Questions Tagged
On Premise Solution
Answered: Yes, this is how it works - it's a library that you can use in your own application. It will work with your database just fine. See also the ASP.NET tutorials to see example applications that access ...
Disabled Cells
Answered: What version of DayPilot Pro are you using? Disabled cells prevent all drag and drop operations, as you can see here:
Book few rooms in one go
Answered: It's possible to select multiple time ranges at once if you enable time range multiselecting as described here: See also a demo (MVC ver...
Prevent event card scaling when at view boundry
Answered: You can disable this behavior using floatingEvents property:
dp.floatingEvents = false;
See also:
Ability to adapt to the user timezone
Answered: Unfortunately, automatic time zone handling is not supported at the moment. This is a desirable feature but it's not trivial and it's in the research phase now. I can't promise any delivery date at t...
Error while updating cell html after eventMove
Answered: Hi Simone, You should try to avoid the direct cell modification. The Scheduler supports OnBeforeCellRender event handler on the server side which will let you specify the cell content in a more decla...
Issues with type definitions
Answered: Sometimes, it can happen that the TypeScript definitions are missing a declaration of a specific member, especially if it has been added recently. Your examples: 1. commandCallBack() method is specif...
Scheduler Timeheaders
hello im using the latest version of daypilot pro for scheduler i have the following issue , if i customize one of the timeheaders , it doesnt render properly. ,sometimes it renders correctly , and s...
Problem with export function on Scheduler
Answered: Thanks for the quick reply! Looking over our config, found what was wrong. We put rowHeaderColumns: {width: 120} instead of rowHeaderWidth: 120. Works fine now!
Sahred Calendar Month/week/Year view with Reminders
Hi, I have shared calendar working in weekly mode. How can we change the view from Weekly to Monthly / Yearly? Is Also Is there a way we can show reminders of upcoming meetings for that day with Deta...
Angular4 DayPilot question related to click handler
Answered: At this moment Angular templates are not supported in active area HTML. However, a solution is in the works and it will be available within a couple of weeks.
Footer row for Calendar
Answered: Unfortunately, a footer is not supported in the Calendar at the moment. The only option is to create a separate table with matching columns below the component.
Is this source code working with C# winform?
Answered: Unfortunately DayPilot Pro is only available for ASP.NET WebForms. It's possible to run the WebForms version in a WinForms application using an embedded browser (WebControl), but it's just a workarou...
Print Scheduler With Header On Every Page
Answered: With the direct print() method you only have limited control over the result (the browser will simply print the exported image). I recommend exporting the Scheduler to PDF, this way you can specify h...
columnBubble - get Date of Column
Answered: This was a bug which is now fixed in the latest sandbox build (2018.3.3388). You can test it and download the latest build here: Le...
Read a Shared Calendar Appointments
Answered: You should be able to get connect to a shared calendar like this. Instead of:
// load the default calendar
CalendarFolder calendar = CalendarFolder.Bind(Service, WellKnownFolderName.Calendar, new ...
Scheduler small events width
Answered: Hi Martin, If this only affects short events, I'd recommend reviewing the useEventBoxes property:
Scheduler tree
Answered: This icon is defined using CSS. You can override it using ".scheduler_default_tree_image_no_children" selector (for the default CSS theme):
.scheduler_default_tree_image_no_children {
Navigator: Get first and last date that is displayed
Answered: You can use visibleStart() and visibleEnd() methods: Just note that both methods retu...
CellAray type is missing forRange function in Angular
Answered: Thanks for reporting the issue. The forRange() method is now added to the TypeScript definitions in the latest sandbox build (2018.3.3385).
How to display time range of resource e.g. to show unavailability
I`m familiar with selecting cells to achieve that, but unavailability time range may not be rounded on cell duration.
I want syntax get a day when I click to daypilot-navigator in angularjs
I want syntax get a day when I click to daypilot-navigator in angularjs: <article> <div style="float:left; width:160px"> <daypilot navigator id="navigator" daypilot-config="navigatorConfig" daypilot-...
Hide RowHeaderColumns
Answered: Generally, if you want to change the Scheduler appearance, simply change the config as needed (i.e. remove the item from the array in this case) and call update(). This applies to row header column, ...
How to hide the X (Delete) Button on an Event
Answered: You can use deleteDisabled property to disable the delete icon for selected events. You can add it to the raw event data object on the server side or you can set it using onBeforeEventRender:
How to combine filter by events with filter by rows
Answered: The latest sandbox build now extends the filtering API (both events and rows) so it doesn't force an update during the filter() call. Both methods have been extended with a second parameter (dontUpda...
Overlapping events side by side instead of overlapping
Answered: Hi Thomas, Yes, that's possible. Just use:
dp.eventArrangement = "SideBySide":
See also:
How to render component in event areas's html?
I have tried loading a component (<tw-popover-teams></tw-popover-teams> ) in 'html' of event areas but could not achieve. Please suggest. args.e.areas.push({ right: 6, bottom: 0, left: 0, visibility:...
No source variable in ContextMenu when opened programatically with TouchEvent
Answered: Hi Dan Thank you so much for your help. I upgraded to the latest stable version 2018.3.3353 and now it works without any issue... PS: I noticed that I can't install the sandbox version as pro version...