Questions Tagged scheduler
Obtain args.div in Scheduler's onEventDoubleClicked() event handler
(v.8.2 SP10) I am currently calling the Bubble's showHtml() method upon event double-click in the Scheduler. Is there a way to obtain the args.div like it is in onEventClicked()? It doesn't appear to...
Desktop app
Answered: Yes, it's possible. You'll need to replace the browser-server communication with direct API calls. 1. For calling JavaScript functions from the WebForms application use WebBrowser.Document.InvokeScri...
Scheduler with custom Timeline and TimeHeaders
Answered: It seems to work fine with the latest version (8.2). Can you please give it a try?
Scheduler Event Resize Issue
In DayPilot Scheduler Event drag is working fine but I cannot resize the event by dragging. Can Anybody help me to fix this Issue? Using following version. DayPilot Pro Copyright (c) 2005 - 2016 Annp...
Event Drag And Drop Between 2 Scheduler
I have Scheduler, Scheduler1 & Scheduler2 both have "cellDuration" property set to 30 mins. but when i drag and drop an event from Scheduler1 to Scheduler2, in scheduler2 it will create an event with...
Mouse Cursor Alignment Problem When Dragging An Event From One Scheduler To Another
I have 2 DayPilot scheduler in my page and i want to drag and drop an event from scheduler1 at top to the scheduler2 at bottom. Currently I'm able to do the drag and drop but when I'm dragging the ev...
While dragging an event mouse cursor will not be in proper position in Scheduler
Answered: This issue should be fixed in the latest sandbox build (8.2.2268): Let me know if the problem persists.
ShowNonBusiness is not working In Scheduler
Answered: All properties of the DayPilot JavaScript objects use lower camel case (just like JavaScript generally). Try this instead:
$scope.dpc.businessBeginsHour = 8;
$scope.dpc.businessEndsHour = 18;
Hiding resources with no events
Answered: load only resource which has events from loadResources Method.
Scheduler showing grid some area grade out
Hi, Not sure it's as design, few times i see combination of Gray and white area in scheduler table. Could you please let me know what causing the issue. Please find attached screenshot. Thanks
Different Height for specific Events?
Answered: Yes, you can specify custom height using .height property: It will overrride the global height set using .eventHeight property. You can also specify cust...
Answered: There are several options, please see the following documentation page:
Customise Cell Duration Label
Answered: You can customize the time headers using OnBeforeTimeHeaderRender: The sample code would look like this:
protected override void OnBefor...
Critical Path Management
Answered: This tutorial ( uses the Scheduler control in Gantt mode (ViewType="Gantt") which has limited capabilities. You might w...
Add beds
Answered: At this moment the number of beds is not editable using the sample code. However, it's stored in the database (rooms.capacity field) so it shouldn't be difficult to add an option to edit it.
Change Date Format
Answered: DayPilotScheduler1.VisibleStart is a DateTime object so you can get a custom formatted string from it using ToString():
See also here: http...
Booking for multiple tables
Answered: This scenario is not covered by the tutorial. However, you can select multiple time ranges at once using "time range multi-selecting" feature:
Answered: The Gantt chart in this tutorial is based on the Scheduler control (it's the Scheduler controls switch to Gantt using ViewType="Gantt"). See also: That ...
Old Licence
Answered: Versions 5.3 and 5.8 are more than 6 years old and most likely will not work with this tutorial sample code. It's also not recommended to use an unsupported version in production. If you want to make...
Remove Demo Title From the Tool
Answered: The tutorial includes a trial version of DayPilot Pro for ASP.NET WebForms. The trial version is not licensed for production use and displays a DEMO label. If you want to use the code in production a...
Answered: The timesheet view (ViewType="Days") is only supported in DayPilot Pro. It looks like you might be using the Lite version. See also:
Answered: Most likely the problem is that the process doesn't have permissions to write to daypilot.sqlite. 1. Trying adding the permissions. 2. Placing the DB file in a publicly accessible location is not a g...
Daypilot Scheduler - Export to PDF
Answered: If you want to add custom header and footer to each PDF page simply use the code from "Add Title to PDF" section:
// create a graphics object for PDF page modification
XGraphics gfx = XGraphics.Fr...
Scheduler vertical scroll
Hi, I've noticed that if I fill the Scheduler with resources to make it displays the vertical scrollbar and then scroll with the mouse wheel, the viewport move backward of one day per scroll. The sch...
Events background color in exported PNG image
Answered: This was a bug which is now fixed (since build 2100): Let me know if the issue persists.
daypilot.sqlite file
Answered: You can use one of the SQLite manager applications, e.g.
attributes like name and project codes
Hello, is there a mechanism to capture other attritbutes from user, Errors in does not work with the version on your site in VS 2015 .NET 4.6 thanks
how many days are used this template code?
Answered: 1. If you are asking about the number of days visible in the Scheduler - this sample configuration displays 365 days but you can configure it using Days property. 2. If you are asking about the licen...
Scheduler -> Dynamic Cell Width with a minimum
Answered: There was a bug in the latest release that prevented CellWidthMin from working. It should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (8.1.3509):