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Questions Tagged scheduler

My webpage gets laggy after a few hours when using Daypilot(trial) scheduler

Answered: Most likely it is an increasing memory consumption that is slowing the page down. A few hints: 1. Make sure that you have DayPilot Pro version 8.1.1969 or later (

Export Image or PDF in Javascript

Answered: The PNG image export is in the works and it will be available in the next release (8.2) - in a few weeks. You can find a preview of the implementation in the sandbox:

Time range selection in schedular has a delay when using touch rather than mouse

Answered: This is by design - starting the time range selecting immediately it would prevent grid scrolling. You can configure the delay using tapAndHoldTimeout (the default value is 300ms): http://api.daypilo...

Multiple lines/rows in

Answered: For overriding the event HTML, use the .html property. In order to add a line break, use "<br/>": = [ { start: "2015-12-01", end: "2015-12-05", text: "Event 1", ...

How to block (and show) a complete day

Answered: Unfortunately it is not possible to draw a single rectangle over multiple cells at the moment. Another option might be to use onBeforeCellRender to use a different color for forbidden cells + use onE...

Bubbles with dates on scheduler have static locale.

Answered: This is a bug, indeed - it should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (8.1.1931): These indicators are disabled by default - you can enable them using .ti...

Use Custom JSON Object in resource

Answered: The scheduler .resources property requires this exact structure. See also: If your server returns JSON array that has items with a different stru...

Scheduler - Grey out events on saturday and sunday

Answered: The following code will change the event color to gray if it it overlaps a weekend: protected void DayPilotScheduler1_BeforeEventRender(object sender, BeforeEventRenderEventArgs e) { ...

$scope.scheduler is undefined

Answered: Then you should be able to start with this code and extend it step-by-step until you have all you need or until it stops working. If it stops working please check the last thing you added.

Headers with different height

Hello, Is it possible to configure a different height for each header? For example I have 3 headers, Month, Day and Hours, and I want to have Month 40px height and Day, Hours height with a height of ...

Display only few hours

Answered: You can use a custom timeline: Or hide non-business hours:

IE 9 rendering issue JavaScript scheduler

Answered: I have tried to reproduce the issue using the latest sandbox build (8.1.1753): I have added the Bootstrap CSS to the main scheduler page: <link rel="styleshe...

How to show only two months in the monthly scheduler

I want to show only two months in my scheduler

Disable menu item for some events

Hi , Any way to disable (or make invisible) a certain menu item (not the whole menu) for some events ?

Horizental seperators

I want to use a horizental separator to divide resources into groups

Collapse feature and dynamic loading

Hi, I'm using the collapse feature for resources and dynamic loading for events, but when I collapse resources events does not load until I user the sroll how to fix this ?

Forbidd Events Overlapping

Answered: Please make sure that you are using an up-to-date CSS theme. Older themes may not include the *_shadow_overlap CSS class that is used to highlight the forbidden position. You can create a new theme i...

Prevent resetting to top of scheduler after saving?

Answered: In most cases, it should not reset (at least it is not reset explicitly). However, you can save the vertical scrollbar position before the AJAX call using getScrollY() and set it to the same value af...

Adding resources breaks cellWidthSpec="Auto"

I have a DayPilot scheduler on my app. When I set up the component originally, it is set with cellWidthSpec="Auto" and everything is set fine. I later retrieve my resources via Ajax and set them into...

Scheduler: Changing HeaderHeight

I see in the documentation the headerHeight parameter, but when I set it, it is always rendered as 20px. Am I missing something? I'm using the Angular implementation with the attached config

Current time in Scheduler

Answered: I solved this with Seperators ( dp.separators = [{color: "Green", width: 2, location: new DayPilot.Date()}]; dp.update(); setInterval(function () {

Javascript Scheduler Rows Auto Height

Answered: Unfortunately, it's not possible to stretch the row height automatically because it's based on the event box height and the number of overlapping events. However, it's possible to use heightSpec = "M...

How can i clear the content of daypilot scheduler version 7.9

Answered: This issue seems to be related to the timeline only. You can see this exception if the timeline is empty, i.e. when Days is set to 0 or if you hide all columns (

External Drag for scheduler with calendar

I want to perform an external drag from a gridview to a Scheduler with a linked navigator to select date. If we select different date from the calendar, e.StartDate and e.EndDate will still be Today ...

Problem moving events

Good Morning, I'm initializing a scheduler javascript. I have a problem when I move the data. I was trying to create a method that would allow me to avoid overlap of events. Through a Request Daypilo...

A problem when expanding a resource at the middle or bottom of DayPilot scheduler

Good Day for you all. I have a problem with the DayPilot Scheduler Control (Take for example this one when making 'Room A' at the bottom of the Reso...

Fixed height for row (css override) ?

"Hi, with Daypilot Scheduler < 7.0 is it possible to adjust the row height manually (maybe with some css overrides) to a fixed height ? In my specific case I need to limit the rows displayed for a re...

TimeRange Selecting adds one hour

Answered: How do you read the e.start value? On the client side, e.start() returns a DayPilot.Date object. It holds the date in the internal .d property which shouldn't be read directly (it's stored as a GMT d...

IE + Floating Month Headers in Scheduler

Thank you for the update to the Month Headers in Scheduler, this is something that I was hoping for for a long time. Unfortunately, our official browser at work is Internet Explorer, and the floating...

Performance problem collapsing/expanding when running 200 resources in 25 groups

Answered: The first thing to try is to disable the Row Header Width Auto-Fit feature: More resource header optimizations are scheduled for the next ...
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