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Questions Tagged angular

NG7 - scheduler (zoom example): undefined "args" in .config ?!

Answered: It looks like if you set startDate using a string (not DayPilot.Date) in the config you may receive it in unconverted. It's fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2019.2.3893). In previous ...

Scheduler Grid HTML File

Answered: The Scheduler grid can be customized using the API, such as onBeforeCellRender event handler (see The full version includes unminified source ...

Angular Scheduler - Horizontal scroll position

Answered: It looks like the problem might be the scrollTo/scrollX/scrollY properties in the scheduler config object. If you add them to the config they will be re-applied whenever the Scheduler detects a chang...

2 rows for one resource

Answered: It is possible to display two rows for each resource: 1. The resource id needs to be unique. This can be done by prefixing a certain string to the resource id, e.g. "R" + id for reservations rows, "I...

Open source version of Kanban board

Answered: Unfortunately, the Kanban board component is only available in DayPilot Pro (paid version). See also the feature matrix:

regarding SAAS license

Answered: When you need to deploy multiple instances (e.g. for scalability reasons) you'll need to upgrade to a multi-server license (i.e. SaaS Team or SaaS Office).

Increase the height of the DayPilot Calendar control to fit its parent dynamically

Answered: Please see the following tutorial for a working example (Scheduler with heightSpec set to "Parent100Pct"):

How to switch between the Day,Week and Month view in Angular4

Answered: Please see the following sample project that shows how to implement a calendar with day/week/month views:

Drag and drop into Angular schedular

Hi there Is it possible to drag and drop an external object into the Angular scheduler? Do you perhaps have an example or demo of dragging and dropping from another component into the scheduler?

Format date in timesheet mode (Angular 5)

Answered: By default, the timesheet uses the short date format specified using the current locale for the day headers. You can customize the text using onBeforeRowHeader render event handler: config: any = {...

How to routing on onEventClicked: function (args) { } ANGULAR

Answered: Try using the TypeScript syntax: constructor(private router: Router) { } config: any = { onEventClicked: args => { this.router.navigate(.....); } } When using the JavaScript syntax "...

Scheduler small events width

Answered: Hi Martin, If this only affects short events, I'd recommend reviewing the useEventBoxes property:

CellAray type is missing forRange function in Angular

Answered: Thanks for reporting the issue. The forRange() method is now added to the TypeScript definitions in the latest sandbox build (2018.3.3385).

No source variable in ContextMenu when opened programatically with TouchEvent

Answered: Hi Dan Thank you so much for your help. I upgraded to the latest stable version 2018.3.3353 and now it works without any issue... PS: I noticed that I can't install the sandbox version as pro version...

Cannot use DayPilot.Angular.Modal

Answered: The modal dialog tutorial was created some time ago - the DayPilot.Angular namespace has been deprecated meanwhile. An updated version of the tutorial is now available (it uses Angular 6 and DayPilot...

Event text is overlapping with added active areas

Answered: There are two ways to fix that: 1. Apply additional padding to the inner event div ("scheduler_default_event_inner" CSS class in the Scheduler) to prevent overlapping with the active area. 2. Set the...

Hide complete percentage label

Answered: You can customize the task text/HTML using onBeforeTaskRender: config: any = { onBeforeTaskRender: args => { =; // displays task text instead of percenta...

Add new column

Can we add new column with description

Showing Custom Data

Answered: The Scheduler requires the key data (such as event start, end, id) to be stored in specific properties. You need to transform your data items to match the required structure. You can use map() to do ...

Daypilot Angular 2 : ERROR : DayPilot.Scheduler: The placeholder element not found: 'dp_1527237171484105172'.

Answered: The Scheduler requires that the component is actually rendered during initialization. It creates a placeholder with ID starting with "dp_" which needs to be present. It looks like the accordion doesn...

Angular 6 error

Answered: Martin- Angular 6 requires DayPilot Pro version 2018.2.3281 or later: I'm not able to reproduce the error with that version. T...

DayPilot Context menu submenu

Answered: This was caused by a missing "items" property in the TypeScript definition of MenuItemData interface. It's now fixed in the latest sandbox build (2018.2.3283). Please let me know if it doesn't work a...

Scheduler - Row header columns export issue

Answered: There was a bug which caused the width of the first column to be calculated incorrectly - that made the text invisible for args.horizontalAlignment = "center". It should be fixed now in the latest sa...

Angular CLI - Module build failed: RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded

Answered: I've tested a clean new project generated using Angular CLI 1.7.4 and it works fine. After adding DayPilot Pro 8.4.3056 npm install

Disable event overlap

Answered: The Scheduler can prevents overlap during drag and drop operations ( However, if you need to check the validity of the input values in a modal dial...

Move event

Answered: Please ignore this question. I have found the issue, there is something wrong with my loadEvent function. The system requires array of objects(something likes [{123},{124}]), however I sent array of ...

Angular 5 Scheduler Event cssClass

Answered: You need to target ":host ::ng-deep" to the CSS selector: styles: [' :host ::ng-deep .test { font-weight: bold; } '], This style will be translated to something like this: [_nghost-c1] .test {...

How can I custom my css style for modal popup?

Answered: Please see my answer here:

Change the position of CreateEvent

Answered: Unfortunately not. The current implementation of the modal dialog (the Angular version) doesn't support customization of the position. It's always fixed at the top, with the height set automatically ...

Scheduler Event Context Menu during multiselect

Answered: You can get a list of all selected events using method: let events = this.scheduler.control.m...
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