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Questions Tagged tutorial

Change from sqllite to MS SQL

Answered: Yes, you just need to adjust the $db variable initialization in _db.php: $db = new PDO('sqlite:daypilot.sqlite'); For MySQL you'll need to use something like this: $host = ""; $port =...

Inverse the axis

Answered: It's possible but you'd have to use the Calendar control switch to the "Resources" mode instead of the Scheduler. You can see a demo here:


Answered: Yes. In that case the row height will be increased automatically so that all events fit in. You can disable event overlapping for drag and drop operations:

cancel booking

i want to coding of cancel room booking after booked that room

delete and/or view

hi, how do i delete/cancel the event on your program? also, how or where can i access or view it's database? 'coz i can't see it in my localhost. i'm using uwamp server. it would be great if you help...

Demo failed in Visual Studio 2017

Hi The demo opened OK and built OK, however, when I ran it in Internet Explorer I got Server Error in '/' Application Exception Details: System.IO.FileLoadException: Could not load file or assembly '...

Updated sample for timesheet MVC 5 with pro

Hi can you share an updated sample on ASP timecard MVC 5, that also captures information like projects, bill rates etc

Drag and Drop task (events) on a specific resource

I have a Angular 2 web-app with tasks (events) and resources. I also have a drag-and-drop module instaled ( Is it posible to drag a task from a list and d...

Monthly Event Calendar - Steps after AJAX Calendar Event Moving not clear

Answered: To get it working you need these elements: 1. A MVC view with the calendar (Views/Home/Index.cshtml) 2. A controller action for this view (Controllers/HomeController.cs: Index() method) 3. A controll...

Expected release date for ASP.NET Core Scheduler?

Answered: The ASP.NET Core version should be available during March.

How to display more than one(current) mont ?

I have a sheduler like on screenshot. Unfortunately it shows only reservations(load from database) from current month. I'm able to display more days (eg dp.days = 365;) but there's no cells(only line...


Answered: With Angular CLI (which uses Webpack) the Angular 2 project needs to be run using "ng serve" (available as "npm run start"/"npm start") during development. That's why the tutorial uses two independen...

Open edit window after creating

Answered: It's possible to open the edit dialog on the client side as soon as the TimeRangeSelected callback is finished. You can pass custom data back to the client side using DayPilotCalendar.Update() and re...

Jasmine unit tests for DayPilot Scheduler AngularJs Typescript

Hi, I need to write Jasmine unit tests for my page containing DayPilot Scheduler. Is there any sample code available. I have downloaded the project but it doesn...

Display Meetings and cancel

Would like to know how to display all the calendar appointments and send a cancel invite for all the users using PS/EWSManaged API

Download option

Is there any option to download the gantt chart report?

angular2-scheduler-spring-frontend npm start

Answered: Unfortunately I can't see the attachment. However, you may need to install Angular CLI globally first: npm install -g angular-cli The tutorial is built using Angular CLI version 1.0.0-beta.19-3. ...

problem with overlaps in Server.

Answered: The Scheduler supports client-side overlap detection ( This helps with real-time UI feedback but it's also necessary to implement server-side va...

How do you delete an event?

Answered: The Lite edition doesn't support the built-in "delete" icon like the Pro version: The best way would probably be to add a "Delete" button to the moda...

Pro License concerned

Answered: The "DEMO" label indicates that you are using the trial version of DayPilot Pro. If you want to use the Pro version you'll need to buy a license. The trial period is limited to 60 days.

HTML5 Tennis Court Reservation for webforms

I am looking court booking and came across day-pilot Tennis court booking code sample Could you please tell me if you sam...

How to execute using MySQL instead of SQLite?

Answered: The default MySQL port is 3306 so keep that value (unless you have changed the port in your MySQL installation). As far as I can see there are no extra backticks in the SQL commands. Your _db.php sho...

How to limit appointment time only to 30 minutes?

Answered: 1. The default appointment slot duration is set in "backend_create.php" file using $slot_duration variable: $slot_duration = 60; You can change it as needed. 2. Yes, you should change sesion_id t...

Remove "DEMO" tag on table

Answered: The DEMO label indicates that you are using a trial version of DayPilot Pro (which is bundled with the tutorial). In order to remove it you need to purchase a full license at

Shared / Public calendar folder

Answered: David Try adding the following to the end of your Read Only Service property: svc.ImpersonatedUserId = New ImpersonatedUserId(ConnectingIdType.SmtpAddress, "") Be aware that it will re...

Any solution to this error?

Answered: You'll need to switch to the latest DayPilot Pro version - it doesn't use the AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers attribute anymore.

Most of the code in Controller shows error

Answered: The attached sample project includes a working application - you can check the source code of the controll in TutorialCS/App_Code/Controller/SchedulerController.cs. It's now also added to the tutoria...


Answered: You can customize the appearence by creating a custom CSS theme. You can use the online theme designer to generate a new theme: The generated CSS file can be also customiz...

Disable Room booking for Past Dates

How can i Disable New reservation pop up opening for Past Dates?

whom to contact if i want to buy this

Answered: Please contact for sales-related questions, thanks.
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