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Questions Tagged scheduler

Scheduler not working

Answered: Ok, nevermind I just used the function I wrote before: protected override void OnBeforeCellRender(BeforeCellRenderArgs e) { if ((e.Start.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday || e.Start.DayOfWeek == DayOfW...

Jasmine unit tests for DayPilot Scheduler AngularJs Typescript

Hi, I need to write Jasmine unit tests for my page containing DayPilot Scheduler. Is there any sample code available. I have downloaded the project but it doesn...

Scheduler for Angular2 not creating resource children

Answered: The resource tree is disabled by default (it adds node icons to the rows which is not desired if it's a flat structure). You can enable by adding "treeEnabled: true":   config: any = {     scale: ...

Full View Print on Scheduler

Answered: Yes, it's possible using the standard exportAs().print() call. Just specify the area you want to export: dp.exportAs("svg", { area: "full"}).print(); You can try it in the browser console in the ...

Scheduler for MVC 5 demo

Answered: The download package includes binaries for MVC3, MVC4 and MVC5. The demo that is included is configured to run with MVC4. You can switch the demo to work with MVC5 (updating the references and

angular2-scheduler-spring-frontend npm start

Answered: Unfortunately I can't see the attachment. However, you may need to install Angular CLI globally first: npm install -g angular-cli The tutorial is built using Angular CLI version 1.0.0-beta.19-3. ...

How to block (and show) a complete day

Answered: If I understand it correctly you are asking for something slightly different than the original question: Konrad would ...

Scheduler Half-Hour Border Color

Answered: The easiest way would probably be to insert custom separators at the specified time points:

Error with attribut "cellgroupby" And "scale"

Answered: It looks like you are using the Lite (open-source) version that doesn't support these features. See also the "Availability" table at the bottom of the documentation pages:

problem with overlaps in Server.

Answered: The Scheduler supports client-side overlap detection ( This helps with real-time UI feedback but it's also necessary to implement server-side va...

Updating Navigator's SelectMode from codebehind

Answered: At this moment the SelectMode has to be changed on the client side: nav.selectMode = "month"; nav.update(); Another option is to place the DayPilotNavigator control inside an UpdatePanel.

DayPilot Scheduler is slow in IE (only in IE)

Hi, Hope you could help me. We are using Scheduler v8 (Pro) and got an issue that it's really slow in IE (10, 11, Edge). Everything is fine in Chrome and Firefox, though. I've tried to disable nearly...

Pro License concerned

Answered: The "DEMO" label indicates that you are using the trial version of DayPilot Pro. If you want to use the Pro version you'll need to buy a license. The trial period is limited to 60 days.

HTML5 Tennis Court Reservation for webforms

I am looking court booking and came across day-pilot Tennis court booking code sample Could you please tell me if you sam...

DayPilot.Scheduler.makeDraggable Not supported in Angular2?

Answered: and here it is: import { Directive, ElementRef, Input, AfterViewInit } from '@angular/core'; import { DayPilot } from 'daypilot-pro-angular'; @Directive({ selector: '[makeDraggable]' }) expo...

How to execute using MySQL instead of SQLite?

Answered: The default MySQL port is 3306 so keep that value (unless you have changed the port in your MySQL installation). As far as I can see there are no extra backticks in the SQL commands. Your _db.php sho...

How to limit appointment time only to 30 minutes?

Answered: 1. The default appointment slot duration is set in "backend_create.php" file using $slot_duration variable: $slot_duration = 60; You can change it as needed. 2. Yes, you should change sesion_id t...

Remove "DEMO" tag on table

Answered: The DEMO label indicates that you are using a trial version of DayPilot Pro (which is bundled with the tutorial). In order to remove it you need to purchase a full license at

Any solution to this error?

Answered: You'll need to switch to the latest DayPilot Pro version - it doesn't use the AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers attribute anymore.

Most of the code in Controller shows error

Answered: The attached sample project includes a working application - you can check the source code of the controll in TutorialCS/App_Code/Controller/SchedulerController.cs. It's now also added to the tutoria...

Angular 2 Scheduler

Does the scheduler support External Drag and Drop, cannot see any way of making items draggable?


Answered: You can customize the appearence by creating a custom CSS theme. You can use the online theme designer to generate a new theme: The generated CSS file can be also customiz...

Using Scheduler as syntax with events

Answered: Your setup seems to overwrite the "events" property of the DayPilot.Scheduler object somewhere. The events property holds not only the event data (events.list) but also other methods (events.update()...

Disable Room booking for Past Dates

How can i Disable New reservation pop up opening for Past Dates?

Cannot read property 'exp' of undefined

Answered: As far as I can tell there is no "exp" property in DayPilot. It looks like it's related to watching changes of an object that you reference using "config" or "events" attributes. The slowdown is also...

How-To: Remove debugging (Scheduler)

Answered: This was a temporary issue of the sandbox build. The latest sandbox build doesn't print it anymore (8.2.2396):

Scheduler event diseapear after resize/move

Answered: Older versions of DayPilot stored event data in ViewState by default. Newer versions use StoreEventsInViewState property to control the behavior. By default it is set to "false". You can enable the o...

How-To: Alter Duration Over Date Range (Scheduler)

Answered: It's possible to highlight the busy hours inside an event using custom active areas. Example that highlights 9am - 5pm (on workdays) inside an event: dp.onBeforeEventRender = function(args) { va...


Answered: The easiest way to try it out is to download the project and run it on a local webserver with PHP enabled (e.g. Linux with Apache and PHP). Just copy the project to the web root. If you use MySQL you...

HTML5 Doctor Appointment Scheduling (JavaScript/PHP/MySQL)"

Answered: If you are asking about how to install the project locally to try it out please see this answer: If you are asking about licensing - you'll need a DayP...
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