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Column Header Height

Hi, i use calendar ressouce view and i would like to have different height in different columns header level. HeaderHeight property affect all level. I have custom html only for the first level (date...

Custom content in scheduler event DayPilotBubble

Answered: There are two options: 1. You can define the bubble HTML in BeforeEventRender event handler. This will store the bubble HTML with the event (it will be static). No server-side call will be required w...

Calendar.BeforeHeaderRenderEventArgs precision

Answered: 1. This has been changed recently. The BeforeHeaderRender is not called for the corner anymore. You can modify it directly using .CornerHtml property: DayPilotCalendar1.CornerHtml = DayPilotCalenda...

dpScheduler.ShowBaseTimeHeader = false does not work when exporting

Answered: This looks like a bug. The ShowBaseTimeHeader will be deprecated in the next release (7.6). The time header rendering was changed significantly: 1. The time headers will be fully independent of the c...

Use Theme file and event height

Answered: The default CSS themes (white, green, transparent, etc.) and themes created using should not affect the event dimensions. When adjusting the theme manually please remember ...

Create new Event

Answered: You can create a new event using a modal dialog that lets you enter the event details (name, start, end, etc.): See also the tutorials at

Refresh page after postback delete

Answered: You would have to do a manual refresh using commandCallBack(). See also here: But it is better to use dps.eventMenuClickCallBack() instead of PageMe...

Get ItemSource in BeforeEventRenderEventArgs after Postback

Answered: The e.DataItem is only available in BeforeEventRender on the server side. For additional data that need to be passed with the event through all its lifecycle you should use tag fields (*DataTagFields...

dynamuic dates for start and end of daypilotmonth

Answered: Please see the documentation on changing the date using Navigator here:

Creating EventClick on a Dynamic Component Daypilot

Answered: All user actions (clicking, moving, resizing....) are disabled by default. You need to set EventClickHandling to either CallBack or PostBack in order to activate the server-side event handler. Exampl...

Scheduler getRow renamed to $68

Answered: This method was internal and is now hidden. You can use the following method to get information about a cell under certain position: var cell = dps.cells.findByPixels(120, 1)[0]; var start = cell....

Move Event Handler

Answered: Sorry, I'm still not able to reproduce the problem. Please check also the MoveBy property (it determines the drag handlers): > BTW,Is it possibl...

Calendar centering time column vertically when container is larger than content on newest version

Answered: The left cell was using valign="top" which doesn't work well anymore. It's now updated - can you please try the latest sandbox build (7.5.2989)?

Set a Resource as Unavailable for a Time Period on Scheduler

Answered: You can set custom background color, HTML and CSS class for individual grid cells using BeforeCellRender event handler:

Scheduler: From DEMO to paid version; DEMO indicator gone, but now says "null" in top left corner

Answered: This looks like a bug. The "null" text comes from CornerHtml property. You can use DayPilotScheduler1.CornerHtml = String.Empty in Page_Load as a workaround.

Calendar control; showing only busniess hours, but with scrollbar to scroll through the hours and not scorlling the entire page

Answered: You can control the hour range using DayBeginsHour and DayEndsHour properties. See also: You should be able to combine it with HeightSpec as nee...

Where did .scheduler_<theme>_matrix_vertical_break go ?

Answered: This bug should be fixed now in build 7.5.8329. See the sandbox:

Error on Internet Explorer

Answered: It should be fixed now, please see also Thanks for reporting the problem!

DayPilot Timesheet on Internet Explorer

Answered: It should be fixed now both in the online demo and in the sample project. Let me know if there is still any problem.

Snap to Grid

Answered: I have created a simple tutorial that demonstrates how to do this: It is based on the current sandbox version of DayPilot (...

Grouping Support

Answered: > Layer Multiple events: Group calendar view for multiple resources. Two options are available: 1. Resources in columns (Calendar control) 2. Resources...

Use jQuery datePicker to select the date

Answered: As soon as you know the selected date, you should send it to the server using commandCallBack() method in order to change the date and load the new event set. See ASP.NET MVC/Example 1 here: http://d...

Event Description

Answered: You can customize the event HTML using BeforeEventRender event: It is also possible to display additional event details on hover using event Bubb...

Cellduration for scheduler 1 day only

Answered: its ok i set the end date as a date variable and used date.adddays(-1) on the end date

How to add datatags to event bubble

i was trying to populate datatag fields in the event bubble but could not find any answer so i came up with my own hope it helps some one in future this is done server side when you hover above an ev...

How to show Event Calendar from jquery

Answered: Please see the doc for jQuery calendar plugin: Your example would look like this: <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="themes/calendar_white.css" />...

getting the column id via context menu javascript

Answered: Here is an example of a context menu used for time range selection: <DayPilot:DayPilotMenu ID="DayPilotMenuSelection" runat="server" CssClassPrefix="menu_default"> <DayPilot:MenuItem A...

DayPilot Bubble and iOS

Answered: Hi Jim: iOS is supported but the available gestures are limited. That's why it doesn't support all the interaction options that are possible on the desktop. On events, it supports two actions: tap (t...

Clear all the events from the calendar

Answered: In the Lite version, there is no client-side API to do this. The only way is to look for event <div> elements using jQuery and delete them.

Restrict User

Answered: You can customize the event properties so certain actions (moving, clicking, etc.) are disabled: You can also add visual hints on read-only statu...
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