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OnEventmoving and OnEventMoved drag acts crazy.

Answered: It behaves as if the Calendar component were updated in the middle of the drag-and-drop movement. You can see that the source event (which is marked with calendar_default_event_moving_source CSS clas...

Enhanced keyboard navigation for automatic timerange selection

Answered: > Why don’t select a cell or event when moving the cursor? In Excel when I move my cursor to the next cell, it selected the cell direct and I can edit or add something. OK, let’s see if I understand ...

Strange behavior of keyboard navigation

Answered: This bug should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2023.4.5802): Please let me know if the problem persists.

How can I add space at the top and bottom between events in the Scheduler?

Answered: You can define a custom margin beneath each event with the eventMarginBottom property, or alternatively, override the CSS to introduce additional whitespace. For more details, please see the Event Sp...

Critical Issue with Drag and Drop.

Answered: Most likely, this is caused by the fractional value used for the cellHeight property: const config: any = { cellHeight: 42.75, // ... } I recommend using an integer value. Fractional values ma...

Is it possible to use events with different phases to make it shape like this?

Answered: You can customize the Scheduler event appearance using the onBeforeEventRender event handler. It lets you apply custom CSS class to the event, and specify event phases using active areas. See also th...

Daypilot Freeze Top Row

Answered: I assume you mean the Scheduler component. It is possible to freeze the specified rows - please read more in the Frozen Rows documentation topic.

How to increase the height of the row headers located on the left side of the Scheduler?

Answered: There are a couple of options; please see the Row Height topic in the Scheduler documentation.

How to enable horizontal autoscroll in calendar?

Answered: AutoScroll is enabled by default in the Calendar component for drag-and-drop operations (moving, resizing, and time range selection). You can set the value of the autoScroll property to "Always" to e...

Keyboard navigation doesn't skip invisible rows

Answered: This bug should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2023.4.5797): Please let me know if the problem persists.

Error on keyboard navigation on long event

Answered: This bug should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2023.4.5786): Please let me know if the problem persists.

Loading events from 1 month and earlier on Scheduler view

Answered: If you would like to load Scheduler events from the server during scrolling (this feature is called dynamic event loading), you need to do two things: Enable this feature using dynamicLoading: true (...

Is is possibile to enable horizontal drag and drop on calendar?

Answered: Could you please specify which type of drag-and-drop you are referring to? You can drag events horizontally without any problems, it is enabled by default.

How to work with dp.tasks.list.find(), dp.tasks.list.find() not working for subtasks.

Answered: The tasks.list property contains the original array of tasks. Its find() method is the standard Array.prototype.find() method, which searches through the array items. To find a task by its ID within ...

Displaying custom dynamic data on a second time header (Scheduler)

Answered: To customize the content of the time header cells in the Scheduler, you can use the onBeforeTimeHeaderRender event handler.

DayPilot.Calendar - multimove items

Answered: Yes, support for moving multiple events at once is in the plan. The args.shift property is now available in onEventClick since the latest sandbox build (2023.4.5773).

Scheduler - How to cancel event moving after server call

Answered: You should always call args.loaded() after switching to async processing (args.async = true). Like this: onEventMove: (args) => {     args.async = true;     this.moveItem(args)       .subscribe(re...

UseEffect everytime an event gets resized or moved.

Answered: Please see my answer here:

More Obvious Re-Size

Answered: The width of the active resize area can be set using the eventResizeMargin property. See also event drag handles. You can also turn off the built-in resize handles (e.g. using

Resize a Bumper Row

Answered: The row height is calculated from the eventHeight property. For an empty row, it is equal to 1*eventHeight. You can set custom eventHeight for each row like this: const resources = [ { name: "Grou...

Rich Text in Top-Date Hover popup

Answered: 1. To show a hover popup, you can use the Bubble component. For time headers, it is necessary to use an active area that will display a custom bubble when the action is set to “Bubble”. This example ...

How To Update Separators?

Answered: You can use the update() method: scheduler.update({separators}); If the Scheduler detects that only {separators} property is in the update params, it will perform an optimized update and only refresh...

Listen for Event Resizing on UseEffect

Answered: I would recommend handling the logic directly in the onEventResizing event handler. The typical action would be to notify the server or to ask for a confirmation. These actions are not typical “state...

How to avoid resizing under a certain duration in Daypilot Calendar?

Answered: You can use the onEventResizing event to customize the behavior during drag-and-drop resizing. You can use it to enforce custom rules, such as setting a minimum duration: onEventResizing: args => { ...

Shift + select when multirange is active doesn't clear

Dear Daypilot-Support, I work as a developer for RTM Systems. When performing shift + select when multirange is active, the previous selection doesn’t clear properly. Please review the attached GIF. ...

Time Range double click error

Answered: This problem should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2023.4.5769): See also:

DayPilot Vue Event Calendar loses css after build

Answered: This is not a limitation of the trial version. I recommend checking the DOM structure of the production build in the browser (using developer tools) to see whether the elements are using the expected...

Index of ResourceHeader

Answered: The onResourceHeaderClicked is a legacy event which has been replaced by the onRowClicked event. In onRowClick and onRowClicked, you can access the column index using args.x.

How to clear selected events with ctrl + click

Answered: The clearSelection() method clears the time range selection. To clear the event selection, you will need to use the multiselect.clear() method. See also event selecting in the documentation.

Copying and Pasting Multiple events accross resources

//I managed to implement the copy multiple events at a go but still running into some errors in run time. //1. I need to know how to clear selection after right clicking on paste. Otherwise even afte...
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