Questions Tagged
Full View Print on Scheduler
Answered: Yes, it's possible using the standard exportAs().print() call. Just specify the area you want to export:
dp.exportAs("svg", { area: "full"}).print();
You can try it in the browser console in the ...
Is there a way of excluding specific days of the week (Sat/Sun) or of excluding specific days with RecurrenceExpand.Expand
Answered: Yes, for skipping the weekend the rule would by "weekly" and the list of days would include Monday...Friday:
RecurrenceRule rule =
RecurrenceRule.FromDateTime("1", DateTime.Today)
Increase Font size of Date, Time, and Location DayPilot Scheduler
Answered: Since the introduction of CSS-only styling the appearance is now controlled using CSS. Only some selected styles can be controlled using direct properties (especially event-specific styles set using ...
Daypilot is calling Pageload multiple times
Answered: DayPilot uses the standard ASP.NET CallBack mechanism to communicate with the server side. Each callback fires the respective event handler (e.g. EventMove) but it also goes through Page_Load first. ...
Angular2 Scheduler performance issue after upgrade
Answered: It looks like zone.js generates an internal error whenever an event handler is assigned to a DOM object. This error is handled internally - I'm not sure if it's part of the standard workflow, but it'...
Answered: There is a property of BeforeEventRenderEventArgs called ToolTip:
Protected Sub DayPilotScheduler1_BeforeEventRender(sender As Object, e As BeforeEventRenderEventArgs)
' ...
e.ToolTip = "Too...
Scheduler with Week, Day header, and clickble on Date.
Hi, Can you provide me the Daypilot Header with the Week, Day, Month. And whenever I click on Date open that particular Date events.
How to disable scheduler
Answered: You need to disable the features one-by-one using *Handling properties, e.g. EventClickHandling = Disabled, EventRightClickHandling = Disabled, EventMoveHandling = Disabled, TimeRangeSelectedHandling...
Display total for each resource and for each hour
Hi, My daypilot is group by below: timeHeaders: [ { groupBy: "Hour" } ], days: 1 I have two requirements: 1. View total of shifts for each resource I want to add column on extreme right side to displ...
Show Current date on moving
Hi, I have some question about to show current date on event moving. Can I set the scheduler to show only current date hover on the shadow and disabled start date and end date on left and right? Than...
image in Scheduler
Hi Can it is possible to have an profile image of Resources in Daypilot Scheduler. If it is possible can you provide me the code in JS. Thanks Anil Singh
Assign custom list in event list
Answered: The most common problem when the events don't appear is that the resource id reference ([].resource) doesn't match the id of the resource (dp.resources[].id). Note that it must be exact...
Using DayPilot.Modal.alert() DayPilot.Modal.prompt() and DayPilot.Modal.confirm()
Answered: A tutorial on using DayPilot.Modal.alert() is now available: Other modal types are coming soon.
Daypilot Angular2 scheduler control not displaying 15/30 min slots in header
Answered: You can download a sample project that shows how to customize the time header here: In Angular 2 you can use th...
Angular2 scheduler control not displaying 15/30 min slots in header
Answered: If you use groupBy: "Cell" in the row header definition it will display time header cells with size corresponding to the grid cells. Example:
config: any = {
scale: "CellDuration", // scale de...
DataTextField string from another table
Answered: At this moment it can only read direct properties - you'll have to create an alias:
public string PaintballName {
get {
return PaintballOption.Name;
automatic scrolling on resources
Answered: At this moment the autoscroll feature is enabled only during drag & drop by default. In order to scroll the resources down you need to use autoScroll = "Always" and move the mouse cursor close to the...
HTML in resource text
Answered: I've found a solution: dpCalendar_BeforeResHeaderRender In vb code I change the property e.html in e.html = "<b> & e.html & "</b>" if some my contitions are true. Bye Davide
How to split hour in DayPilot Lite (Is it still only in Pro)
If your answer is 'Only Pro': "Please inform/guide me a way to make it ( Lite version of MVC ) work to split an hour into 4 parts. As i only need this functionality, to be added in free version given...
Scroll to particular hour of day
Answered: The scrollTo() method also accepts DayPilot.Date object/ISO 8601 date string so you can use it to scroll to a specific point in time. The Angular 2 version also supports scrollTo as a property of the...
Display Assets Horizontal and Time Vertical with DayPilot Scheduler
Answered: At this moment the only way to display assets/resources on the horizontal (X) axis is to use Calendar with ViewType="Resources" as you mention: You c...
How to add text field in cell?
Answered: Yes, you can add custom HTML to grid cells using onBeforeCellRender event handler. Example:
dp.onBeforeCellRender = function(args) {
if (args.cell.resource === "A")
args.cell.html = "12";
Scheduler event inline editing problem
hallo, i use the latest version (8.3.3553) of daypilot scheduler for i have problems with a weird behaviour of inline editing. i start inline editing using EventClickHandling=Javascript. if ...
Disable right click on DayPilot Scheduler
Answered: By default, timeRangeRightClickHandling is set to "ContextMenu". That means grid right click activates the context menu - but it must be set using contextMenuSelection property. If you use timeRangeR...
DurationBar for DayPilotMonth object
Answered: DayPilot Month doesn't have built-in duration bar support. However, you can add a custom bar easily using "active areas" (in the Pro version):
protected void DayPilotMonth1_BeforeEventRender(object...
Can I fix the position of Time line?
Answered: Yes. You need to use one of the HeightSpec modes that support a vertical scrollbar (Fixed, Max, Parent100Pct):
Move event to a time that spans two different days in Calendar
Answered: Yes, you're right. The current implementation doesn't allow that. You might use DayBeginsHour and DayEndsHour as a workaround (it will let you customize the start and end hour so the midnight won't b...
Can't Seem to dynamically load on scroll
Answered: That was it. I was storing the resource as a varchar originally. Switched this to an int in the database instead, problem solved. Thanks for the help.
Display lines for 30 mins and hour cells when using Scheduler group by hour
Answered: 1. You can override the default vertical line style to dotted using CSS. This works for the default theme ("scheduler_default"):
.scheduler_default_matrix_vertical_line { background-color: inherit;...