Questions Tagged
How to add cssClass property per rowHeaderColumn in Tabular mode
Answered: Ok, I played a few hours, looked at the new resource object in tabular mode and came to the following solution. Note that I removed the 'display' attribute, to make sure DayPilot looks at the columns...
Export Scheduler Data
Answered: The best way to export the data is to use the events.list property: The Scheduler updates this array with all changes made using the UI (event...
How to add more fields when creating events
Answered: You can use DayPilot.Modal to display a custom page. This approach requires that this page interacts with the server directly. You can find an example in the following tutorial: https://code.daypilot...
DayPilot Scheduler Event Moving Shadow Issue
Answered: For the record: The problem was a combination of snapToGrid: true and useEventBoxes:"Never", cellDuration: 1440 and events that start at 12:00 (noon). The events snap to the grid with this config - t...
Scheduler erroring when trying to reload it
Answered: Please take a look at this question: If you are storing event data in the ViewState (StoreEventsI...
Calendar Resources Header width
Answered: Unfortunately, this is not supported at the moment. As you mentioned, it's possible to use fixed column width but it applies to all columns.
Set Display to a Business Year in Scheduler
Answered: Yes, this is possible. You need to modify the row total calculation logic so that it only includes the selected events. The Annual leave tutorial (
the type name Web does not exist in the type 'DayPilot'
Answered: You'll need to rename your class to something else than "DayPilot".
When is the control ready to use?
Answered: The scheduler.control value is accessible since ngAfterViewInit.
How to Disable Weekend Cells
Answered: You can disable selected cells using BeforeCellRender event. Please see more here:
Rolling schedule possible ?
Answered: The generated timeline (scale !== "Manual") starts at 00:00 on the date specified using startDate. If you want to shift the start by a smaller unit you will need to hide selected time cells (https://...
Answered: By default, the results of onBeforeCellRender are cached until the next update() call. You can disable the cache using beforeCellRenderCaching property. See also:
Scheduler Zoom in IE11
Answered: Hi Jeff, This should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2020.1.4281): See also: Please let me know if the prob...
Scheduler AutoScroll detect autoscroll event
Answered: Unfortunately, this is not supported at the moment.
Context menu
Answered: You can't display a dropdown but you can modify the menu items (e.g. change the icon) on the fly using onShow() event handler:
Grid lines not shown at first load
Answered: Can you please give it a try using the latest DayPilot Pro version? The vertical and horizontal grid lines are rendered at the same time as the grid cells and it's very unlikely they wouldn't get ren...
Crosshair=header : highlight don't disapear anymore when moving in columns header
Answered: This issue is now fixed and the fix will be included in the next ASP.NET version release which will be available in about 14 days.
Disabled Cells don't work in Chrome
Answered: This issue should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2020.1.4295):
Area selection
Answered: 1. Active areas that specify the "action" property will not let the mouse click event bubble to the underlying event and the event click action won't be fired. You'll need to leave the "action" value...
Vue.js: divShadow is undefined
Answered: > I installed the newest version und the error is gone, but we have instead a new one: "f.divHover is undefined" Like with divShadow we didn't change anything. The Scheduler object is initialized and...
Doesn't show all events on live server
Answered: I recommend using the browser developer tools (Network tab) to check what is being loaded and at what point. The loading logic may not be correct. The development environment usually has much lower n...
crosshair and shifted timelines
Answered: Hi Simon, This should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2020.1.4271): Let me know if the problem persists.
Daypilot Day view but without the time - possible?
Answered: If you want to display one week, you can use the Month view and use the Weeks view:
DayPilot Pro for JavaScript
Answered: The use of the trial version is limited to evaluation purposes and to 60 days. See also the trial license agreement:
DayPilot in lit-element (Web Components)
Answered: Yes, that fixes it. When is the next release planed? After having worked with many different companies offering similar services I have to say: extraordinary work! Thanks a lot!
Column header click event
Answered: There is now a new onBeforeRowHeaderColumnRender event available in the latest sandbox build (2020.1.4266): You can use it to add custom active areas to show ...
Event on tals collapse/expand?
Hello, How do I fire an function when an user collapses or expands a row of the Gantt? I am using the angular version.
Trial MVC pro will not run at all
Answered: The demo project in the download packages uses MVC4 which needs to be installed globally using this link: See also: https://mvc.daypilot...
Resources names are not displayed
Answered: The "name" property, as well as "id" must be in lower case. See also: Please note that this is not the free Lite version but a trial version of ...
How to use daypilot pro javascript OEM license
Answered: Could you please contact and include your order number?