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Questions Tagged scheduler

No of Days Calculation is getting reduced by One Day

Answered: If you only work with full days, you can switch to eventEndSpec="Date" mode which will translate the end date to "end of day": But that will no...

Display public holidays from date given

Answered: It's necessary to specify the holidays using full date, i.e. you need to specify it for all years that are applicable.

How display not only a current month?

Answered: You can specify the number of days using days property: This way you can display as many months as you need.

How to include this scheduler to spring boot?

Answered: > SO the question is how can I send as a response this data from database to the jpa and to display it on the scheduler correctly. This is what the tutorial is trying to explain in "Loading Scheduler...

Angular Scheduler: resources and events rows get desynchronized with scrollIntoView

Answered: Unfortunately, it's not possible to scroll the page using the row header this way. If you really have to do it, you'll need to use an element from the main grid (e.g. a cell). This will keep both pan...

Angular Daypilot Scheduler ngOnDestroy

Answered: The message appears if you deploy the trial version. The trial version can only be used for evaluation and this message is a reminder that you need to purchase a license: https://javascript.daypilot....

remove demo

Answered: You'll need to purchase a license: The tutorial includes a trial version of DayPilot Pro.

How to add cssClass property per rowHeaderColumn in Tabular mode

Answered: Ok, I played a few hours, looked at the new resource object in tabular mode and came to the following solution. Note that I removed the 'display' attribute, to make sure DayPilot looks at the columns...

Rolling schedule possible ?

Answered: The generated timeline (scale !== "Manual") starts at 00:00 on the date specified using startDate. If you want to shift the start by a smaller unit you will need to hide selected time cells (https://...

Scheduler AutoScroll detect autoscroll event

Answered: Unfortunately, this is not supported at the moment.

Vue.js: divShadow is undefined

Answered: > I installed the newest version und the error is gone, but we have instead a new one: "f.divHover is undefined" Like with divShadow we didn't change anything. The Scheduler object is initialized and...

Scheduler Event Phases

Answered: The event phases are displayed using active areas ( Active areas are rectangles inserted into events. The can be positioned using css-like left...

How to prevent the changed between dates when we implemented Rowfilter and Scrolling.

Answered: When infinite scrolling is enabled, it is necessary to be careful when changing the Scheduler timeline parameters (scale, cellWidth, startDate and especially days). The infinite scrolling feature shi...

How to populate second RowHeader from database

Answered: You can set the column data source using "display" property of the rowHeaderColumns[] array items: This requires DayPilot Pro for JavaScript version 2019.4.4073 or later (with the tabular mode suppor...

adding columns

Answered: If you mean the row header columns you can change them using "rowHeaderColumns" property. In React, you can use rowHeaderColumns attribute of the <DayPilotScheduler> tag. See also: https://doc.daypil...

Multiple Events in single Cell in one Line for Scheduler

Answered: Please take a look at this option: Let me know if this is not what you are looking for.

Scheduler drag and scroll

Answered: On the desktop, this is not supported. You need to use the scrollbar or custom scrolling controls (implemented using scrollTo() - On touch devi...

Vertical scroll

Answered: Yes, please see the options here:

Set Text in Resource 2nd Columns

How we can set description/text on resource's second column on a button click. I understand on onBeforeResHeaderRender event, I can set description on second column but need to set dynamically. Below...

Scheduler Timeheader Date text 90 degree rotation

Answered: You can rotate the text using CSS:

Angular show() not working

Answered: In order to access the component using "this" you need to use the arrow function notation: reSizeScheduler = () => {; } See also: https://www.typescriptlan...

Scheduler durationbarvisible false not auto adjust event height

Answered: The durationBarVisible property doesn't affect the event height - you can test it by running dp.update({durationBarVisible:false}); in the browser console at

Scheduler Bubble not showing after event add

Answered: If you add the event on the client side using events.add() the server-side BeforeEventRender won't be fired. That might be required for the bubble HTML to be set. You need to add the event using a ca...

Angular Scheduler TimeHeader Display Week Wording

Answered: You can override the text in the time header using onBeforeTimeHeaderRender event handler:

Angular 8 Scheduler Error: The placeholder element not found when refresh

Answered: Please see more here:

Angular Scheduler Event Link Delete ContentMenu

Answered: The SchedulerConfig.contextMenuLink property is now supported in the latest version:

Angular Scheduler Zoom : 'name' does not exist in type 'ZoomLevel

Answered: This should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2019.4.4154). The tutorial project uses an untyped config object so you can use this approach as a workaround: config: any = { // ... }

Regarding Date

Answered: Please take a look at this tutorial which shows how to let users change the visible range:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'x' of null when dynamicLoading is enabled and no cells are visible

Answered: This issue should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2019.4.4122): Please let me know if the problem persists.

Add expand collapse buttons to resource-row when using dynamic event rendering

I would like to add a plus and minus button to expand collapse row depending on if it has groups that is collapsed or expanded. But the rows are rendered before the data has returned thus my buttons ...
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