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Autorefresh not working for > 10sec

Answered: It's important to remember that the timeout gets reset after the component is updated. Normally, this doesn't happen too often and you usually load the current data set from the server. If you see th...

How do you make more than one employee run the same shift

Answered: Yes, there are many different scenarios that are not covered by this sample. To add more people to the same time and location, you can choose a solution depending on the workflow: 1. To allow more as...

scheduler expand collapse animation control

Answered: You can disable the animation using treeAnimation property:

How to format timeheader "Week"

Answered: Yes, you can do it using onBeforeTimeHeaderRender event handler: import {Component, ViewChild, AfterViewInit} from '@angular/core'; import {DayPilot, DayPilotSchedulerComponent} from 'daypilot-pro...

Update keyboard focus on clicking cells or events of frozen rows

Referring to this ticket: The following example will update the keyboard focus during time range selection (cell clicks): ...

Change Arrow Icon on Links

Answered: The link arrows are 6px * 6px elements marked with the following CSS classes: scheduler_default_link_arrow_right scheduler_default_link_arrow_left scheduler_default_link_arrow_down scheduler_default_...

Is autoscroll supposed to work on fixed/sticky rows?

Answered: This should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2022.1.5176): The Scheduler will scroll if you reach the top or bottom border of the main grid (excludin...

Strange behaviour when navigating using keyboard API after entering inline editing mode

Answered: Thanks for the sample project. This issue should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2022.1.5180): In the latest release, you can work around the issue ...

StartTime indicator when moving an event

Answered: You can do that using onEventMoving event handler: dp.onEventMoving = args => { = true; = args.start.toString("HH:mm"); }; See also:

Multicolumn in week Calendar

Answered: When you switch the calendar viewType to "Resources", you can define custom columns. Take a look at the following documentation page: Exampl...

Error: Event data item must specify 'start' property

Answered: This error suggests that the event data object doesn't have the correct structure. I recommend checking the object - it may look fine at first sight but make sure that it's a real object - and not a ...

How to show custom loading indicator during rendering

Answered: Usually, you'll want to display the loading indicator when you initiate an HTTP call that loads the data. This way it will cover the whole waiting time.

How can I open context menu in Calendar configDay view?

Answered: 1. On touch/mobile devices, you can open the event context menu using the standard two-finger tap gesture. If you use eventTapAndHoldHandling: "ContextMenu" you can open the context menu using tap-an...

Scheduler TypeError when right-clicking on a link between events

Answered: This issue should be fixed now in the latest release (2021.4.5165): Please let me know if there is any problem.

Angular - Add buttons with click event inside cornerHtml

Answered: Unfortunately, it's not possible to use Angular templates in the cornerHtml property. However, it is possible to create a custom Angular component and add it to the upper-left corner - please see the...

Separator in context menu not visible

Answered: It looks like you are using a custom CSS theme - you'll need to add styles for the separator which is created using two nested divs (div > div). Standard items are created using a div and an anchor e...

Multi select events on multiple resources at once

Answered: Yes, it is possible - please take a look at the following tutorial:

Disable TimeRangeSelected over events

Answered: In the Scheduler, you can enable it using allowEventOverlap property: In the Month component, it isn't available at the moment. You can check for ov...

Recurrence in Vue

Answered: There is no built-in recurrence support in the JavaScript version. The recurrence needs to be implemented on the server side and the implementation will be platform-specific. If you only work with a ...

How to adjust the width of the bubble automatically to the width of the content?

Answered: The bubble content width is not changed by the bubble. It works like this: 1. The content is first rendered in an absolute layer. It will respect the content and use the CSS from the theme. 2. The re...

How to highlight the row header (resource) after range selection

Answered: You should take a look at the dynamic onTimeRangeSelecting event: It will let you highlight the current resource using args.row.addCl...

Row in DayPilot.GanttBeforeRowHeaderRenderArgs is missing html property

Answered: This should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2021.4.5161):

Limitation in the number of events

Answered: You can supply as many events as you need, there is no limitation. If there is a problem with loading the event data, I recommend checking the browser console for JavaScript errors - there might be a...

How to set a custom class on Bubble in Angular project?

Answered: You can set a custom CSS class using the config: const bubble = new DayPilot.Bubble({ theme: "mybubble", // ... }); All CSS classes used in the bubble will be prefixed with "mybubble_" ins...

Keyboard API: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'keyboard')

Answered: This should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2021.4.5158). Could you please give it a try?

While printing Scheduler I'm getting text color error.

Answered: The Scheduler tries to read the actual event styles but it does it using a standard event (and not for every item). If you apply custom text color (and other properties) using a CSS class it won't be...

How to center vertically active areas

Answered: In order to center the icon vertically, you need to: 1. Specify the vertical position using "top" and "bottom" properties (use the same values). 2. Center the content using "display: flex". It could ...

Best way to redraw scheduler after height change

Answered: If you use heightSpec: "Parent100Pct" the Scheduler will use the available space, i.e. 100% of the parent element. It requires that the parent element height is set properly (either using height or a...

Bubble doesn't show and onClick event isn't fired in onBeforeCellRender

Answered: The onClick handler seems to work fine. Areas with action: "Bubble" were not supported in Scheduler cells until now - but it should be enabled in the latest sandbox build (2021.4.5153). Please let me...

when change

Answered: I recommend following the Angular Scheduler Zoom tutorial which includes a working Angular project where everything works fine: In particular, y...
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