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How can I remove Gantt chart default name?

Answered: You can override this text using onBeforeTaskRender event, by calling = ""; there. See also:

What program should i use for the codes?

Answered: In order to run the project, you'll need PHP, a webserver and a MySQL database server. A decent knowledge of JavaScript is also necessary if you want to customize the project. If you are a complete b...

Angular 6 Zoom level.

Answered: As far as I can see, there is no .start property used in the HTML template in the tutorial. I recommend using the attached project as a reference - it runs fine without any errors.

Floating Events doesn't work

Answered: The floating events are enabled by default. It works as follows: 1. Events that start before startDate will have *_event_continueleft class. This doesn't change with scrolling. 2. The float div (mark...

Initial events load seems to happen before onBeforeCellRender()

Answered: This issue should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2020.4.4805). Could you please give it a try and let me know if the problem persists?

Scheduler limit the number of column

Answered: This can't be done automatically but you can calculate the cellWidth value based on the screen size (window.innerWidth) before displaying the Scheduler. You need to take into account the width of oth...

Looking for a coder

Hi :) Hope this is allowd by admin, if not let me know. Im doing a small “home-project” and need assistance with configurering the AJAX Scheduler for JavaScript/PHP. I have some specific behavior i w...

How to show current month on button click?

Answered: It looks like you are missing "configMonth" change in your method: currentDate(date: DayPilot.Date): void { this.configDay.startDate = date; this.configWeek.startDate = date; this.configMo...

Disable range selection Calendar

Answered: In DayPilot Pro for JavaScript, you can do this using onTimeRangeSelecting event handler: Unfortunately, it's not available in the Lit...

Declaration-file for Vue.JS

Answered: The TypeScript declarations are now included in the latest sandbox build (2020.4.4792) of the Vue package (daypilot-pro-vue). Please let me know if there is any problem.

Cannot Move back to Current Date on Navigator

Answered: This issue should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2020.4.4804).

Scheduler Spacing between Time header and Main area

Answered: You can add a special row frozen to the top of the grid: You'd have to play with its properties and styling a bit. E.g. you can set custom height using...

Display custom tooltip on areas

Answered: Do you use the DayPilot.Bubble object to display the tooltip? The Scheduler doesn't use any z-index but you might want to check its parent elements. The bubble is displayed using a <div> that is inse...

Disable hours range only in specific date cell

Answered: The first condition is only true for the first cell in a day (which start at 00:00). You need to compare the date part instead: ( args.cell.start.getDatePart() === new DayPilot.Date("2020-12-02"...

How to add menu and header in angular 6 Day Pilot Gantt chart?

Answered: You can add custom row header columns using columns property: The context menu can be added using contextMenuRow property:

Swap events but keep duration

Answered: The tutorial is now updated and it will keep the duration of both events after they are swapped: var targetDuration = targetEvent.duration(); =;...

Scheduler date problem

Answered: Try removing the following section from Page_Load: DayPilotScheduler1.Scale = TimeScale.Manual; DateTime start = new DateTime(DateTime.Today.Year, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0); DateTime end = start.AddYears(1...

Bug parsing datetime

Answered: The first date format ("2020-11-18T13:02:26.249-05:00") is supported and it will work fine. The second date format ("2020-11-18T13:33:24.38-05:00") is not supported at the moment. To see all availabl...

Vue.js: Scheduler requests having the wrong period

Answered: The Scheduler uses visibleStart() and visibleEnd() to read the current visible range boundaries in events.load(). If you make changes to startDate and days these changes will only be applied when you...

Scheduler resource each row alternative color

Answered: Please take a look at this example:

Angular Daypilot trail version

Answered: After the trial period you need to purchase a license or stop using the library.

Angular scheduler week display on header

Answered: 1. The default locale ("en-us") defines weekStart: 0 (i.e. Sunday) but the weekNumberISO() method only works for weekStart: 1 (Monday). You'll need to override it in the config: config: DayPilot.Sc...

Update particular resources

Answered: Yes, you can use row.update() method:

DayPilot schedule become slower when working with a large data set

Answered: Please take a look at this Angular performance guide:

Console.log display error unique ID

Answered: Unfortunately, I'm not able to reproduce the problem using the sample project. Please note that duplicate IDs are not allowed. Every event that you add to the Scheduler needs to have a unique ID ("id...

autoScroll horizontal scroll only

Answered: Unfortunately, there is no way to control the auto-scroll in a single direction only at this moment.

Active Areas - start/end problem

Answered: The start/end properties weren't actually supported for visibility: "Hover". It should be working now in the latest sandbox build (2020.4.4762).

Issues with keyboard navigation and custom themes

Answered: The way the focused element (cell/event) is highlighted is not final and it may change in the final release - that's why the Theme Designer doesn't include support for the keyboard focus yet. The bui...

How to create and edit events in ionic v1

Answered: DayPilot.Modal just shows the supplied HTML and it doesn't perform any framework-specific initialization. You can supply an element instead of HTML when calling showHtml(), or you can initialize the ...

Write back from rendered component inside event to its data

Answered: You need to change the event data object and call; to update the view. Depending on how much you want to encapsulate the component, you can either pass DayPilot.Scheduler insta...
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