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Task Box Text Color

Answered: You can change the text color using onBeforeTaskRender event: dp.onBeforeTaskRender = function(args) { if (args.type === "Group") { = "#ffffff"; } }; See also...

Warnings in Chrome console for the scheduler

Answered: The warnings on non-passive event listener only appear if you set the log level to "Verbose". It's a hint and not something that can be "fixed" in all cases. The non-passive listener is essential for...

UndoService in reactjs

Answered: Please see the following tutorial:

Scroll Issue in Resource Column only on Macbook trackpad?

Answered: This should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2021.3.5062): It looks like Safari started to report a different scrollbar width when a mouse is connect...

Missing Event reference on external drag & drop item

Answered: Solved! Dunno why, but it seems that removing the ID attribute deputies to the AJAX conversion the content is correctly sent to db. If someone could explain me why this trick worked should be great. ...

rowheaderhideiconenabled set up colums which stay showed

Answered: Unfortunately, this is not possible at the moment. You can implement this feature using your own button. You can find an example here:

Uncaught DayPilot.Scheduler.resources expects an array object

Answered: The Scheduler checks if the object in the "resources" property is an array. If it isn't, it throws this exception. You should make sure that you are passing a correct object. I recommend printing the...

Reinitialize again Daypilot component or somehow destroy it on new reinit

Answered: There are two options: 1. You can reuse the "dp" instance (and use the update() method to apply the new configuration). 2. Destroy and unbind the old instance by calling dispose(): https://api.daypil...

How to call a daypilot EventClickJavaScript on button click of ASP.NET WEBFORM - C#

Answered: Instead of trying to build the DayPilot.Event object, I recommend changing the ask() function signature so it would accept individual parameters that are available to the button click event handler.

Keyboard navigation from last cell

Answered: With the latest version (, you can update the keyboard focus in onEventClick event like this: dp.onEventClick = args => { ...

Is it possible to get the same event of DayPilot on Gridview OnRawCommand ?

Answered: The 'e' variable holds a DayPilot.Event object. You can create it using the constructor:

How to call a DayPilotCalendar event on button click of ASP.NET ?

Answered: Try this: <asp:LinkButton ID="linkbtn_show" runat="server" Text="Create New Task" OnClientClick="javascript: create('2021-08-16T13:00:00', '2021-08-16T13:00:00', null);" > </asp:LinkButton>

Scheduler: keyboard navigation using the Tab-key

Answered: The keyboard API is now available - please take a look at the following tutorial:

Daypilot angular bundle size

Answered: Unfortunately, the package size can't be reduced. We recommend the following to improve the loading time: make sure the bundle is served compressed (in your screenshot, you can see that the gzipped s...

How to auto hide empty/unhide non-empty rows when scrolling horizontally and vertically

Answered: Applying the row filter requires an update of the Scheduler which is not possible during scrolling. However, the latest sandbox build (2021.3.5048) now includes a new rowEmptyHeight property which le...

Scheduler integration with excisting system

Answered: Could you please contact to discuss the details?

Summary columns at the end of the Scheduler

Answered: Hi Petr, Unfortunately, it's only possible to display the summary on the left side (in the row headers) at this moment.

Daypilot does not detect window size is changed - content height is not adjusted

Answered: Are you able to reproduce the issue using the project from the "Angular Scheduler: Full Screen Layout" tutorial? Please note that ...

Problem with events and resources background

Answered: The image export only supports a limited set of CSS styles. The Scheduler tries to detect the background color but if you use an unsupported background style it will fail. You can override the auto-d...

Can't get resource.

Answered: Sorry for the confusion: In onEventMoved, you need to use args.newStart, args.newEnd, args.newResource instead. See also:

Time range context menu does not work

Answered: This looks like an old copy of the demo. You can find the latest version here: It should work fine for both the time range selection (use...

Target custom columnheader_cell as rowheadercol with number

Answered: The latest sandbox build (2021.3.5045) now support adding a custom CSS class to the column headers using onBeforeRowHeaderColumnRender event handler. Example:...

Empy header cell for next columns if treeEnabled = true

Answered: The column content is set in onBeforeRowHeaderRender event handler. You'll need to modify it to exclude parent rows: dp.onBeforeRowHeaderRender = (args) => { // skip parent rows if (arg...

Show view Month?

Answered: You can find a demo of the monthly calendar (Lite version) here: Click the "Show source" button to see the JavaScript source code. This demo...

Timeline with sqare options for event

Answered: Hi Mikolaj, There are two options: 1. If you want to display your data in cells (in the background layer), you can use the logic described in the following tutorial and modify the cell properties (ba...

After update 2020.4.3

Answered: This happens because some of your events use the same ID (the error message refers to "GQS217123") which is not allowed. You should make sure that the event IDs are unique.

Business hours begins and End where can I set them

Answered: What version of DayPilot Pro do you use? If it doesn't work with the latest version (2021.2.6054), could you please post your config? The following OnInit() seems to work fine with the latest version...

Scroll for X-Axis in top of Scheduler

Answered: The scrollbar position is defined by the browser and it can't be moved. So the answer is no. You might be able to implement your own scrolling logic using scrollTo() and scrollToResource() methods: h...

Drag n drop using cypress for e2e tests

Answered: Cypress isn't particularly good at detecting the layers correctly and this error message ("trigger failed because this element is covered by another element") is often misleading. Adding {force: true...

DayPilot is not supporting Arabic language

Answered: The RTL text direction is only supported in the Pro version, you can find a demo here: At this moment, it's not supported in the Lite (open-sour...
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