Questions Tagged
DayPilot.Gantt - Change/modify links on render?
Answered: At this moment, there is no special onBeforeLinkRender event. However, you can set the properties directly in the data source. You can customize the look using properties like color, style, and cssCl...
how to disable single eventmoving and resizeing
Answered: At this moment, you can disable event moving and resizing for individual events only in the Pro version (using moveDisabled and resizeDisabled properties of the data object or using the onBeforeEvent...
What does the number of developer means in the plan?
Answered: Every developer working with the project that uses DayPilot needs a license. This includes developers who check out the project from the VCS.
How to group calendar component time axis to different slots?
Answered: This scenario could be implemented with the following limitations: The maximum cell duration supported at this moment is 1 hour (this is the max slot duration). When switching to the “compact” view y...
Change Appeareance of Drag and Drop.
Answered: At this moment, it is possible to change the appearance and content of the shadow using the onEventMoving event handler (you can add a custom CSS class and modify the HTML content). See DayPilot.Cale...
Is it possible to supply a default text value for the "text" daypilot modal form
Answered: Yes, the form will load the initial values from the source data object using the property mappings (id property of the form items). The source data object (data in the example below) is optional. Whe...
Checkbox inside the events
Answered: You probably copied one of the examples that create a hover icon using an event active area in the onBeforeEventRender event handler. It might look like this: onBeforeEventRender: args => {
Remove non business hours
Answered: In the Scheduler component, you can hide the non-business hours using the showNonBusiness property. In the Calendar component, you can hide the non-business hours using the heightSpec property ("Busi...
Drag and Drop the Whole Event.
Answered: At this moment, the events always snap to grid in the Calendar during drag and drop. In the Scheduler, it is possible to turn off the snap to grid feature and implement a custom snap-to-grid logic. S...
Drag and drop skips some cells.
Drag and drop works well, except it arbitrarily skips certain cells, those that correspond to whole hours. They are not disabled or anything, but if I try to place the event there, it moves it a quar...
Get mouse coordinates in DayPilot.Gantt
Answered: In the latest sandbox build (2023.3.5736), the getCoords() method is now available for the Gantt Chart as well.
DayPilot.Gantt.onRowMoving with multiple positions
Answered: There are two options: 1. In the latest sandbox build (2023.3.5737), there is a new rowMoveSameLevelOnly property that lets you limit the target position of a row to the same level in the hierarchy o...
Date type in daypilot modal table
Hello, would you please add a possibility to have a date type column in daypilot modal table ? It would help a million times. Or is there some way to hack it ?
Drag & Scroll
Answered: Unfortunately, scrolling through the Scheduler grid by 'swiping' with the mouse is not supported. If you would like to scroll the Scheduler automatically during drag and drop operations (moving, resi...
onEventClicked is not fired after args.preventDefault() call in onEventMove
Answered: This issue should be fixed now in the latest release (2023.3.5731): Please let me know if the problem persists.
daypilot lite API
Answered: Both onEventClick and onEventClicked are available in the Lite version. You can verify the availability of feature in the Lite version in the feature matrix or using the TypeScript definitions that a...
onEventClick not fired after call to preventDefault in onEventMove
Answered: I confirm the bug - it should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2023.3.5728): Please let me know if the problem persists.
Tags and cssClass properties
Answered: Both the tags and cssClass properties are available in the Lite version as well. You can find a full list of available event properties in the API docs for object. These propertie...
How to access date time information from Calendar onEventClick
Answered: The latest sandbox build (2023.3.5726) now supports a new getCoords() method which you can use to get the date/time value corresponding to the current mouse position: onEventClick: args => {
Scheduler print - event content printed over 2 pages
Answered: If you want full control over the printed output, it is necessary to use PDF export. This way you can define the the individual pages. You can find an example here:
Scheduler print - print only children
Answered: The Scheduler can only print the state that is displayed at the moment. You’d need to filter the rows first before printing it.
change calendar type based on device screen size
Answered: Try this var smallscreen = (window.screen.width < 800);
if (smallscreen) {
// use a weekly or daily calendar
var dp = new DayPilot.Calendar("calendar", {
//viewType: "Week",
I can't access a constant updated by an external useState hook within the daypilot scheduler state
Answered: It appears that you're running into a closure issue. When you define a function inside a component, it captures the values of the state and props at the time of the function's creation. In your case,...
The ToolTip isn't working in DayPilot.Calendar
Answered: Yes, there turned out to be a problem with the tooltip for calendar events. It should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2023.3.485):
Rectangle selection always visible when selected a time range over multiple rows
Answered: It looks like in the latest Safari/Chrome on macOS it flickers, indeed. It should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2023.3.5696): Please let me know i...
PRO Demo version use for local application
Answered: Using DayPilot Pro in production requires a full license. In case of an internal application, it’s the “Web” edition (see also the Buy page). The trial version license is limited to 60 days and is fo...
Can I use product trial for local use in my company?
Answered: The trial version is good for testing and evaluation. If you want to use it in your application, you will need a full license (the “Web” edition in case of an internal application). See also the deta...
Can your products allow us to re-create this Scheduler/Timeline view?
Answered: Yes, this should be no problem. I’m including a couple of screenshots and links to features that will help you implement what you need: 1. The timeline can be customized as needed. If the built-in un...
How to skip an event on Sunday and Saturday
Answered: It is possible to skip weekends by manually splitting an event into multiple segments but it would be difficult to handle them together. It might be better to use active areas to add a highlight to t...