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DayPilot HTML5 Scheduler - Filter Row (dp.onRowFilter) Conflict

Answered: In that case you need to extend the filter object to include both parameters. Let's have this filter form (HTML): <div class="space"> Filter: <input id="filter" /> <a href="#" id="clear">Clear...

n.movingShadow.calendar is null

When I use the DayPilot.Scheduler.onEventMove function with the args.async option and the Ajax response fails (server error) there is an issue with an other move action "n.movingShadow.calendar is nu...

Loading calendar of other user

Answered: It's possible to access a shared calendar like this:

"'The request failed. The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.'"

Answered: You should check the credentials used to authorize the user. See also this discussion:

Filter by Group

Answered: Yes, this is possible: dp.onRowFilter = function(args) { if ( === -1) { args.visible = false; } var parent = ar...

Weekday header on calendar not resizing

Answered: The DOM structure of the Calendar has changed in 2019.2.3880 ( in order to support browser zoom levels. That requires the head...

get all events from resource calendar

Answered: It's now available in the latest sandbox build (2019.4.4058): Example: var col = dp.columns.find("2019-10-07"); // DayPilot.Column object var events = col...

db not working

Answered: The database will be created and initialized automatically - see also the _db_mysql.php script for details. Just make sure that _db.php points to the mysql backend (and not sqlite). Also, check that ...

change doctor name and add doctor

Answered: Management of the doctors is not included in the project - in order to keep it simple. 1. You can add traditional form-based web interface to edit the doctors table. 2. You can extend the manager's i...

Is it possible to make paging in DayPilot scheduler

Answered: There are two options: 1. You can limit the current view using StartDate and Days properties and switch to the next/previous "page" using custom buttons:

Snap off the grid

Answered: The real-time onTimeRangeSelecting/onEventMoving/onEventResizing event handlers let you adjust the start/end of the current drag&drop target according to your needs. These events can be used to snap ...

How to configure the API key

Answered: You need to activate the React package in the customer area ( You'll be able to get a npm installation link there as well.

Change width of drag handler when moving rows

Answered: The drag handle width can be set now using rowDragHandleWidth property (since build 2019.3.4044). The default value is 10 (pixels). It will be included in the next official release which is scheduled...

Keep menu item open on click when it has child items

Answered: The behavior is now updated in the latest sandbox build (2019.3.4049) - clicking an item with children will not close the context menu anymore.

Update Navigator Visible Month

Answered: It should work automatically this way. If the new date is outside of the currently visible range it will switch to the target month. Maybe this is an edge case - would you be able to create an exampl...

Navigator - Size

Answered: In version 2019.2.3871 the default navigator cell size has changed from 20x20 pixels to 30x30 pixels: You can revert to the or...

Getting Error "The request failed. The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden."

Answered: It's not clear where this error message comes from (from your server or the Exchange server). However, it looks like your server so I recommend checking the permissions in the web server configuratio...

Add possibility to group resources

Answered: Unfortunately, this is not possible at the moment. However, it may appear in one of the future versions.

onScroll callback doesn't work

Answered: The onScroll event is only fired if dynamic event loading is enabled ( You can hook the "scroll" event directly like this: dp.nav.scroll.a...

How do I can drag and prop some react component on the scheduler ?

Answered: There is now a new tutorial available that shows how to drag external items to the Scheduler in React:

e.commit() is not implemented

Answered: Never mind! It's my own problem - I passed wrong argument to events.update().

External drag and drop issue

Answered: Do you mean the appearance of the target position indicator ("shadow")? It looks like you are using custom CSS. However, the dimensions of the shadow are fixed and you need to respect them when setti...

DP Scheduler: Hiding versions using onBeforeEventRender

I'm using onBeforeEventRender to modify underlying event data before it is rendered. Everything is working correctly except for this... While I can modify the data surrounding versions, the version i...

is there a way to update/refresh/re-render a single cell based on the resource id and date ?

Answered: By default, cell properties customized using onBeforeCellRender are cached until a full update(). 1. If your cell content depends on the overlapping events you can simply turn the caching off: dp.b...

bootstrap with modal daypilot Angular

hello the modal does not work with bootstrap. I am obliged to deactivate Boostrap. do you have a solution please thank you my version : Bootstrap 4.3, Angular version : 8 daypilot version : 2019.3.39...

warm-up and cool-down on Resource Calendar

Answered: The Calendar component now supports area.start and area.end properties for event active areas. These date/time values will be used to calculate the vertical position. It's available since version 201...

problem on Event click

// i clicked on a event , the modal is showing , when i change in the first event all is fine but when i clicked another time on another event the have two values , the first event id and...

Resize of areas

Dear Dan, We have some questions regarding areas resize. We're using the warmup/cooldown example ( to define an event w...

How can I update the view after changing the BackendURL property?

Answered: 1. There is a clientState property that lets you define custom state on the client side. That usually includes filtering criteria, such as user, event type, etc. You only need to set it on change on ...

How to change date calendar (nav) and scheduler (dp) according to data from database

Answered: I assume that you have followed the calendar tutorial ( and have the navigator and calendar linked like this: nav.onTimeRangeSelec...
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