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Need supported version

Answered: DayPilot Pro for ASP.NET WebForms version 8.0.3413 is from 2015 and it is not supported anymore.

Scheduler - How to show bubble for active area

Answered: This seems to be fine and a static version of your sample works well in my tests: = [ { id: DayPilot.guid(), text: '', resource: "frozen1", s...

Scheduler Event Overlap per Resource

Answered: This is a global setting but you can implement custom rules using the real-time drag and drop events:

Scheduler - How to get current cell width when cellWidthSpec is set to "Auto"

Answered: The calculated value is stored in cellWidth:

Scheduler - How to position event's areas to lower right corner

Answered: You can do it like this: { visibility: "Visible", bottom: 0, right: 0, width: 0, height: 0, style: "border-bottom: 6px solid #006600; border-left: 6px solid transparent;" }

Columns for groups not working

Answered: The Scheduler component introduced a new configuration property (rowHeaderColumnsMergeParents) and the Gantt chart inherited the default value:

Events with rounded corners (border-radius)

Answered: It is not possible to set border-radius using a special property at the moment. However, you can can use cssClass to set multiple classes (separated by space).

Floating event feature is not working

Answered: I recommend using the browser devtools to check the DOM structure. If an event is partially hidden (outside of the current viewport), the Scheduler adds a special <div> element with "scheduler_defaul...

Customize time blocks on Weekly Calendar

Answered: At this moment, the Calendar component uses fixed time blocks but it is possible to use a workaround and map the block number to the hour/minute part of the start/end time. This approach is used in t...

multiple event

Answered: This is not supported in the Calendar component at the moment but you can take a look at the Scheduler component which can group concurrent events automatically:

Multiple event show +1

Answered: > If we have multiple event can we show +2 or +3 etc Please see my answer here: > in weekly can we change date format You can change the calen...

Search task in Gantt Chart View.

Answered: Task filtering is now available in the latest sandbox build (since version 2022.4.5449):

Can't Write Input Using DayPilot.Modal.prompt

Answered: It depends on what "will not work" means - the field is read-only, can't be focused, you can't type in the field, the new value is not available in modal.result? I recommend inspecting the <input> el...

Is database connectivity available in Demo version

Answered: Yes, the database connectivity is available in the trial version as well. Please take a look at the ASP.NET Scheduler tutorial which shows how to use DayPilot with SQL Server: https://code.daypilot.o...

Version no of Angular 13 DayPilot proversion?

Answered: Thanks, it's worked with latest DayPilot version.

Daypilot Scheduler in ipad (Safari browser)

Answered: Unfortunately, I'm not able to reproduce the issue. Which version of Safari, iOS and DayPilot do you use? Safari and Chrome use the same engine on iOS and they should behave exactly the same.

View again current month

Answered: For this, you need to create one more button 'Today Button' and create one function for the today button and write your logic on this. todayDate() { this.configMonth.startDate =

Performance issue

Answered: Thanks for the update. To detect that a row has been rendered, you can use onBeforeRowHeaderRender event: You can also increase th...

How can I improve data load in vue js

Answered: All main components (Calendar, Month, Scheduler) provide visibleStart() and visibleEnd() methods that you can use to get the start and end of the current date segment (calculated from startDate/days)...

Event Text Font size

Answered: When using the default theme, the Scheduler events are marked with "scheduler_default_event" CSS class (the outer div) and "scheduler_default_event_inner" (the inner div): .scheduler_default_event_...

how to apply css (font-weight) for cell?

Answered: The Scheduler cells are marked with "scheduler_default_cell" CSS class (when using the default theme): .scheduler_default_cell { font-weight: bold; } See also:

Trigger collapseAll and expandAll on clicking header

Answered: You can add the icon using an active area which lets you specify an onClick handler. Active areas are supported in time headers, row headers, events, and cells. Here you can find an example of a row ...

I need to add an event listener on collapse name.

Answered: Adding event listeners to Scheduler elements using global selectors is not a supported scenario. The Scheduler needs to update individual elements as needed. Instead, use the provided render event ha...

minCellHeight seems not work

Answered: In the monthly calendar, it's necessary to use cellHeight:

onBeforeCellRender loading after trigger click

Answered: At this moment, the React Scheduler will always update on state changes. This is a design decision and the alternative would be to perform a deep comparison of the current/previous props. The props c...

Calendar Month in viewtype=week

Answered: Thanks for the update. It should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2022.3.5440): Please let me know if the problem persists.

How to prevent event move

Answered: You can use onEventMoving event handler to customize the Scheduler drag and drop event moving in real time:

using hours on X-Axys, resources on Y-axys, and a second metric on Y-asyx

Answered: I'm not sure what exactly you are trying to achieve but here are the related options: 1. You can specify the vertical position of an event inside a row manually:

How to set dynamic value into parent row cell value

Answered: Please take a look at this tutorial:

How can I remove demo from header and add other text

Answered: If you are a licensed user of DayPilot Pro, you can get a special NPM link in the customer area at If there is any problem please contact us by email at support@d...
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