All Questions
How to filter characteristics of an event?
Answered: Please take a look at the clientState/ClientState properties that I have suggested here: See also...
Does the DayPilot Scheduler respect WCAG 2.0?
I want to include Accessibility in this, please let me know is it provide or not.
How can I remove the scroll?
Answered: Please see the height configuration options here: The "BusinessHoursNoScroll" and "Full" values of HeightSpec will display the Calendar component without the...
How can I remove the demo tag?
Answered: You need to replace DayPilot.Web.Mvc.dll and daypilot-all.min.js files in your project with the ones from the full version zip file.
Change the height of the row without firing events for all rows
Answered: Unfortunately, it's not possible to update a single row at the moment. The full update ensures that the data and view are in sync and updating just a single row could have unwanted side effects and h...
Need an ability to update individual Row without updating the control - dp.Update()
Answered: Please see my reply here:
How can I make a filter per user?
Answered: You can add a custom constructor that will accept additional parameters: Action:
public ActionResult Backend()
var userId = ....
return new Dpc(userId).CallBack(this);
Dpc class:
Drag Drop events not working in IE 11
Answered: You can get the latest version of DayPilot Pro in the customer area (if you have an active maintenance subscription): It looks like you are using DayPilot Pro for ...
How to populate the Daypilot scheduler based on Offsigner
Answered: You can apply custom event sorting: Another option would be using a standalone row/resource which would define the position without additional tweaks.
How do i change local and date format to fr-fr
Answered: You can change the culture/locale to "fr-fr" using DayPilot.Scheduler.locale property:
How can I only allow single row select?
Hi, I want to be able to select a single resource at a time (don't allow multiple rows selected). Is there a property or I should somehow handle this?
Bubble not showing up
Answered: You can specify the event bubble content using "bubbleHtml" property. Assigning new DayPilot.Bubble() to dp.bubble is not necessary (it uses an empty Bubble object by default). Example:
Korean language support
Answered: Korean locale ("ko-kr") is now added in the latest sandbox build (2019.3.3983).
Little issue with css and areas
Hi, I'm using the following code in the onBeforeEventRender:
if (data.layer === 7) {
args.e.cssClass = `${args.e.cssClass} fas fa-times`;
if (!
Red color for the Message
Answered: It's possible to change the background color using CSS. 1. You can create a custom theme: 2. You can override the background color specified using the def...
How to allow to move events from outside and to outside, but not within the scheduler?
Hi, Is there a way to prevent events moving within the schedule but allow to move from external div and into external div? Thanks in advance
Can cell widths be set differently for business/non-business times?
Answered: Hi David, That's correct - the manual timeline can't be use in combination with the infinite scrolling. Since version 2019.3.3947, you can use onIncludeTimeCell to modify the cell width during automa...
How to be able to select a row and also have double click working?
Answered: The row double click is not enabled by default. If you enable it using rowDoubleClickHandling = "Enabled" you'll be able to use both single and double click event handlers:
Create and Assign event-specific contextMenus
Answered: The docs is now updated with an example that shows how to assign an event-specific menu using onBeforeEventRender: Please let me know if there i...
No next cell found - error thrown
Please advise on the following error: I have two Daypilot timesheets based on with the following settings: eventHeight: 60, heightSpec : 'Max', height: 350, cellWidthSpec: 'Auto', cellWidthMin: '25',...
Show total hours in Timesheet
Answered: You might be able to display it in the upper-left corner (that's the only free space):
How to add button in daypilot scheduler
Answered: Please see the following tutorial - it shows how to add a button to the row header using active areas:
Multiple Schedulers Scroll Lock
Answered: Yes, but you need to do it on the client side:
// scrollbar synchronization
$(document).ready(function() {
$(dp.nav.scroll).scroll(function() {
Remove argument in the onScroll event for dynamic loading doesn't do anything.
When using the dynamic loading feature I am loading events by their associated resource. I want to add and remove events depending on what resource is visible. When attempting to remove, I was passin...
Using id from event in modal dialog
Answered: You should be able to pass the event id to the modal dialog like this: <DayPilot:DayPilotScheduler ID="DayPilotScheduler1" runat="server" EventClickHandling="JavaScript" EventClickJavaScript="eventCl...
Preventing move after answering cancel in the modal dialog
Answered: My colleague found a way:
if (data.masterbook > 0) {
args.async = true;
// Moving booking series should be handled differently
const { Modal } =...
Using cellDuration with business hours
Answered: The cells defined using cellDuration (or other scale types as well) will always start at 00:00 and the start won't be affected by the businessBeginsHour property. In fact, businessBeginsHour works be...
DayPilotScheduler and BeforeEventRender
Answered: This is correct, just make sure that BeforeEventRenderEventArgs is imported from the correct namespace (DayPilot.Web.Ui.Events.Scheduler). You can also specify it explicitly:
protected void DayPilo...
Client and Backend version mismatch
Answered: Hi Jozsef, Thanks for reporting the issue! It's fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2019.3.5988).
Scheduler Event - Before the current date
Answered: Yes, you can mark the cells in the past as disabled: