize it using the JavaScript API directly instead of calling the @Html.DayPilotScheduler() helper. Example: function initScheduler() { var dps = new DayPilot.Scheduler('dpScheduler...

DayPilot Bubble Feature

Answered: You need to follow these steps: 1. Create the bubble: <DayPilot:DayPilotBubble ID="DayPilotBubble1" runat="server" CssOnly="true" CssClassPrefix="bubble_default" /> 2. Assign it to the mo...

Right click event

Answered: Sorry about this one. Accidentally had eventRightClickHandling = "ContextMenu" below everything

Custom hover event

Answered: It's not implemented at the moment. It might appear in the 7.4 release but I can't promise it.

Scheduler and StateServer

Answered: The serialization problems related to StateServer have been fixed in 7.3 release:

DayPilot Month show bubble when click

Answered: You can use EventClickJavaScript="bubble.showEvent(e, true)", where "bubble" is the value of DayPilotBubble.ClientObjectName.

How to Enable the Saturday & Sunday in DayPilot Pro 7.1.2741

i'm using DayPilot Pro 7.1.2741 Trial,it will shows only Monday to Friday. I want saturday and sunday also,so pls help how to enable the days....?

Limit displayed weeks in Month calendar...

Answered: This is possible if you set viewType to "Weeks" and weeks to 3: dpm.viewType = "Weeks"; dpm.weeks = 3;

Month BeforeEventRender Set BackgroundColor

Hi, Like the new feature in the scheduler, it is possible to replicate it to the Month object? What I want is to set custom backgroundcolor while using the CssOnly = true. Is this possible? Thanks in...


Answered: The horizontal mode is supported since 7.3 release: ASP.NET WebForms ASP.NET MVC

error with recurrence exception

Hi all, When i try to read some recurrence exception event from database, i have this error: System.FormatException: La chaîne n'a pas été reconnue en tant que DateTime valide. à System.DateTimeParse...

Is there any way to select over an exisiting block?

Answered: You can adjust the row height using RowMarginBottom and RowMinHeight properties:

Dynamic Column Hide of Calendar

Hi DayPilot Team, I am using DayPilot Calendar, I would like an option to only show contacts that have availability or appointments on each specific day. So on Monday you may see John, Mary, & Mike. ...


Answered: Brandon, It's already possible. Please see the following guide:

Custom Cell Rendering

Hello, at the documentation i found the following comment: ~~~ 3. Performance If all cells in a column have the same color and this is true for all columns, the following optimization is applied: The...

Can we have sub menus from the rightclick menu control

Answered: See:

Customize the Event Bubble style

Answered: Since 7.0 release, it is possible to switch the Bubble to CssOnly mode. The CssOnly mode doesn't use any inline styles (other than position-related). You can apply a custom theme using CssClassPrefix...

External Drag & Drop in Calendar in DayPilot for ASP.NET MVC

Answered: Yes, it's supported. Please make sure you are using at least build 1.2.5352. A live demo: And also for the Scheduler:

Possible to move event labels on horizontal scroll in scheduler?

Answered: This is indeed quite difficult at this moment. But maybe the Bubble could help here, although I understand that it's not exactly what you were looking for. The Bub...

Event relationship

Answered: Steve, This is a nice feature and I'd like to include it in one of the future releases. The visual representation seems to be a bit more difficult to implement and that's why it's still in the queue.
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