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Questions Tagged scheduler

Missing something...

Answered: It looks like you might have overwritten the index.html file with one generated using the UI Builder (the generated index.html uses resources array with Resource 1 and Resource 2 defined). If you dow...

Need DayPilot Javscript non-minified source code

Answered: Please see the licensing options here:

How to show week number in Weekly view calendar?

Answered: You'll need to switch to the Resources view and generate the column hierarchy manually. Please see more here:

DayPilot children rows don't show up

Answered: You need to add: treeEnabled: true to your config. See also:

2 rows for one resource

Answered: It is possible to display two rows for each resource: 1. The resource id needs to be unique. This can be done by prefixing a certain string to the resource id, e.g. "R" + id for reservations rows, "I...

Increase the height of the DayPilot Calendar control to fit its parent dynamically

Answered: Please see the following tutorial for a working example (Scheduler with heightSpec set to "Parent100Pct"):

limited timeframe

Answered: already found the solution need to change $morning_shift_starts = 9; $morning_shift_ends = 13; $afternoon_shift_starts = 14; $afternoon_shift_ends = 18; in the backend_create.php thankyou anyway

Scheduler with Sortable Columns for Javascript

Answered: There is a tutorial in the works that will show how to sort rows using the column headers in the JavaScript version. It will be published at - you can subscribe to email not...

Show Event Links on hover or select only?

Answered: Sorry for the delay... Unfortunately, the links can't be displayed on hover. You might be able to implement your own logic by only adding the selected links to the array (on event click, on active ar...

Constrain Event moves in Scheduler to within Parent Resource?

Answered: Oh, of course... after hours of searching docs, I find something mere seconds after asking. I'm assuming it will be handled in "Event Moving Customization" correct?

Can an Event option be used to adjust Business hours for a Scheduler resource?

Answered: Hi Tony, I'm happy to hear that DayPilot helps. Unfortunately the business hours are specified on the resource (row) level. At this moment, there is no way to set different business hours for differe...

Css class removed after expanding resource group

Answered: The CSS class added using addClass() is now persisted to DayPilot.Scheduler.resources[].cssClass and it will survive update() calls. It's implemented in the latest sandbox build (2018.4.3445): https:...

Drag and drop into Angular schedular

Hi there Is it possible to drag and drop an external object into the Angular scheduler? Do you perhaps have an example or demo of dragging and dropping from another component into the scheduler?

How use Scheduler component on html component

Answered: For Angular 5 Scheduler project please see the Angular 5 Scheduler Quick Start tutorial: It includes the basic setup required in Angular 5. You can...

Scheduler Timeheaders

hello im using the latest version of daypilot pro for scheduler i have the following issue , if i customize one of the timeheaders , it doesnt render properly. ,sometimes it renders correctly , and s...

Is this source code working with C# winform?

Answered: Unfortunately DayPilot Pro is only available for ASP.NET WebForms. It's possible to run the WebForms version in a WinForms application using an embedded browser (WebControl), but it's just a workarou...

Scheduler small events width

Answered: Hi Martin, If this only affects short events, I'd recommend reviewing the useEventBoxes property:

onClick should be onclick....

Answered: Just a quick background explanation: The "onclick" event has been replaced by "onClick" in version 8.3.2617: The new onClick event...

example not working

Answered: Please note that this example uses a context menu to item to split the event. The context menu is activated on right click (which seems to work fine).

Cannot use DayPilot.Angular.Modal

Answered: The modal dialog tutorial was created some time ago - the DayPilot.Angular namespace has been deprecated meanwhile. An updated version of the tutorial is now available (it uses Angular 6 and DayPilot...

Overlay to indicate days has past

Answered: One option is to add custom CSS (using cell.cssClass) and create styles for all different combinations of classes (they are all applied at the same level): .scheduler_default_cell, .scheduler_default...

Scheduler + Calendar break rowMoveHandling on Firefox

Hi, I think I have found a bug! If you have the Scheduler and the Calendar directives in the same page, it seems that the rowMoveHandling option stop to work for the Scheduler directive. This strange...

Move Resoources

Answered: You can also move a resource by modifying the "resources" array. Afer making the changes, call update() to refresh the Scheduler. This example sorts the rows alphabetically (by name): var dp = new ...

options to split hour

Answered: For the Calendar component (used in index.php and doctor.php) you can adjust the scale to show 15-minute cells using cellDuration property: var calendar= new DayPilot.Calendar("dp"); // ... calen...

Showing Custom Data

Answered: The Scheduler requires the key data (such as event start, end, id) to be stored in specific properties. You need to transform your data items to match the required structure. You can use map() to do ...

Changing the Daypilot instance

Answered: I found the solution myself, would be of help to others if ever come across this question. I simply used the dispose() method of the DayPilot, so when the event is triggered, I first got rid of the e...

Link between assignment and recurrence

Answered: Please see the SQL schema at the bottom of the article. The recurrence information (serialized rule) is stored in AssignmentRecurrence field (Assignment table). DayPilot uses this rule to expand this...


If I want to add a calculation can you show me how? I downloaded the full booking system but for my school project, the system should have some sort of a calculation!

error in dt.fill

project not running

Disable event overlap

Answered: The Scheduler can prevents overlap during drag and drop operations ( However, if you need to check the validity of the input values in a modal dial...
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