Questions Tagged
How to display child resources in modal form list
Answered: The HTML5 Scheduler tutorial ( uses a flatten() function which does essentially the same that you are doing:
function flatten(resources, result) {
How to add a database and script to handle public holidays.
Answered: There is a tutorial available that shows how to display holidays (by setting a custom scheduler cell background color): I beli...
Answered: scrollTo() is a client-side method and it can only be used on the client side, in JavaScript:
Parent resource in front of the child resources
Answered: This is not possible at the moment but it's in the queue and it should be available within 1-2 months.
Hourly range covering two consecutive days
Answered: OK, thanks for the update. In the Scheduler, there are two ways to achieve that: 1. You can define the timeline manually by adding individual cells: 2. Yo...
box.html in group mode
Answered: Unfortunately, it's not possible to change the task group inner HTML in ASP.NET.
Event text displaying
Answered: You can make the text smaller using CSS but this will not ensure that every possible text will be displayed in full. I recommend using the bubble component which can display additional details using ...
Facing full screen mode issue on Scheduler timeline.
Answered: When the content doesn't fill the whole space vertically, the Scheduler displays an empty space. I see that you are using a custom CSS theme - you'll need to update it so the space below the content ...
Custom CSS class for a resource
Answered: You can use onBeforeRowHeaderRender event handler to add a custom CSS class: Example: JavaScript
dp.onBeforeRowHeaderRender = function(a...
Binding Jquery datatable with vue scheduler
Answered: It is possible to activate any DOM element as draggable to the Scheduler. If you have access to the row items in the jquery datatable then you can using DayPilot.Scheduler.makeDraggable() method to a...
How to disable previous dates in calendar
Answered: At this moment, blocking selected dates is only supported in the Pro version. Please see the following tutorial:
Daypilot is creating Empty DIVS on and when expanding/collapsing group resources
Answered: These issues should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2022.1.5209): Please let me know if there is any problem. And thanks for reporting the issues!
daypilot-pro-react package is free for React Calender Component?
Answered: Yes, the "daypilot-pro-react" package is paid. If you are looking for the free package, take a look at "@daypilot/daypilot-lite-react": The...
Progress bar change color
Answered: You can use the box.barColor and box.barBackColor properties:
Disable Group Availability Row
Answered: The purpose of the invalidate() method ( is to ask for a fresh result of onBeforeCellRender event callback. It is useful if you display calcula...
Displaying Group Availability
Answered: This issue has been fixed in version 2020.3.4547: I recommend switching to the latest version though - which is now 2022.1.518...
How to set custom border color on business days in scheduler?
Answered: The cell borders are rendered using long 1px elements that are displayed at the cell boundaries. The color is set using "background-color" style. The horizontal lines are marked with .scheduler_defau...
Is it possible to have resources on the vertical axis for the calendar?
Answered: Unfortunately, this is not possible. You might be able to mimic this arrangement in the Scheduler using a combination of custom start/end values and eventStackingLineHeight (
Are we able to change the bar width?
Answered: You can change the bar width using CSS:
.wider-bar .calendar_default_event_bar,
.wider-bar .calendar_default_event_bar_inner {
width: 12px;
And add the "wider-bar" CSS c...
Autorefresh not working for > 10sec
Answered: It's important to remember that the timeout gets reset after the component is updated. Normally, this doesn't happen too often and you usually load the current data set from the server. If you see th...
How do you make more than one employee run the same shift
Answered: Yes, there are many different scenarios that are not covered by this sample. To add more people to the same time and location, you can choose a solution depending on the workflow: 1. To allow more as...
scheduler expand collapse animation control
Answered: You can disable the animation using treeAnimation property:
How to format timeheader "Week"
Answered: Yes, you can do it using onBeforeTimeHeaderRender event handler:
import {Component, ViewChild, AfterViewInit} from '@angular/core';
import {DayPilot, DayPilotSchedulerComponent} from 'daypilot-pro...
Update keyboard focus on clicking cells or events of frozen rows
Referring to this ticket: The following example will update the keyboard focus during time range selection (cell clicks): ...
Change Arrow Icon on Links
Answered: The link arrows are 6px * 6px elements marked with the following CSS classes: scheduler_default_link_arrow_right scheduler_default_link_arrow_left scheduler_default_link_arrow_down scheduler_default_...
Is autoscroll supposed to work on fixed/sticky rows?
Answered: This should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2022.1.5176): The Scheduler will scroll if you reach the top or bottom border of the main grid (excludin...
Strange behaviour when navigating using keyboard API after entering inline editing mode
Answered: Thanks for the sample project. This issue should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2022.1.5180): In the latest release, you can work around the issue ...
StartTime indicator when moving an event
Answered: You can do that using onEventMoving event handler:
dp.onEventMoving = args => { = true; = args.start.toString("HH:mm");
See also:
Multicolumn in week Calendar
Answered: When you switch the calendar viewType to "Resources", you can define custom columns. Take a look at the following documentation page: Exampl...
Error: Event data item must specify 'start' property
Answered: This error suggests that the event data object doesn't have the correct structure. I recommend checking the object - it may look fine at first sight but make sure that it's a real object - and not a ...