Questions Tagged
Change the color of the event
Answered: If "events" holds an array of DayPilot.Event objects you need to change the background color like this:
// ... = 'Gray';
// ...
instead of
// ...
evt.backColor = 'Gray'; ...
Error Javascript
Hello Dann, can help me with the following error, which is generated when I close the window create function close(result) { if (parent && parent.DayPilot && parent.DayPilot.ModalStatic) { parent.Day...
How can i translate days into another language
Answered: Please take a look at the Localization topic in the documentation: You can use one of the predefined locales or you can define your own. In addition to sw...
Cannot export or print schedule [AngularJS]
Answered: Update: The latest sandbox build (8.4.3098) accepts string, number and null (null was added in this build). The exception text now includes the value type. Pl...
Event start end problem
Answered: By default DayPilot works with exact date/time points, i.e. an event with end specified as "2017-10-06T00:00:00" will end at the beginning of October 6, 2017 (midnight). There is an option to change ...
Timetable Tutorial (ASP.NET, C#, VB.NET)
sir i have request to show how we will add in event to show time and in new event as it is note we are giving in the event
javascript not running on server
Answered: I had to set the Anonymous Authentication user to DefaultAppPool and it is now fine.
Exact timerange selection when useEventBoxes is set to never.
Answered: In addition to useEventBoxes which affect the display of existing events there is also snap-to-grid feature which affects drag and drop: Unfortunately...
Cell duration
Hello, I would like to change the cell duration of the time to be 1 min in webforms I changed the code to be: <DayPilot:DayPilotCalendar ID="DayPilotCalendar1" runat="server" CssClass="auto-s...
How to access constants in Angulajs Template
Hi, How can I access constants defined in common js file into a template of a different module? if I defined a constant like this in my MainModule.js which is included in the beginning of the main HT...
Moving all events from once resource to another
Answered: You can get a list of all events for a given row using
var events = dp.rows.find("A").events.all();
Then change the "resource" value for all of them and call update:
Collapse all Rows
When I click to open a row, is it possible to collapse the other rows without foreaches? Thanks in advance!
how to recalculate overlapping in onEventMoving
Answered: Found a solution here. Adjusting the Target Position
Include this component in an Ionic project
Answered: Ionic is based on Angular so you can simply follow the documentation for the Angular scheduler: Let me know if there is any problem.
Clear cell values
Hi I have a resource called summary and showing the totals depending on resource. But when i changed the resource still showing the previous values. how can clear the values in some cells i.e is summ...
Move events dynamically joint
Hi, I'm using Daypilot Scheduler Javascript, and I'm wondering if the joint events feature could help me. What I'm trying the achieve is to move an event on the time axis using drag and drop, but at ...
Getting the filtered events
Hi, I have to get filtered events i mean events visible on the scheduler. Do we have any direct option or only through javascript function. thanks
Event move
Hi While moving the event,event is resizing.How to prevent resizing while moving the event Thanks
Want to show Cell in color
I want to apply color for cell if respective date is having more than 1 count...I am using now dp.onBeforeCellRender() for the same. But its not very usefull for me.
TimeRangeSelect shadow backcolor
How to customize the background-color of the timeRange on selecting?.
Uncaught String expected Error when export shceduler to jpeg
Answered: Please see a related question:
AreaCollection in Calendar
Answered: The active areas are supported in Calendar cells but only with fixed positioning using area.Left/Right/Top/Bottom. Positioning using area.Start and area.End is not supported at this moment.
modal dialog
Answered: You need to add the buttons yourself. The showHtml() doesn't add anything to the HTML and only displays what you supply. You can close the dialog by calling modal.close() method.
Why is some of the Calendar bar another color, sometimes?
Answered: By default, the event boxes are aligned with the grid (useBoxes="Always", see also The duration bar is filled with the lighter color. The dar...
Overlapping events mode
Answered: You can find the overlapping event arrangement options here:
What determines if an Event is shown?
Answered: Each column uses two key properties: id start The basic rule is that event.start must be within the specified day (column.start) and the event.resource must match the column id ( Plus: 1. ...
Apply style sheet in sheduler
Answered: The Scheduler marks the important elements with custom CSS classes (the names are derived from the theme names). You can find the list here:
[Issue] DayPilot Month fires error "NotFoundError: Node was not found"
Answered: Hi all, after a hour, I anwsered by myself. Here is my solution: dpm.onTimeRangeSelected = function (args) { dpm.clearSelection(); args.preventDefault(); }
Following Event Editing example, but id is incorrect
Answered: I solved this. The documentation is incorrect for ASP.NET Web Forms. It tells you to use the following code: EventClickHandling="JavaScript" EventClickJavaScript="editEvent(;" But this doesn't w...