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Not being able to click on the scheduler grid for the modal to pop up

in the default.aspx file i can see the the EventClickjavascript calls a javascript method in the event_handling.js file which should work , i wonder if the grid click has been disabled but i cant see...

Split event into multiple event-parts because of business hours

Answered: Hi Wolfwgang, Sorry for the delay. This scenario is not supported at the moment. However, you can do it the other way around - instead of hiding parts of the event you can hide the non-business parts...

appointment booking table

what is the name of database in db.php

Scheduler: rowheader_scroll not scrolling on touch

Answered: This issue should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (since 2019.1.3569):

Month Control: print() for exportAs

Answered: The print() method prints the exported image using the browser print() function. There is no way to control how the printed page will look like using the browser API. It can only be set by the user i...

Error parsing date

Answered: Thanks for your reply Dan. I updated the .js files to the latest version and now the issue seems to be resolved. Marco

Can you view more than one month/week with DaypilotLite?

Answered: Unfortunately it's not supported in the Lite version.

Completely disable right click event capturing

Answered: You can use allowDefaultContextMenu property to enabled the default context menu:

How do I make my DayPilot Month Calendar to be Read Only in Asp.Net MVC?

Answered: You can make it read-only by disabling the drag and drop actions one by one: @Html.DayPilotMonth("dpm", new DayPilotMonthConfig { BackendUrl = Url.Content("~/Home/Backend"), EventMoveHandlin...

Row header click isn't working

Answered: The problem was because of "e" parameter, it shouldn't be there

Missing something...

Answered: It looks like you might have overwritten the index.html file with one generated using the UI Builder (the generated index.html uses resources array with Resource 1 and Resource 2 defined). If you dow...

How to enable expand / collapse option inside the event row in Scheduler control? Please suggest.

Answered: Unfortunately, this is not supported in the ASP.NET version. You can find a JavaScript version example here:

Create event from UTC

I'm trying to add a new calendar event from a UTC string coming from my server. How do I create an event from my UTC string? After I add the event it shows the event for 9:00pm when it should show 1:...

cellDuration value is not honoring in OpenSource code

Answered: The cell duration adjustment is not supported in the open-source version at this moment:

MVC with Foreign Key

I'm using daypilot on a ASP.NET Core but my model has a foreign key and I can't add a date for that reason, what can I do? or why I can't add a date, this is my code public class Reservacion { public...

Need DayPilot Javscript non-minified source code

Answered: Please see the licensing options here:

Event link arrow missing css class

Answered: The arrow element is marked with one of the following classes: .scheduler_default_link_arrow_left .scheduler_default_link_arrow_right .scheduler_default_link_arrow_down .scheduler_default_link_arrow_...

How to export excel from Scheduler

Answered: Unfortunately, export to Excel is not supported at the moment.

How to show week number in Weekly view calendar?

Answered: You'll need to switch to the Resources view and generate the column hierarchy manually. Please see more here:

How to show Event name as tooltip in navigator?

Answered: Unfortunately, the navigator doesn't support showing event details. It can only show free/busy status for the visible days.

How to change the position of next and prev buttons in Day pilot navigator or manually invoke the methods associated with these two buttons?

Answered: The position of the next/previous buttons can't be changed. However, you can hide it using CSS and switch the dates manually using the select() method:

How to show week number in Monthly calendar View?

Answered: You can show the week numbers in the first cell using onBeforeCellRender. Example for ISO week number (week starting on Monday): dp.onBeforeCellRender = function(args) { if (args.cell.start.getD...

Getting Uncaught Invalid timezone spec: 6667 error while loading the daypilot

Answered: It looks like you are using date/time string in a format that the Scheduler isn't able to parse. For a list of supported formats please see:

Load events with skipping non business cells.

Answered: The events are defined using start/end (not using start and duration). When creating new events using the Scheduler with non-business days hidden the Scheduler will return the correct dates (taking t...

Alternating row colors when some rows are hidden

Answered: The latest sandbox build (2019.1.3540) supports args.cell.displayY in onBeforeCellRender and args.row.displayY in onBeforeRowHeaderRender that you can use to get the display Y position. No two adjace...

additional parameters when using onLoadNode

Answered: If you need to get client-side state on the server side you can use clientState property to store it (typically it's used for storing filter rules): Wh...

How to use the

Answered: The context menu doesn't support an overlay that would block access to the background. If you want to block the background you can use the modal dialog instead:

How to adapt header size to the text ?

Answered: This should be done automatically when the "row header with auto-fit" feature is enabled (it is enabled by default): Please let me know i...

Rectangle Selecting color area

Answered: Build 2019.1.3539 now lets you customize the appearance using *_selectionrectangle class ("scheduler_default_selectionrectangle" for the default theme). The default definition looks like this: .sch...

Angular Scheduler - Horizontal scroll position

Answered: It looks like the problem might be the scrollTo/scrollX/scrollY properties in the scheduler config object. If you add them to the config they will be re-applied whenever the Scheduler detects a chang...
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