Questions Tagged
Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function error while initializing daypilot
Answered: Fnally I found a solution to the error . this link provided me explanation of why and what of this er...
Events can't span more than one week
I'm running into a problem with events that span through one week into the next. Using your online demo, create an event on a Tuesday and resize it to span to Friday. Next, move the event so the star...
PAst and Future schedules not being rendered
I am trying to show the schedule of diffrent projects,but the projects with startdate greater than todays date and enddate less than todays date are not rendered.below is the code that i am using: <D...
Calendar inside Bootstrap tab scroll bar issue
Answered: I found a solution. In stead of a tab control. I used Fadein/Fadeout and buttons to simulate a tab control. When the view loads all the daypilot calendars are visible, then I fadeout/fadein the divs ...
Get a JSON exception when trying to instantiate org.daypilot.ui.DayPilotScheduler
Answered: I know see the problem. I was calling my servlet directly when I should be calling it from the javascript on the page. It works now
No overload for 'DayPilotCalendar1_EventClick' matches delegate 'DayPilot.Web.Ui.EventClickDelegate'
daypilot.aspx.cs protected void DayPilotCalendar1_EventClick(object sender, DayPilot.Web.Ui.Events.EventClickEventArgs e) { Label1.Text = "Selected event: " + e.Value; } daypilot.aspx <DayPilot:DayPi...
Suppressing the the "DEMO" heading on DayPilot lite calendar
Answered: Hello, The DEMO heading is there to ensure you do buy it and contribute to the costs associated with developing this product. So, the easiest (and the correct) way to do that is to buy the product.
different border thickness for cells when having 2 cells per day (AM/PM)
Hi, I was wondering if it's possible to have another border thickness for certain cells in the scheduler. We have 2 cells per day (AM en PM) and would like to have a thicker border between days than ...
Background color set in BeforeEventRender handler is only showing when the full event is visible
When I set the background color of an event in the BeforeEventRender handler (in code), the background is correctly set, but it is only visible when the event is fully visible in the scheduler. I nee...
Local Time Client Calendar but UTC Server Side
(2014-09-02 08:42 UTC) Hello All, I am using the 'ASP.NET WebForms 7.8 SP2 (build 7.8.3169)' Calendar object. I have an issue with Local/UTC DateTime handling. I have been going though all (most?) fo...
Display Days on Time headers as clickable.
Hi, I am using the JavaScript Scheduler to build an appointment calendar application. I have two modes for the app, namely Day and Month view. I want to achieve the following : Whenever the user in t...
I have been working on creating a proof of concept. I am trying to open up a modal window when a user double clicks on an empty cell within the resource view of the event calendar. I found the follow...
Fast event move (multiple times) / slow server update
Answered: Hi Simon, The latest sandbox build (7.9.5695) now supports BlockOnCallBack property. If you set it to true the Scheduler will create a temporary semi-transparent div over its main area which will pre...
Deadly Memory Leak Problem
I have 5 resource and 48 events. I refresh my event every 5 seconds via websocket. When my page start , memory is 50 MB after 5 min. After half hour memory is 1 GB. 1-)How Am I gonna solve that memor...
SCRIPT87: Invalid argument. daypilot-all.min.js, line 24 character 14012
Answered: I fixed this by try catching, it's not elegant but works: for(var i=0;i<this.shadow.list.length;i++) { try { $N.removeChild(this.shadow.list[i]); } catch (err) { } }
Tutorial code for show/hide for Navigator?
Is there any code I can download to see how this page works: Specifically, I'm interested in how the "Change" link displays the Navigator. I'm su...
EventArrangementType for DayPilotScheduler
I'm wondering if EventArrangementType is available for DayPilotScheduler, specifically the ability to overlap as offered in the Calendar control (SidebySide, Cascade, Full). If not, is there a possib...
Business hours 7 days a week - Weekends crash.
Hi, I have a date picker that is fed to the Scheduler control. The scheduler only shows 1 day at a time and for the hours 5am until 9pm using ShowNonBusiness="false" BusinessBeginsHour="5" BusinessEn...
Recurrence Exception Bug v7.7.5664.1
Hello, I've implemented recurrence in my scheduler, much the same as the tutorial (TutorialDayPilotRecurrence) found on this site. The only difference is I'm using MVC, but both implementations suffe...
Cell Duration
Is it possible to add property of CellDuration to the DayPilot Calendar. I need 15 minutes CellDuration.
Losing business hour settings on update
I have the following options OnInit() BusinessBeginsHour = 9; BusinessEndsHour = 18; ShowNonBusiness = false; However, when doing OnCommand callbacks to change the day, it starts showing all hours ag...
Expan Event with color
How can I expan the event så I can add diferent background colors for the events.
How do I set the timezone for the scheduler/calendar ?
I have a date that start at 10 and ends at 12. But the scheduler puts it between 8 and 10. I live in Sweden so my timezone is +1 plus summer time so in total +2. How can I make the scheduler/calendar...
Event not Getting displayed
I am trying to add resources and event from code behind in C# web form, i am able to show resources but when trying to show event for resources by applying datatable as datasource to control but prob...
HourHalfBorderColor in CssOnly mode
Hi, i'm trying to update an old project using Daypilot Calendar to use the new CssOnly available since v7. I'm stuck trying to reproduce the HourHalfBorderColor properties of non CssOnly mode. I need...
Problem moving events
Good Morning, I'm initializing a scheduler javascript. I have a problem when I move the data. I was trying to create a method that would allow me to avoid overlap of events. Through a Request Daypilo...
Why does calendar add event at wrong time when using BusinessHoursNoScroll
Something seems weird when switching between businesshoursnoscroll and businesshours. The time of the event is incorrect. Here is a fiddle: Side note: It would ...
DayPilotLite + Timesheets?
Hi I've downloaded the Timesheets tutorial and was wondering if it would be possible to use the DayPilot lite version to create something like the system in the tutorial? Thanks
Custom data in afterRender method on initial load is always null
Answered: Hi Anton, The latest version (7.8.3212) now passes custom data from Update() call to the Scheduler during the initial page load as well. You can download it in the sandbox:
A problem when expanding a resource at the middle or bottom of DayPilot scheduler
Good Day for you all. I have a problem with the DayPilot Scheduler Control (Take for example this one when making 'Room A' at the bottom of the Reso...