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Questions Tagged scheduler

Scheduler - DayPilot.Scheduler: The placeholder element not found: 'dp_1673963716024126533'.

Answered: The Angular Scheduler component includes a placeholder div in its template. This placeholder is then initialized using init() call in ngAfterViewInit() - you can also see this in the stack trace. If ...

Scheduler - How to add active areas to cells

Answered: 1. You can make space for the active areas at the bottom using the "rowMarginBottom" property : 2. If you use the full crosshair mode the ...

MaxEvents for scheduler is possible?

Answered: This option is now available in the Scheduler (since version 2023.1.5515). You can specify a maximum number of lines for each row using the new "maxLines" property. For an example, please see the fol...

Scheduler - How set the same margin between events and between events and cell borders

Answered: There are two options: 1. You can use "eventMarginLeft" and/or "eventMarginRight" properties:

Scheduler - How to programmatically fire onBeforeCellRender for certain resources

Answered: You can either update the full scheduler using update(): Or you can update a row using rows.update():

How do I modify a database?

Answered: You can take a look at this tutorial: It is for Angular, but it shows how to add a context menu to the row headers with additiona...

Back end

Answered: This project shows a single page with the restaurant reservation UI. It is kept as simple as possible so that the code can be modified easily. There is no admin part.

Scheduler - right clicking changes existing time range selection

Answered: Thanks for uploading the sample project. This issue should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2023.1.5487): Please let me know if it doesn't work as ex...

Scheduler - New Event Placement Strategy

Answered: You might want to take a look at the "split resources" feature: It lets you split a resource into multiple subresources, each having a special row ...

Scheduler - Restore default behaviour in onTimeRangeSelecting when snap to grid is disabled

Answered: You will find an example of a custom snap-to-grid implementation in this tutorial: It is necessary to round/floor the date...

Scheduler - Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'ignoreDisabledCells')

Answered: > No, but I forget to tell, that the error happens on right clicking any cell. It doesn't matter to which row the cell belongs. I select it and right click, then the error shows. Could you please che...

Issue when updating resources

Hello, I am using the scheduler type calendar, and when I try to make an update with the resources, I get the following error: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'hidden') ...

Scheduler - How to center multiple active areas horizontally in row header column

Answered: Unfortunately, it's not possible to center a variable number of active areas horizontally. The width is not adjusted because active areas are displayed in a separate layer which is not part of the ro...

Scheduler - active area images flicker during scheduler resizing

Answered: I'm not sure if you will be able to get rid of the flicker. During zoom, the Scheduler is re-rendered with the updated timeline and dimensions (including the row headers). There are a couple of thing...

Scheduler - onTimeRangeRightClick not fired on frozen rows

Answered: This should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2022.4.5471):

Scheduler: consecutive events appear as overlapping with high zoom level

Answered: In some cases this can happen. It's a result of the following logic: 1. The Scheduler enforces a minimum event with of 1px. 2. The overlaps are resolved on pixel level. These rules are necessary to e...

get all the months in a year

Answered: The date picker component can be configured to display multiple months: They can be arranged vertically or horizontally:

Scheduler - Is it possible to show whole days, although cell duration is half-day

Answered: You can use onBeforeGridLineRender to hide selected grid lines in the Scheduler: You can also use a different approach - set scale ...

Scheduler - Changing the margin for certain events

Answered: Unfortunately, this is not supported at the moment. You can change it using CSS by overriding (increasing) the left/right/top/bottom properties of the inner div (marked with "scheduler_default_event_...

Scheduler - How to use linear-gradient() in event's backColor property

Answered: You can set the gradient using the "backColor" property. See also: This example uses DayPilot.ColorUtil.lighter() and DayPilot.ColorUtil.darker() helpers...

Scheduler - How to show bubble for active area

Answered: This seems to be fine and a static version of your sample works well in my tests: = [ { id: DayPilot.guid(), text: '', resource: "frozen1", s...

Scheduler - How to get current cell width when cellWidthSpec is set to "Auto"

Answered: The calculated value is stored in cellWidth:

Events with rounded corners (border-radius)

Answered: It is not possible to set border-radius using a special property at the moment. However, you can can use cssClass to set multiple classes (separated by space).

Floating event feature is not working

Answered: I recommend using the browser devtools to check the DOM structure. If an event is partially hidden (outside of the current viewport), the Scheduler adds a special <div> element with "scheduler_defaul...

Scheduler - How to change the width of the last resource's column

Answered: This is fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2022.4.5455): 1. The splitter for the last column is accessible. 2. Resizing columns when the outer width is set to the max updates the outer width auto...

OnEventMove waiting on modal response -- cancel response breaks scheduler

Answered: By calling setTimeout() in onEventMove you create a new JavaScript message that will be processed later as the JavaScript event loop continues (see also

TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'parent')

Answered: Thanks for the update. It should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2022.3.5390): Please let me know if there is any problem.

TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'cssClass')

Answered: This error means that the parent object of the cssClass property is undefined - args.columns[x]. Since version 2022.2.5302, the columns are merged by default for parent resources. That means args.col...

DB Connection data not showing at index

Answered: I recommend checking the HTTP calls to the API (especially work_order_resources.php and work_order_list.php) in the browser developer console (Network tab). Make sure that the response includes the c...

MySQL cannot use just SQlite can use only why?

Answered: In order to switch to MySQL please follow the instructions at the bottom of the article (a section called "Database (MySQL, SQLite)"). You need to edit _db.php and _mysql.php files.
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