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Questions Tagged angular

DayPilot Pro for angular

Answered: Yes, the latest release (2020.4.4807) works with any Angular version (since Angular 2).

DayPilot Pro for angular

Answered: You'll need to upgrade your DayPilot Pro version.

How to show current month on button click?

Answered: It looks like you are missing "configMonth" change in your method: currentDate(date: DayPilot.Date): void { this.configDay.startDate = date; this.configWeek.startDate = date; this.configMo...

Angular Daypilot trail version

Answered: After the trial period you need to purchase a license or stop using the library.

Console.log display error unique ID

Answered: Unfortunately, I'm not able to reproduce the problem using the sample project. Please note that duplicate IDs are not allowed. Every event that you add to the Scheduler needs to have a unique ID ("id...

Angular Scheduler how to resize entire resource column

Answered: This property is now added in the latest sandbox build (2020.4.4740).

Scheduler scroll event

Answered: You may want to take a look at the "frozen rows" feature that may help with some scenarios: If that doesn't work, you can use the addEventListener sync...

Drag and Drop issue on second time

I have dragged/drop an event first time after page load and it works fine but when the event is dragged/dropped second time then it gives me an error "Cannot read property ja of null". When i refresh...

Not having startDate and days filled in in the config doesn't cause the gantt to show every task

Answered: The parent tasks can either use fixed start/end values or values calculated from the children (which is the default mode). You can switch the mode using "taskGroupMode" property: https://api.daypilot...

Calendar (WeekView) seprator is hiding behind Event

Answered: In the Calendar component, the current time indicator position is fixed at this moment and it is always displayed below events. The indicator element is marked with ".calendar_default_now" CSS class ...

For Database

Answered: There is no specific PostgreSQL tutorial available but you can check the Angular + MySQL tutorials: In order to switch the tutorials to MySQL you'd n...

Display public holidays from date given

Answered: It's necessary to specify the holidays using full date, i.e. you need to specify it for all years that are applicable.

implement DayPilot.Scheduler.treeAnimation for Daypilot.Gantt

Answered: It's now available in the latest sandbox build (2020.1.4318):

Angular Scheduler: Slow Scrolling on Resource Headers with Firefox

Answered: This issue should be fixed in version 2020.1.4249: Please let me know if the problem persists.

Angular Daypilot Scheduler ngOnDestroy

Answered: The message appears if you deploy the trial version. The trial version can only be used for evaluation and this message is a reminder that you need to purchase a license: https://javascript.daypilot....

angular timetable for school and class weekly timetable

is there any option to schedule a week for school / class timetable with custom timings and custom blocks?

Event on tals collapse/expand?

Hello, How do I fire an function when an user collapses or expands a row of the Gantt? I am using the angular version.

Resources names are not displayed

Answered: The "name" property, as well as "id" must be in lower case. See also: Please note that this is not the free Lite version but a trial version of ...

Angular show() not working

Answered: In order to access the component using "this" you need to use the arrow function notation: reSizeScheduler = () => {; } See also: https://www.typescriptlan...

Angular 8 Scheduler Error: The placeholder element not found when refresh

Answered: Please see more here:

Multiple resources header

Answered: The Calendar can display a hierarchy of columns, just use the "children" property to specify child columns. You can also set the date for each column using the "start" property. See also: https://doc...

Angular Scheduler Event Link Delete ContentMenu

Answered: The SchedulerConfig.contextMenuLink property is now supported in the latest version:

Angular Scheduler Zoom : 'name' does not exist in type 'ZoomLevel

Answered: This should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2019.4.4154). The tutorial project uses an untyped config object so you can use this approach as a workaround: config: any = { // ... }

Customer Event Add Modal

Answered: When the users selects a time range the Scheduler fires the onTimeRangeSelected event: onTimeRangeSelected: args => {; } You can modify the event handler to...

Regarding Date

Answered: Please take a look at this tutorial which shows how to let users change the visible range:

Angular Gantt Chart Cannot filter

Hi, The scheduler have rows.filter this function. However on gantt didnt have rows filter function How to do fil...

Angular Gantt Chart different Tasks in same one row

Answered: Only the Scheduler component can display multiple events/task in the same row. But it supports event links as well:

How can i set Day-pilot start and end hours as 8am to 8pm ?

Answered: You can use dayBeginsHour and dayEndsHour properties, please see an example here:

Angular Gantt Chart replace onrowcreate with button

Answered: You can use your own button and add a new record to config.tasks property (Angular will detect the change) or you can use the direct API tasks.add() method:

resource calendar

Answered: You can disable selected grid cells to make them unavailable for drag and drop operations: See also the following tutorial that shows how to define ...
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