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Find multiple events using

Answered: The primary purpose of events.find() is to find an event by ID. It searches events.list and if you need to filter the event data I recommend accessing the data store directly: let events = dp.event...

Padding on Table Layout => Delta on timerangeselection

Answered: It seems to be a Bootstrap theme conflict, not a DayPilot issue, I will investigate my side,

Adding an extra line on timetable

Answered: Unfortunately, this is not possible at the moment and I can't think of any workaround.

Changing resources property doesn't update in the frozen rows

Answered: This issue should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2020.4.4741). It also fixes this issue:

Is there an event on resizing rowHeaderWidth

Answered: Yes, it's onRowHeaderResized:

Angular Scheduler how to resize entire resource column

Answered: This property is now added in the latest sandbox build (2020.4.4740).

Showing/Hiding resource columns doesn't synchronize with frozen rows resource area

Answered: This issue should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2020.4.4741).

Scroll not working in ionic v1

Answered: We don't officially support Ionic. It may or may not work. Ionic is quietly intercepting events and doing some weird things, especially in the early versions. I recommend trying it with the latest Io...

Manipulate the text in the in-place editor

Answered: The args.newText value is read-only and you can change the text by canceling the default event and submitting the adjusted value: dp.onEventEdit = function(args) { args.preventDefault(); args...

Wrong Product Purchased

Answered: Your email might not have arrived, sorry for the troubles. Can you please contact and include a reference to this forum question?

Control event text (numeric or alphanumeric)

Answered: The latest sandbox build (2020.4.4729) lets now includes an experimental onAfterEventEditRender event handler that lets you access the editing <textarea> element using args.element. You can use it to...

No row header scrolling in combination with frozen rows

Answered: This issue should be fixed now in build 2020.4.4757. Please let me know if it doesn't work as expected.

How to select multiple events on single click?

Answered: You can handle onClick event and modify the selection using the event selection API, i.e. multiselect.add():

Limit time range selecting to one day

Answered: It's OK, I found the solution myself using onTimeRangeSelecting

onDomAddEvent and onDomRemoveEvent are not triggerd

Answered: These events were renamed to onBeforeEventDomAdd and onBeforeEventDomRemove to make the names consistent with other events. The old events were supposed to be supported as well but there is a bug tha...

Passing function for event area click

Answered: The best way is to remove the "areas" property from TL_sys_bloki.php and add it using onBeforeEventRender: dp.onBeforeEventRender = function(args) { = [ {left: 0, top: 0, wi...

DayPilot scheduler suddenly not working properly

Answered: Can you please contact and include your order number?

How to highlight a cell being hovered by a fill color

Answered: You can use :hover CSS selector to define the hover style: .scheduler_default_cell:hover, .scheduler_default_cell.scheduler_default_cell_business:hover { background-color: #ccc; }

Resize scheduler cells by user?

Answered: Unfortunately, that is not supported.

Customizing time header cell after binding

Answered: If you load the events using one of the optimized methods, e.g. events.load(); or update({events: [...]}); the Scheduler will only update the events. You'll need to force a full refresh to re-render ...

text-align: right does not work for *_event_inner class

Answered: You can override "display: flex" if needed. It is only used to enable vertical centering within the event box. You can also keep "display: flex" and use "justify-content" to align the event text to t...

cellWidthSpec = 'Auto' doesn't work with resources separator

Answered: This should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2020.4.4698):

Scheduler scroll event

Answered: You may want to take a look at the "frozen rows" feature that may help with some scenarios: If that doesn't work, you can use the addEventListener sync...

Lazy loading resources in DayPilot Scheduler

Answered: You can group the users by department or by alphabetically - this will let you load the group children dynamically when users click the expand icon:

Scheduler scrollbar in Chrome is thin

Answered: The Scheduler theme doesn't define the scrollbar appearance. It will use the default styles (defined by the browser or by your global styles). If you want to modify the default scrollbar appearance, ...


Answered: You can access the time range boundaries using args.start and args.end in onTimeRangeSelected event handler. Please see also: You can ...

Overlapping sorting issues

Answered: In order to apply a specific order, you need to set different sort field values for each of the overlapping events. If the sort field is set only one of them the rest will appear in random order. If ...

Scroll to a specific time in the day

Answered: The scrollTo() call only works if the grid is already displayed and has non-zero dimensions. Since you define no resources before init() it can't scroll until the resources are loaded. There are two ...

Server Side Rendered React throws `navigator is not defined`

Answered: Unfortunately, server-side React rendering is not supported.

Issue when rendering the scheduler

Answered: I recommend checking the data - it may contain invalid items which break the view. You can also check the JavaScript console to see if there are any errors.
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