Questions Tagged
Event filtering and row filtering
Hi Team, Can you help me in achieving event filtering and row filtering in webform scheduler? Please share the sample code or relevant information. thanks
Navigator past months / block future dates
Answered: Yes, this is possible. You can hook the onTimeRangeSelect event handler and forbid navigating to the selected dates. Please see the following tutorial:
How to keep original dates when moving events
Answered: You can call args.preventDefault() in onEventMove (not onEventMoved) to cancel the moving action: It's also possible to use the built-in overl...
how to remove alert
Answered: The message pops up because you are using the trial version of DayPilot Pro which can only be used for testing. If you want to continue using DayPilot Pro you need to purchase a license: https://aspn...
How do I deploy daypilot light to my server?
Answered: Never mind. Just copied the dll to the bin folder for the website and voila it works.
Load multiple events in a resource without changing the resource width
Answered: Unfortunately, this is not possible. You can use custom event height but it won't affect the position of other events. Based on the overlap ordering rules, the events are arranged into "lines" inside...
'DayPilot' is not defined
Answered: Please make sure that daypilot-all.min.js is loaded before the month control initialization code [@Html.DayPilotMonth("dp",....]. If the library is not loaded at that point it will generate an error ...
Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property 'id' of undefined
Answered: Sorry for the delay. This bug has been fixed in 2018.4.3469:
Error ao inicialzar
Answered: This is the URL of the backend controller (Calendar/backend) that handles the internal calls made by the client-side library. If you open it directly in the browser, you will receive an error because...
How to load events only from a specific userID
Answered: PHP is not my primary language, but maybe you can try adding the userId as a parameter to the backend url. So"backend_events.php"); becomes:"backend_events.php?userid=...
Insert not working
Answered: I'd recommend checking the server response (backend_events_create.php call) using browser developer tools. It may include additional information about a server-side error.
Error when multi moving while EventMoveHandling is set to notify
Hello, I am using DayPilot Scheduler MVC version 2019.1.5964 and I get an error when I'm trying to move multiple events while the EventMoveHandling of the Scheduler control is set to Notify: daypilot...
Remove Delayed Bubble Display
Hi, Question 1. I applied the bubble display on event hover. But the problem is the bubble displays after some time display. Can we make it instantly as soon as mouse hover over the event? Question 2...
Logical overnight scheduling
Answered: Hi Paul, This feature is not intended as a workaround for displaying long events. It's designed for views where the day boundaries are shifted - e.g. tv listings. The calendar will display events spa...
Answered: There are two ways to hide the scrollbar: * adjust the content (make it smaller) * set an increased height/width manually By default, the height is set automatically according to the contents. The au...
Modal does not load / trigger jquery or javascript
Answered: If you use the modal dialog to display a custom URL using showUrl() it will always use an iframe. The "useIframe" value is ignored in this case. If you want to reach the JS objects created in the par...
Scheduler Performance Problems
Having performance problems with the scheduler, such things as it taking 5 seconds or more just to scroll. I have gone through this and tried varies combinations of the suggestions within it, but not...
Context Menu change position page scrolling up and down
Answered: The context menu is created using a <div> element that is placed directly under document.body as the last child. Its position is specified using inline styles ("position: absolute; top: ...px; left: ...
unselect a selected event on event click
Answered: The default behavior corresponds to the typical file manager behavior - clicking an event selects it, clicking another event changes the selection to the new event, Ctrl+click is required to unselect...
when click on even
when click on event how do I load event detail in pop up, now empty pop up shows up.
Group resources
Answered: Unfortunately, this kind of arrangement is not supported at the moment. The parent resource will always be displayed as a separate row.
position selected event on the center of view port when zoom in/out
Answered: You can scroll to a specified position using scrollTo() method: You can get the selected event using https://api.daypilot.o...
how to add Switching Day/Week View
Answered: To switch the view, you just need to change the viewType value and call update(), like this: Switch to day view:
dp.viewType = "Day";
Switch to week view:
dp.viewType = "Week";
Remove checkboxes
Answered: You can override the CSS for the leaf node icon. For the default theme, the CSS class is called "scheduler_default_tree_image_no_children". See also: Y...
Drag and Drop from a TextBox or Label to the Scheduler grid
Answered: It's possible to activate TextBox and Label controls using DayPilot.Scheduler.makeDraggable(). You just need to target the corresponding DOM elements using JavaScript. For example, the <asp:TextBox> ...
Keyboard Control for DayPilot/W3C Accessibility Standards
Are there any current plans for making the daypilot calendar interface keyboard accessible to W3C standards?
How to disable rowheadercolumn resizing?
Answered: The latest sandbox build (2019.2.3812) now supports rowHeaderColumnsResizable property which lets you disable the row header column resizing:
dp.rowHeaderColumnsResizable = true;
When the resizi...
Adding extra fields in the db
Answered: You can have custom fields in the db table. In ASP.NET, you can load them using DataTagFields property: ...
Allocating a color to each event
Answered: Please see the documentation:
How can I fix the position of the event when event overlaps?
Answered: You can apply custom sorting rules to overlapping events. Please see the example in the documentation: Let me know if this is not what you are lookin...