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How to get the text from upper left corner in the cell?

Answered: The default theme uses "display: flex" and "align-items: center" to center the Scheduler event content vertically. You can override it using the following CSS: .scheduler_default_event_inner { a...

How to show allday Event in Schedular

Answered: Unfortunately, all-day events are only supported in the Pro version of the calendar:

How to provide the header for scheduler and how to change the today's cell color?

Answered: Instead of using the Scheduler time header to display the navigation, it's better to create your own toolbar and place it above the Scheduler. To learn how to implement the next/previous/today button...

Event test

Answered: The event text gets HTML-encoded (as a protection against XSS attacks) and then it is treated as HTML. That means ASCII line breaks will be ignored. If you need to insert a line break, you'll have to...

Uncaught ReferenceError: module is not defined

Answered: If you want to include the library directly using <script> element you need to download the zip package and include daypilot-all.min.js file instead of using NPM: Pro version: https://javascript.dayp...

daypilot all - functions not working

Answered: I resolved this. I was sending the 'data' object via jQuery $.post and it was failing. Re-populating the object sent using $.post using: newStart: args.newStart.toString(), newEnd: args.newEnd.toStri...

How to change the font color while changing the back color for event?

Answered: Please see the documentation for "event customization": You can also change the color globally (for all events) using a custom CSS theme: https...

how to change the time format

Answered: You can customize the hour header cell content using onBeforeTimeHeaderRender event handler:

How change the height of all-day-event's row

Answered: The height of the row with all-day events depends on the content. It will stretch automatically to fit all events. You can change the all-day event height using allDayEventHeight property: https://ap...

cell to into two lines or below the current line

Answered: The events will be displayed in a single horizontal line if they don't overlap. If the end date/time of the first event and the start date/time are the same the events are still considered non-overla...

show all day events side by side

Answered: Unfortunately, the all-day events can't be displayed side-by-side. They are always arranged vertically.

All-day events in Resources view

Answered: Yes, it is possible. There is no live demo available but you can try this example: <div id="dp"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> var dp = new DayPilot.Calendar("dp"); dp.startD...

Date wise Header but data rows breaks into two lines.

Answered: Thank you for posting the screenshot:

How to wrap the text in Modal input box?

Answered: You can use the "textarea" form item: import {Modal} from '@daypilot/modal'; // ... const form = [ { type: 'textarea', id: 'textarea1', name: 'Multi-line text', }, ]; c...

How to show Monday to Friday in calender?

Answered: You can control the days displayed using startDate and days properties: You'll need to set "st...

how to increase the size of cell if we have long text?

Answered: The event height is always fixed. You can increase it globally using the "eventHeight" property ( or per event using the "height" property of ...

How to wrap the text within the event if we have long text?

Answered: You can enable text wrapping using the "eventTextWrappingEnabled" property: You can also use HTML line breaks (<br>) in the event...

ISO-8601datetime nanoseconds support

Answered: At this moment the DayPilot.Date class supports milliseconds only, i.e. it will accept three digits after the decimal point: "2022-06-01T23:59:59.999".

Multi move for calendar

Answered: At this moment, there are a couple of other features in the queue for the Calendar. If you would like to sponsor this feature and speed things up, please write to to discuss the op...

How to install DayPilot Pro & use in React code

Answered: Hi Shruti, Thank you for choosing DayPilot Pro! You can get a NPM link for a trial version here: The following documentation page describes how to start using the Scheduler ...

Calendar drag drop

Answered: At this moment, it's not possible to drag events out of the Calendar. However, it's in the queue and it will be added in the near future.

How to resize the table column and row like excel ?

Answered: Unfortunately, this is not supported. In the Pro version, it will be possible to resize columns in the near future.

How to hide non working hours for each users?

Answered: This is not possible. You can't hide just one cell of a column. You can either hide a full column (if the non-business hours are the same) or use a special background color for non-business hours tha...

DayPilot Scheduler sometimes puts different "event containers" on the same line

Answered: The container joins the member events into a single virtual event. The virtual events are then treated in a standard way - there can be multiple events in the same line in a row, if they don't overla...

Use html on rowheader

Answered: The onBeforeRowHeaderRender event lets you set custom HTML for each row header cell (args.rows.cells[].html). See also:

profile picture in rowheader

Answered: You can add a picture to the Scheduler row header using onBeforeRowHeaderRender event. Please see an example here:

How to check if there are no rows visible to display another component.

Answered: This logic destroys the component when noRows if false and makes the scheduler instance invalid. You can try using the "visible" attribute instead, something like this: <DayPilotScheduler {...confi...

Split in resource

Answered: These issues should be fixed now in the latest build (2022.2.5303): Now you can access the split resource parent using DayPilot.Row.splitParent() and subresou...

dropbox with multiple choices

Answered: Unfortunately, this is not supported in the modal dialog forms ( at the moment. You can only add checkboxes at the top level (always visible). However, it might be a good ...

How to Detect Changes for Input Field?

Answered: This is not supported at the moment - but you can use the "searchable" element which is a drop-down list with items filtered by the text you type.
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